Contract Quarterly Sales Reports The Contractor shall submit complete Quarterly Sales Reports to the Department’s Contract Manager within 30 calendar days after the close of each State fiscal quarter (the State’s fiscal quarters close on September 30, December 31, March 31, and June 30). Reports must be submitted in MS Excel using the DMS Quarterly Sales Report Format, which can be accessed at xxxxx:// state_purchasing/vendor_resources/quarterly_sales_report_format. Initiation and submission of the most recent version of the Quarterly Sales Report posted on the DMS website is the responsibility of the Contractor without prompting or notification from the Department’s Contract Manager. If no orders are received during the quarter, the Contractor must email the DMS Contract Manager confirming there was no activity.
Rest Interval After Overtime An employee required to work overtime adjoining his/her regularly scheduled shift shall be entitled to eight (8) clear hours between the end of the overtime work and the start of his/her next regular shift. If eight (8) clear hours are not provided, overtime rates shall apply to hours worked on the next regular shift.
Contract Year A twelve (12) month period during the term of the Agreement commencing on the Effective Date and each anniversary thereof.
Billing Period The calendar month shall be the standard period for all charges and payments under this Agreement. On or before the fifteenth (15th) day following the end of each month, Seller shall render to Buyer an invoice for the payment obligations incurred hereunder during the preceding month, based on the Energy Delivered in the preceding month, and any RECs deposited in Buyer’s GIS account or a GIS account designated by Buyer to Seller in writing in the preceding month. Such invoice shall contain supporting detail for all charges reflected on the invoice, and Seller shall provide Buyer with additional supporting documentation and information as Buyer may request.
Invoice The original and duplicate invoices covering each and every shipment made against this order showing Contract number, Vendor number, and other essential particulars, must be forwarded promptly to the ordering agency concerned by the Vendor to whom the order is issued. Delays in receiving invoice and also errors and omissions on statements will be considered just cause for withholding settlement without losing discount privileges. All accounts are to be carried in the name of the agency or institution receiving the goods, and not in the name of the Division of Purchases.
Monthly Statement The Contractor shall submit a statement to the Engineer at the end of each month, in a tabulated form approved by the Engineer, showing the amounts to which the Contractor considers himself to be entitled. The statement shall include the following items, as applicable; - the value of the Permanent Work executed up to the end of previous month - such an amount (not exceeding 75 percent of the value) as the Engineer may consider proper on account of materials for permanent work delivered by the Contractor in the site - such amount as the Engineer may consider fair and reasonable for any Temporary Works for which separate amounts are provided in the Bill of Quantities - adjustments under Clause 70 - any amount to be withheld under retention provisions of Sub-clause 60.3 - any other sum to which the Contractor may be entitled under the Contract If the Engineer disagrees with or cannot verify any part of the statement, the Contractor shall submit such further information as the Engineer may reasonably require and shall make such changes and corrections in the statement as may be directed by the Engineer. In cases where there is difference in opinion as to the value of any item, the Engineer’s view shall prevail.
Calendar Year Calendar Year" for the purposes of this Agreement shall mean the twelve (12) month period from January 1st to December 31st, inclusive.
Billing Statement The billing statement shall show the work authorization number for each work authorization included in the billing, the total amount earned to the date of submission, and the amount due and payable as of the date of the current billing statement for each work authorization. The billing statement shall indicate if the work has been completed or if the billing is for partial completion of the work. The fixed fee will be paid in proportion to the percentage of work completed per work authorizations.
Invoice Format Invoices furnished by Contractor under this Agreement must be in a form acceptable to the Controller and City, and must include a unique invoice number. Payment shall be made by City as specified in 3.3.6 or in such alternate manner as the Parties have mutually agreed upon in writing.
Billing Cycle The billing on each matter shall be submitted on a calendar month basis (30 day cycle). A final bill for all outstanding charges should be forwarded immediately by the Firm upon the conclusion of each matter. Citizens has sole discretion to consider billing for work performed which is submitted late to Citizens. Late is defined as billed events that occurred more than 60 days prior to it being initially submitted to Citizens for payment. Citizens will not honor interest fees or other late fees assessed by any Firm or Vendor for any invoice submitted for payment. Billing submitted late to Citizens will not be given priority review. 8.2.1 No initial appeal will be considered if filed with Citizens more than sixty (60) days after the date of initial denial/reduction by Citizens for the billed event. The date of initial denial/reduction is the date the invoice was paid. Citizens will consider only one appeal by the Firm for each invoice submitted for payment and all line entries appealed from the initial invoice must be included on a single appeal. Appeals must provide additional information for Citizens to reconsider a prior reduction. Appeals that fail to provide additional information will not be considered and Citizens initial denial/reduction of the invoice will be upheld. 8.2.2 Each invoice submitted to Citizens shall only reflect work that is performed within a single calendar month (approximately a thirty (30) day period). Firms should not submit invoices that contain line item dates that occur outside the period of a single calendar month neither should invoices contain multiple months of billing. Only one invoice should be submitted per service period. If multiple invoices are submitted for a service period or invoices are submitted for a time period not corresponding to the required single calendar monthly billing cycle, invoice(s) may be deleted for resubmittal and will not be given a priority review upon resubmittal.