Examples of Skills test in a sentence
Those that are determined successful in the English Test and Skills test will participate in an interview.
The results must be transmitted directly from the testing state to the department as required by 49 CFR Section 383.79.607.31(4) Skills test results from certified third-party testers.
Candidates may satisfy all components of the state basic skills requirement by passing all three subtests of CSET: Multiple Sub- jects and the CSET: Writing Skills test.
Eligibility for a Panel Review is limited to those candidates who have either completed a post-baccalaureate program in management/administration at an accredited college or university or have three full years of employment in an executive management/leadership, supervisory, or administrative role.Passing score on the Communication and Literacy Skills test.
Candidates seeking professional support personnel licenses who have substantial experience and formal education relevant to the license sought but who do not meet all of the specific requirements listed in 603 CMR 7.11 may demonstrate that they meet the requirements, with the exception of a passing score on the Communication and Literacy Skills test, through a Panel Review administered by the Department in accordance with guidelines to be established by the Department.