Agricultural Use Sample Clauses

Agricultural Use. If this property is to be used principally for agricultural purposes, Purchaser agrees to conduct farm and livestock operations in accordance with good husbandry practices. In the event a forfeiture action is instituted, Purchaser consents to Seller's entry on the premises to take any reasonable action to conserve soil, crops, trees, and livestock.
Agricultural Use. This Property may be located in the vicinity of land used primarily for agricultural purposes on which normal agricultural uses and activities have been afforded the highest priority use status. If this is the case it can be anticipated that such agricultural uses and activities may now, or in the future, involve noise, dust, manure, and other odors, the use of agriculture chemicals, and nighttime farm operations. The use and enjoyment of this Property is expressly conditioned on acceptance of any annoyance or inconvenience which may result from such normal agricultural uses and activities. In certain instances governmental authorities require a deed restriction to this effect when properties are located in the vicinity of land used for agricultural purposes.
Agricultural Use. The provisions of this Easement and associated exhibits may not be interpreted to restrict the types of agricultural operations that can function on the Property (except commercial feedlots which are expressly prohibited), so long as the agricultural operations are consistent with the long-term viability of the Property and Purposes of this Easement. No uses will be allowed that violate Federal laws, including Federal drug laws, or that decrease the Easement’s protection of the Purposes of this Easement. Agricultural uses that are allowed include but are not limited to: To use the Property for farming, ranching, and other agricultural and livestock production, processing and marketing activities, including to plant, raise and harvest agricultural crops, and to produce, raise, and manage livestock, subject to the restrictions contained in this Easement and provided that such activities are consistent with protection of the Conservation Values and provided further that agricultural leases, if any, must be expressly consistent with the provisions of this Easement. On protected grasslands on the Property, Grantor is allowed to graze, hay, harvest for hay and noncrop seed production, mow, construct fire breaks, conduct fire presuppression and rehabilitation activities, and conduct common grazing practices, including cultural practices, consistent with the provisions and Purposes of this Easement. The term "common grazing practices" means those practices customary to the region where the Property is located related to livestock grazing, forage management, and maintenance of infrastructure required to conduct livestock grazing on the Property. Grantor must not hay, mow, or harvest for seed during certain nesting seasons for birds whose populations are in significant decline as identified by Grantee or NRCS. As of the date of this Easement, Grantor, Grantee and the United States have determined that there are no bird populations in significant decline on the Property. For the purposes of this Easement, the term “grassland” is defined as any contiguous portion of the Property which exceeds 20% of the total acreage described in Exhibit A and (i) that is non-forested, (ii) that is dominated by native grass and forb species, (iii) that contains few or no noxious or invasive species as of the date of this Easement, (iv) that is not irrigated, tilled, seeded, or farmed on a regular basis or long-term cycle, and (v) that is not managed for crop cultivation or as pasturel...
Agricultural Use. Whether the Property is subject to restrictions for agricultural use pursuant to the Xxxxxxxxxx Act (Government Code §§51200-51295).
Agricultural Use. Below is a list of agricultural activities. In the boxes provided, please check the major agricultural activity, secondary agricultural activity, and any other agricultural uses of the land to be included in the agreement. Major farm activity Secondary farm activity Major farm activity Secondary farm activity Dairying Grain Egg production Mint Floriculture Nuts and berries Fish or fur Sod farming Forest & game management Vegetable raising Grazing Commercial feedlot Livestock Hay (grass) Orchards Seed Greenhouse/nursery Other farm activity (list below) Poultry raising
Agricultural Use. The City agrees that Owner may continue the agricultural uses that are presently being conducted on the Property in the same manner as they have historically been performed until the development of the Property. The Owner understands and agrees that upon issuance of the first non-agricultural building permit for the Property, such agricultural activities shall cease, and any livestock, barbed wire, and/or electric fences shall be removed from the Property. The Owner understands that discharge of firearms is strictly prohibited in the City of Xxxxx. Limitation on Fee Impositions by the City. The City agrees that the Property shall be subject to typical development fees similar to those that are imposed on other developments in the City pursuant to the City’s regulations and ordinances unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the Owner and the City.
Agricultural Use. The City agrees that Owner may continue the agricultural uses that are presently being conducted on the Property in the same manner as they have historically been performed until the development of the Property. The Owner understands and agrees that upon issuance of the first non- agricultural building permit for the Property, such agricultural activities shall cease, and any livestock, barbed wire, and/or electric fences shall be removed from the Property. The Owner understands that discharge of firearms is strictly prohibited in the City of Xxxxx.
Agricultural Use. If this property is to be used principally for agricultural purposes, Xxxxx agrees to conduct farm and livestock operations in accordance with good husbandry practices. In the event a forfeiture action is instituted, Buyer consents to Seller's entry on the premises to take any reasonable action to conserve soil, crops, trees, and livestock.
Agricultural Use. Subject to the terms of this Conservation Easement, including but not limited to Section 3 hereof, you may use the Habitat Area for reasonable agricultural activities, which shall be limited to grazing and haying unless DUC determines otherwise. DUC will determine, in the exercise of its sole discretion, what constitutes a reasonable agricultural activity. In order to protect the Habitat Area, you may not till, break, clear or cultivate the Habitat Area or convert to cropland any portion of the Habitat Area unless you have consulted with DUC and received prior written approval from DUC for implementation of a forage and/or grassland rejuvenation plan. DUC will determine, in the exercise of its sole discretion, whether such a plan will be granted, refused or granted with conditions. You may not apply pesticides or any other chemicals whatsoever to the Habitat Area without the prior written consent of DUC, acting reasonably. For clarity, it is DUC’s intention to permit you to use chemicals to control noxious weeds on the Habitat Area, but not to permit any chemicals which will negatively affect the Habitat Area, including insecticides and fungicides.
Agricultural Use. Agricultural uses constitutes the largest land use category at of the Plan Area (as outlined in Appendix A). The Plan strives to maintain the importance of agriculture by directing future growth in a compact, contiguous manner that minimizes intrusions into agricultural operations.