Consideration of Criminal History in Hiring and Employment Decisions 10.14.1 Contractor agrees to comply fully with and be bound by all of the provisions of Chapter 12T, “City Contractor/Subcontractor Consideration of Criminal History in Hiring and Employment Decisions,” of the San Francisco Administrative Code (“Chapter 12T”), including the remedies provided, and implementing regulations, as may be amended from time to time. The provisions of Chapter 12T are incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement as though fully set forth herein. The text of the Chapter 12T is available on the web at xxxx:// Contractor is required to comply with all of the applicable provisions of 12T, irrespective of the listing of obligations in this Section. Capitalized terms used in this Section and not defined in this Agreement shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in Chapter 12T. 10.14.2 The requirements of Chapter 12T shall only apply to a Contractor’s or Subcontractor’s operations to the extent those operations are in furtherance of the performance of this Agreement, shall apply only to applicants and employees who would be or are performing work in furtherance of this Agreement, and shall apply when the physical location of the employment or prospective employment of an individual is wholly or substantially within the City of San Francisco. Chapter 12T shall not apply when the application in a particular context would conflict with federal or state law or with a requirement of a government agency implementing federal or state law.
Outside Activities of Limited Partners Subject to any agreements entered into by a Limited Partner or its Affiliates with the General Partner, Partnership or a Subsidiary, any Limited Partner and any officer, director, employee, agent, trustee, Affiliate or stockholder of any Limited Partner shall be entitled to and may have business interests and engage in business activities in addition to those relating to the Partnership, including business interests and activities in direct competition with the Partnership or that are enhanced by the activities of the Partnership. Neither the Partnership nor any Partners shall have any rights by virtue of this Agreement in any business ventures of any Limited Partner or Assignee. Subject to such agreements, none of the Limited Partners nor any other Person shall have any rights by virtue of this Agreement or the partnership relationship established hereby in any business ventures of any other Person, other than the Limited Partners benefiting from the business conducted by the General Partner, and such Person shall have no obligation pursuant to this Agreement to offer any interest in any such business ventures to the Partnership, any Limited Partner or any such other Person, even if such opportunity is of a character which, if presented to the Partnership, any Limited Partner or such other Person, could be taken by such Person.
Orientation and In-Service Program The Hospital recognizes the need for a Hospital Orientation Program of such duration as it may deem appropriate taking into consideration the needs of the Hospital and the nurses involved.
File Management and Record Retention relating to CRF Eligible Persons or Households Grantee must maintain a separate file for every applicant, Eligible Person, or Household, regardless of whether the request was approved or denied. a. Contents of File: Each file must contain sufficient and legible documentation. Documents must be secured within the file and must be organized systematically.
NOTIFICATION OF PUBLIC EVENTS AND MEETINGS 2 A. CONTRACTOR shall notify ADMINISTRATOR of any public event or meeting funded in 3 whole or in part by the COUNTY, except for those events or meetings that are intended solely to serve 4 clients or occur in the normal course of business. 5 B. CONTRACTOR shall notify ADMINISTRATOR at least thirty (30) business days in advance 6 of any applicable public event or meeting. The notification must include the date, time, duration, 7 location and purpose of the public event or meeting. Any promotional materials or event related flyers 8 must be approved by ADMINISTRATOR prior to distribution. 9
TRAINING AND RELATED MATTERS The parties recognise that in order to increase the efficiency and productivity of the company a significant commitment to structured training and skill development is required. Accordingly the parties commit themselves to: a) The parties to this Agreement recognise the importance of the apprenticeship system to the construction industry. It is agreed that every employer party to this Agreement who employs five (5) or more tradespersons in any one classification shall undertake to employ at least one (1) apprentice or make arrangements to host an apprentice from an agreed group apprenticeship scheme. Where an employer does not currently have an apprentice as per this provision, reasonable time shall be allowed to enable the employer to comply with this clause. Further, the parties are committed to a strong ratio of apprentices in the industry. Apprenticeship levels on a specific project may be discussed at the Project Pre-Commencement Conference (refer Clause 16). b) Providing