Labour Record. At the end of each week the contractor shall provide the Principal Agent with a written record, in schedule form, reflecting the number and description of tradesmen and labourers employed by him and all subcontractors on the works each day F:......................... V:........................ T:........................
Labour Record i) The contractor shall maintain a Register of persons employed on work as per Govt. norms.
ii) The contractor shall maintain a muster roll register in respect of all workmen employed by him on the work
iii) The contractor shall maintain a wage register in respect of all workmen employed by him on the work.
iv) Register of accidents-- The contractor shall maintain a register of accidents in such form as may be convenient at the work place but the same shall include the following particulars.
a) Full particular of the labourers who met with accident
b) Rate of wages
c) Sex
d) Age
e) Nature and cause of accident
f) Time and date of accident
g) Date and time when admitted in hospital
h) Date of discharge from the hospital
i) Period of treatment and result of treatment
j) Percentage of loss of earning capacity and disability as assessed by M.O
k) Claim required to be paid under Workmen"s Compensation Act
l) Date of payment of compensation
m) Xxxxxx paid with details of the person to whom paid
n) Authority by whom the compensation was assessed
o) Remarks
v) The contractor shall maintain a register of fines as per Govt. norms. The contractor shall display in good condition and in a conspicuous place of work the approved list of acts and omissions for which fines can be imposed.
vi) The contractor shall maintain a register of deductions for damages or loss as per Govt. norms.
vii) The contractor shall maintain a register of advances as per Govt. norms.
viii) The contractor shall maintain a register of over time