moorditj kwabadak Healthy people refers to the commitment we have as an organisation to ensure our staff, patients and the wider community have access to comprehensive healthcare services, in order to maintain healthy lives. Amazing care reflects the sentiment of those consumers accessing our healthcare services from feedback provided to us. This common statement resonates with the health service, and reflects our intentions in our practice and work every day. As a health service which celebrates diversity of culture and languages, it is also important that our vision is shared in the Noongar language. Our Values Our Values reflect the qualities that we demonstrate to each other and our community every day. Our staff make a difference every day to the patients, families and consumers they provide care, advice and support to. The EMHS values capture the shared responsibility that we uphold as most important, which are: • Kindness – kindness is represented in the support that we give to one another. This is how we demonstrate genuine care and compassion to each and every person.
Legionella Legionella means any discharge release or escape of legionella or other airborne pathogens from water tanks, water systems, air-conditioning plants, cooling towers and the like.
Continuing Professional Development The Official Agency shall provide appropriate training for staff performing official controls, enabling them to undertake their duties competently and to carry out official controls in a consistent manner, as per legislative requirements. The Official Agency shall identify training needs for staff performing official controls and ensure that staff carrying out official controls are kept up to date in their area of competence and develop specialised expertise, in partnership with the Authority and other Local Authorities. While the provision of training is the primary responsibility of the Official Agency, the Authority may provide training interventions where the Official Agency has highlighted areas where training is required. The Authority will endeavour to facilitate networking and collaboration with other Official Agencies to assist in improving knowledge in such areas. The Authority will provide e-learning resources and training for official control staff so as to promote a consistent understanding and application of new legislation, guidance or procedures, as appropriate. The Official Agency shall support participants in using e-learning resources, disseminating knowledge or skills acquired and encourage the application of learning gained through the Authority’s training in official control activities. The Official Agency shall ensure that contractors used in the performance of the Service Contract provide evidence of Continuous Professional Development and Compliance with this section. Where staff from the Official Agency need to travel outside the Official Agency functional area to attend training courses/meetings, this shall be facilitated by the Official Agency. The Official Agency in partnership with the Authority shall develop and implement training programmes for all staff engaged in the performance of the Service Contract. Where staff have participated in Better Training for Safer Food (BTSF) the training content shall be disseminated to relevant staff/contractors in the Official Agency and other local authorities in partnership with the Authority.
Sergeant Twenty percent (20%) over the top step hourly rate for Sergeant when acting as a supervisor (otherwise twenty percent (20%) over the top step hourly rate for Police Officer).
India As used herein, “
Labour Management (a) No employee or group of employees will undertake to represent the Union at meetings with the University without the proper authorization of the Union. Neither will the University meet with any employee or group of employees undertaking to represent the Union without the authorization of the Union. In representing an employee or group of employees, an elected or appointed representative of the Union will speak for the Union.
Vynálezy Stávající vynálezy a technologie Zadavatele nebo Zdravotnického zařízení zakládají jejich samostatné vlastnictví a Smlouva na ně nemá žádný vliv. Kompletní práva, nároky a podíly ohledně veškerých vynálezů, know-how, autorských práv nebo jiných práv duševního vlastnictví, které vzniknou, budou vyvinuty nebo použity v praxi (včetně veškerých zlepšení nebo úprav), které i) používají, využívají nebo zahrnují Hodnocené léky; ii) jsou zahrnuty nebo předvídány v Protokolu; nebo iii) používají, využívají nebo zahrnují Důvěrné informace, zakládají výlučné vlastnictví Zadavatele (společně xxxx xxx „Vynálezy Zadavatele“). Zdravotnické zařízení je povinno bezodkladně písemně informovat PRA a/nebo Zadavatele o každém takovém Vynálezu Zadavatele, a tímto převádí (a zajistí, aby všichni členové studijního týmu převedli) na Zadavatele veškerá práva, nároky a podíly týkající se každého jednotlivého Vynálezu Zadavatele. Zdravotnické zařízení se zavazuje poskytnout Zadavateli na jeho náklady přiměřenou pomoc, xxx xxxx Zadavatel smluvně zajistit a vykonávat svá práva na takové Vynálezy Zadavatele. Zdravotnické zařízení má výlučný vlastnický titul ke všem vynálezům nebo objevům, které vzniknou nebo budou použity v praxi výhradně zásluhou Zdravotnického zařízení, a které nenáleží Zadavateli. 9.
XxxXxxxx Principles - Northern Ireland The provisions of San Francisco Administrative Code §12F are incorporated herein by this reference and made part of this Agreement. By signing this Agreement, Contractor confirms that Contractor has read and understood that the City urges companies doing business in Northern Ireland to resolve employment inequities and to abide by the XxxXxxxx Principles, and urges San Francisco companies to do business with corporations that abide by the XxxXxxxx Principles.
Mobile Banking Transactions At the present time, you may use Mobile Banking to: • Transfer funds between your savings, checking, and Club accounts. • Make loan payments from your savings, checking, and Club accounts. • Obtain account balance and transaction history on your savings, checking, and Club accounts. • Obtain information on your loan account balance, transaction history, payment due dates, loan payoff amounts and finance charges. • Make xxxx payments from your savings or checking account using the Mobile Xxxx Xxxxx service . When you register for Mobile Banking, designated accounts and payees (or billers) linked to your account through Online Banking will be accessible through the Mobile Banking service.
Recruitment Through Jobcentre Plus 5.1 One of the key objectives of the Department for Work and Pensions is to move people from welfare into work. DWP has a Great Britain-wide network of Jobcentre Plus offices that provide job broking services for unemployed people. The Contractor is therefore required to notify Jobcentre Plus when recruiting staff for any entry-level job vacancies located within Great Britain, which may arise from the delivery of their contract to the Authority.