employees with the opportunity to acquire additional skills within relevant career path structures through appropriate structured training based on nationally endorsed (i.e. Construction Training Australia endorsed) competency standards and curriculum; c) Actively encouraging employees to seek formal recognition of their skills (i.e. recognition of prior learning); and d) Using training providers accredited and acceptable to the parties. The CFMEU, MBAV and other employer associations are legitimately engaged in providing training to industry and it is hereby agreed that all parties will properly recognise and accept the validity of nationally accredited training as provided by the other parties. e) The parties will consult on the development of training programs which are consistent with the following: • Training provided will be consistent with the company’s business requirements, relevant to the work of the employees, consistent with the skills development of each employee and with applicable national competency standards. • Training may be taken either on or off the job with all reasonable steps being taken to conduct training in normal working hours. • If an approved training activity is undertaken during ordinary working hours, the employee/s concerned shall not suffer any loss of pay. • Approved training activities undertaken outside of ordinary hours will be paid at single time or will, at the employee’s option, be taken as time off in lieu of payment. Provided that the scheduling of time off must be consistent with the needs of the business and be by agreement with the company. • Training costs of courses approved by the company will be met by the company. • The company will not be asked to meet the costs of training undertaken by employees which was not approved by the company. • Leave of absence granted pursuant to this clause shall count as service for all purposes of the award and this agreement. • Accredited members of the union will be allowed up to 5 days per year, without loss of pay, to attend trade union educational courses conducted or approved by the union. (see appendix H) f) The parties to this Agreement recognise the importance of the role that Apprentices/Trainees fulfill within the industry and, more importantly, a role that they will fulfill as trades persons following the conclusion of the indentures. To this end the Victorian Building Industry Consultative Committee will investigate ways of enhancing employment prospects for Apprentice/Trainees. In addition it is agreed that, where appropriate, employers will use their best endeavours to employ Apprentices/Trainees in order to ensure appropriate trade persons levels for the future.
Medical Appointment for Pregnant Employees 35.9.1 Up to three decimal seven five (3.75) hours of reasonable time off with pay for each appointment will be granted to pregnant employees for the purpose of attending routine medical appointments.
Outside Activities of the Limited Partners Subject to the provisions of Section 7.5, which shall continue to be applicable to the Persons referred to therein, regardless of whether such Persons shall also be Limited Partners, any Limited Partner shall be entitled to and may have business interests and engage in business activities in addition to those relating to the Partnership, including business interests and activities in direct competition with the Partnership Group. Neither the Partnership nor any of the other Partners shall have any rights by virtue of this Agreement in any business ventures of any Limited Partner.
Certification of Meeting or Exceeding Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy Minimum Standards A. Grantee certifies that it has adopted and enforces a Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy that meets or exceeds all of the following minimum standards of: i. Prohibiting the use of all forms of tobacco products, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookah), bidis, kreteks, electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff and chewing tobacco; ii. Designating the property to which this Policy applies as a "designated area,” which must at least comprise all buildings and structures where activities funded under this Grant Agreement are taking place, as well as Grantee owned, leased, or controlled sidewalks, parking lots, walkways, and attached parking structures immediately adjacent to this designated area; iii. Applying to all employees and visitors in this designated area; and iv. Providing for or referring its employees to tobacco use cessation services. B. If Grantee cannot meet these minimum standards, it must obtain a waiver from the System Agency.
Responsibility of Dual Directors, Officers and/or Employees If any person who is a director, officer or employee of the Adviser is or becomes a Trustee, officer and/or employee of the Fund and acts as such in any business of the Fund pursuant to this Agreement, then such director, officer and/or employee of the Adviser shall be deemed to be acting in such capacity solely for the Fund, and not as a director, officer or employee of the Adviser or under the control or direction of the Adviser, although paid by the Adviser.