Medical Treatment Undersigned understands that the Released Parties do not have medical personnel available at the location of the activities. Undersigned hereby grants the Released Parties permission to administer first aid or to authorize emergency medical treatment, if necessary. Undersigned understands and agrees that any such action by the Released Parties shall be subject to the terms of this agreement and release, including any liability arising from the negligence of the Released Parties when administering first aid or authorizing others to do so. Undersigned understands and agrees that the Released Parties do not assume responsibility for any injury or damage which might arise out of or in connection with such authorized emergency medical treatment.
Emergency Medical Treatment I grant the Releasees permission to authorize emergency medical treatment as they deem appropriate, and agree that such action by the Releasees shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement. I understand and agree that the Releasees assume no responsibility for any injury or damage that might result from such emergency medical treatment.
Xxx Treatment We have not promised you any particular tax outcome from buying or holding the Note.
Investment treatment 1. Each Contracting Party shall grant in its territory to investments of investors of the other Contracting Party a treatment which is no less favourable than that it grants to investments of its own investors or to investments of investors of any other State, whichever is more favourable to the investor.
Fair Treatment The College and the Union agree that there shall be no discrimination, restriction, or coercion exercised or practised with respect to any employee for reason of membership or activity in the Union.
Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege The information disclosed by Patient, as well as any records created, is subject to the psychotherapist-patient privilege. The psychotherapist-patient privilege results from the special relationship between Therapist and Patient in the eyes of the law. It is akin to the attorney-client privilege or the doctor-patient privilege. Typi- cally, the patient is the holder of the psychotherapist-patient privilege. If Therapist received a subpoena for records, deposition testimony, or testimony in a court of law, Therapist will assert the psychotherapist-patient privilege on Patient’s behalf until instructed, in writing, to do otherwise by Patient or Patient’s representative. Patient should be aware that he/she might be waiving the psychotherapist-patient privilege if he/she makes his/her mental or emotional state an issue in a legal proceeding. Patient should address any concerns he/she might have regarding the psychotherapist-patient privilege with his/her attorney. Fee and Fee Arrangements The usual and customary fee for service is $100.00 per 50-minute session. Sessions longer than 50-minutes are charged for the additional time pro rata. Therapist reserve the right to periodically adjust this fee. Patient will be notified of any fee adjustment in advance. In addition, this fee may be adjusted by contract with in- surance companies, managed care organizations, or other third-party payers, or by agreement with Therapist. From time-to-time, Therapist may engage in telephone contact with Patient for purposes other than sched- uling sessions. Patient is responsible for payment of the agreed upon fee (on a pro rata basis) for any tele- phone calls longer than ten minutes. In addition, from time-to-time, Therapist may engage in telephone con- tact with third parties at Patient’s request and with Patient’s advance written authorization. Patient is respon- sible for payment of the agreed upon fee (on a pro rata basis) for any telephone calls longer than ten minutes. Patients are expected to pay for services at the time services are rendered. Therapist accepts cash, or major credit cards.
Outpatient If you receive dialysis services in a hospital's outpatient unit or in a dialysis facility, we cover the use of the treatment room, related supplies, solutions, drugs, and the use of the dialysis machine. In Your Home If you receive dialysis services in your home and the services are under the supervision of a hospital or outpatient facility dialysis program, we cover the purchase or rental (whichever is less, but never to exceed our allowance for purchase) of the dialysis machine, related supplies, solutions, drugs, and necessary installation costs. Related Exclusions If you receive dialysis services in your home, this agreement does NOT cover: • installing or modifying of electric power, water and sanitary disposal or charges for these services; • moving expenses for relocating the machine; • installation expenses not necessary to operate the machine; or • training you or members of your family in the operation of the machine. This agreement does NOT cover dialysis services when received in a doctor's office.
General Treatment 1. Each Contracting Party shall in its Area accord to investments of investors of the other Contracting Party treatment in accordance with international law, including fair and equitable treatment and full protection and security.
Medication Assisted Treatment This plan covers medication assisted treatment for substance use disorders, including methadone maintenance treatment. Please see the Summary of Medical Benefits for specific copayments for these services.
National Treatment and Most-favoured-nation Treatment (1) Each Contracting Party shall accord to investments of investors of the other Contracting Party, treatment which shall not be less favourable than that accorded either to investments of its own or investments of investors of any third State.