Invoice Period definition
Invoice Period has the meaning given in Clause 10.5;
Invoice Period. 20 to_____________________________________________, 20__ __________________________________________________, a____________________________________________________By:__________________________________________________Its:__________________________________________________"Subcontractor"
Invoice Period means the period for which advanced payment of the Monthly Service Fee is required as set out in the Service Order or such other period as notified by Vocus from time to time.
Examples of Invoice Period in a sentence
Fees for Variable User Subscriptions shall be charged in arrears at the then-applicable On-Demand Usage Price based on Customer’s actual usage during the applicable Invoice Period.
More Definitions of Invoice Period
Invoice Period refers to the period beginning at the start of the day on which the last invoice was issued, up to the end of the day prior to the date of the current invoice and also includes any additional period of time during which payments are made from the Buyer to the Seller in respect of completed deliveries.
Invoice Period means the period for which advanced payment of the Monthly Service Fee is required as set out in the Service Order or such other period as notified by 2degrees from time to time. › LAN / Wi-Fi Services has the meaning set out in the LAN / Wi-Fi Service Schedule which is made available by 2degrees to the Customer.
Invoice Period means the period specified from time to time by Fiuu and notified to the Retailer for the purposes of preparing a Retailer Invoice;
Invoice Period means the period for which payment is required as set out on any invoice issued by FocusNet. Law includes the provisions of any statute, rule, regulation, proclamation, ordinance or by-law, present or future, whether state, federal or otherwise. Liability means any direct or consequential liabilities, claims, losses, costs, charges, damages, injuries or expenses of any nature. Notice means any notice given in accordance with clause 21.11 to 21.13. Payment includes every amount (other than GST) payable by the Customer to FocusNet under the Agreement. Planned Outage Period means a period during which the Service is or may become unusable or impaired due to FocusNet undertaking work on its facilities, networks or systems for any reason, including arising out of or in connection with:
Invoice Period means the calendar month ending on the last working day immediately preceding the Invoice Date
Invoice Period means the period for payment of an invoice shown on the invoice which will usually be between 7 and 30 days. Premises are defined in the Details Section. Publications means publications of Integrated Publication Solutions or any of Integrated Publication Solution’s Related Bodies Corporate from time to time which produce or distribute publications, as nominated by Integrated Publication Solutions from time to time, and other publications, materials or products nominated by Integrated Publication Solutions to the Specialist Retailer from time to time. Records mean the following information: