Investment Benchmarks. The Foundation in its discretion will establish appropriate investment benchmarks for assets invested for the benefit of the University, both those owned by the Foundation and those owned by the University. The Foundation will provide to the University’s President and Executive Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer a summary report of its investment risk and return benchmarks during the Period. The Foundation will use reasonable efforts to maintain the following benchmarks during the Period:
a) The target return on Foundation investments will be 6.25% plus inflation.
b) The Foundation will limit to 12% the level of volatility on an annualized basis based on the Foundation’s Board of Director’s policy.
c) The Foundation’s target risk adjusted return measured by Xxxxxx ratio will be 1.0 or greater measured over rolling periods.
Investment Benchmarks. We may provide you with performance benchmark information. Such benchmarks, which show the performance over time of a select group of securities, are used to allow you to assess the performance of your investments by comparing them to an investment performance benchmark.
Investment Benchmarks a) The Foundation in its discretion will establish appropriate investment benchmarks for assets invested for the benefit of the University, both those owned by the Foundation and those owned by the University. The Foundation will provide to the University’s President and Chief Financial Officer a summary report of its investment risk and return benchmarks during the Period. The Foundation will use reasonable efforts to maintain the following benchmarks during the Period:
1) The target return on Foundation investments will be 5.5% plus inflation.
2) The Foundation will limit to 12% the level of volatility on an annualized basis based on the Foundation’s Board of Director’s policy. The current target is 6%.
3) The Foundation’s target risk adjusted return measured by Xxxxxx ratio will be 1.0 or greater measured over rolling periods.
b) The Foundation will, for so long as it determines it to be in its best interests and those of the University, continue to retain its 100% ownership interest in UConn Ventures. The Foundation will exercise its rights as a shareholder, including but not limited to election of directors and approval of auditors. The Foundation will obtain from UConn Ventures an annual financial report and narrative report on operations and activities and will share this information with the University.