KEY INDEPENDENT EVALUATOR ROLES. PG&E retained Xxxxxx Seco Consulting to serve as IE for the ERP contract amendment. The CPUC stated its intent for participation of an IE in competitive procurement solicitations to “separately evaluate and report on the IOU’s entire solicitation, evaluation and selection process”, in order to “serve as an independent check on the process and final selections.”2 More specifically, the Energy Division (ED) of the CPUC has provided a template to guide how IEs should report on the 2011 RPS competitive procurement process, outlining specific issues that should be addressed: 1. Describe the IE’s role.


  • Independent Evaluation Buyer is an experienced and knowledgeable investor in the oil and gas business. Buyer has been advised by and has relied solely on its own expertise and legal, tax, title, reservoir engineering, environmental and other professional counsel concerning this transaction, the Properties, the value thereof and title thereto.

  • Student Evaluation a. The President of the College or the President’s designee shall be responsible for administering the student evaluation process. b. Student evaluation packets for each class containing instruments and instructions shall be distributed to each faculty member by the first week of December during the fall semester and by the last week in April during the spring semester. c. It is expressly agreed that the faculty member being evaluated shall not be present in the classroom when the student evaluation is being administered and that all instruction to students with regard to such student evaluation shall be included in writing on the instrument, provided further that the designated unit or non-unit professional shall return the student evaluation directly to the President of the College or the President’s designee. The administering of the student evaluation shall be the responsibility of the President of the College or the President’s designee who shall determine who among unit or non-unit professionals shall administer such student evaluation. Student evaluations shall be valid only if signed by the student; provided, however, that faculty members shall not be entitled to the identity of the student responding unless such student evaluation is used as a basis for dismissal or other disciplinary action and such will be communicated to the students. d. The data from the student evaluation shall be tabulated and copies sent to the President of the College or the President’s designee. The raw data shall be retained by the College for a period of one (1) year during which time the faculty member shall have access thereto upon written request. e. The President of the College or the President’s designee shall review the tabulated data and shall forward a data summary to the faculty member by January 23 for the fall semester and by June 15 for the spring semester. f. The faculty member shall have seven (7) working days in which to respond to such data.

  • Independent Capacity of Contractor The Contractor and Contractor Parties shall act in an independent capacity and not as officers or employees of the state of Connecticut or of the Agency.

  • Engagement of Independent Review Organization Within 90 days after the Effective Date, Indivior shall engage an entity (or entities), such as an accounting, auditing, or consulting firm (hereinafter “Independent Review Organization” or “IRO”), to perform the reviews listed in this Section III.E. The applicable requirements relating to the IRO are outlined in Appendix A to this CIA, which is incorporated by reference.

  • CONDITIONS FOR EMERGENCY/HURRICANE OR DISASTER - TERM CONTRACTS It is hereby made a part of this Invitation for Bids that before, during and after a public emergency, disaster, hurricane, flood, or other acts of God that Orange County shall require a “first priority” basis for goods and services. It is vital and imperative that the majority of citizens are protected from any emergency situation which threatens public health and safety, as determined by the County. Contractor agrees to rent/sell/lease all goods and services to the County or other governmental entities as opposed to a private citizen, on a first priority basis. The County expects to pay contractual prices for all goods or services required during an emergency situation. Contractor shall furnish a twenty-four (24) hour phone number in the event of such an emergency.

  • Office of Inspector General Investigative Findings Expert Review In accordance with Senate Bill 799, Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., if Texas Government Code, Section 531.102(m-1)(2) is applicable to this Contract, Contractor affirms that it possesses the necessary occupational licenses and experience.

  • Training Program It is agreed that there shall be an Apprenticeship Training Program, the provisions of which are set forth in Exhibit "D", which is attached hereto and forms part of this Agreement.

  • State Approval of Replacement Personnel The Engineer may not replace the project manager or key personnel without prior consent of the State. The State must be satisfied that the new project manager or other key personnel is qualified to provide the authorized services. If the State determines that the new project manager or key personnel is not acceptable, the Engineer may not use that person in that capacity and shall replace him or her with one satisfactory to the State within forty-five (45) days.

  • Enterprise Information Management Standards Performing Agency shall conform to HHS standards for data management as described by the policies of the HHS Chief Data and Analytics Officer. These include, but are not limited to, standards for documentation and communication of data models, metadata, and other data definition methods that are required by HHS for ongoing data governance, strategic portfolio analysis, interoperability planning, and valuation of HHS System data assets.

  • Student Evaluations Student evaluations shall be completed by the end of the 12th week of the fall semester.