LATER THAN THE CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE. (F) All Interim and Final Reports shall contain a Disclaimer Statement on the credit sheet and a Credit Reference on the report cover and/or title page as referenced in the Research Manual.
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  • Project Completion Date It is agreed between the Parties that the Project Completion Date is <END DATE, YEAR>. If the Project is not completed by such date then, subject to an amendment agreed to between the Parties, Alberta Innovates may elect to terminate this Investment Agreement. In such event, Alberta Innovates will notify the Applicant of its decision to terminate as soon as reasonably practical and shall advise the Applicant of the effective date of termination. Alberta Innovates will have no liability or obligation to reimburse the Applicant for any Project Costs incurred after the effective date of termination and may require the Applicant to return any portions of the Investment which were spent on Ineligible Expenses. Additionally, any portion of the Investment not used and accounted for in accordance with this Agreement as of the Project Completion Date or earlier termination is repayable by the Applicant to AI at AI’s request.

  • Contract Completion The Contractor shall achieve Contract Completion, as the term is defined in this Agreement, within 60 calendar days of Substantial Completion.

  • Completion Date The Work under this Contract shall be completed by midnight of the date required in the Contract as the Material Completion and Occupancy Date unless extended by approved requests for extension of time.

  • 190 Contract Complete This contract is the final expression of the Parties' agreement. There are no understandings, agreements, or representations, expressed or implied, which are not specified in this contract.

  • CONTRACT COMPLETE This Contract represents the complete agreement between the parties. No other understanding regarding this Contract, whether written or oral, may be used to bind either party. For any conflict between the attached Proposal and the terms set out in Articles 1-22 of this Contract, the terms of Articles 1-22 will govern.

  • Final Completion Date Final Completion for the Work as defined in Article 6.1.3 of the General Conditions to the Continuing Contract for Construction Management shall be achieved by September 30, 2022.

  • Substantial Completion Date Substantial Completion of the Work as defined in Article 6.1.2 of the General Conditions to the Continuing Contract for Construction Management shall be achieved by July 31, 2022.

  • Project Completion Part 1 – Material Completion

  • ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS A. Special Contract Conditions revisions: the corresponding subsections of the Special Contract Conditions referenced below are replaced in their entirety with the following:

  • Contract Closure Contracting Officer shall give appropriate written notice to Purchaser when Purchaser has complied with the terms of this contract. Purchaser shall be paid refunds due from Timber Sale Account un- der B4.24 and excess cooperative deposits under B4.218.

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