LEGAL CONCLUSIONS. Based upon the foregoing stipulated facts, Respondent acknowledges that his conduct violated the following Disciplinary Rules of the USPTO Code of Professional Responsibility:
LEGAL CONCLUSIONS. The following legal conclusions are:
(a) the legal conclusion prepared by Orrick (CIS) LLC, the legal adviser of the Credit Agent on the Russian legislation;
(b) the legal conclusion prepared by Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx & Xxxxxxxxx (Europe) LLP, the legal adviser of the Credit Agent on the English legislation;
(c) the legal conclusion prepared by Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, the legal adviser of the Credit Agent on the Cyprus legislation; and
(d) the legal conclusion prepared by Walkers, the legal adviser of the Credit Agent on the British Virgin Islands legislation. each of them is prepared by the form acceptable to the Credit Agent, until the signing of this Agreement and is addressed to the Financing Parties that are such on the date of the relevant conclusion.
LEGAL CONCLUSIONS. By the conduct described in paragraphs 16 through 19, the Respondent failed to comply with 5 U.S.C. § 7114(a)(2)(A).
LEGAL CONCLUSIONS. 51 Based upon the foregoing, Respondent acknowledges that his conduct violated the following Disciplinary Rule of Professional Conduct as outlined in Section 10 of 37 C.F.R.: Rule 10.68(a)(1) in that Respondent accepted compensation from someone other than his client without first giving the client full disclosure and then getting the client’s consent; and
LEGAL CONCLUSIONS. Based upon the foregoing stipulated facts, Respondent acknowledges that his conduct violated the following Disciplinary Rules of the Code of Professional Responsibility as outlined in 37 C.F.R § 10.23(c)(5) in that Respondent was suspended by the State Bar of Nevada on ethical grounds.
LEGAL CONCLUSIONS. The Bureau has established cause to discipline Respondent's license under Business and Professions Code sections 490, and 10177, subdivision (b), based on Respondent's conviction of a crime substantially related to the qualifications, functions, and duties of a real estate salesperson pursuant to California Code of Regulations, title 10 (Regulation), section 2910, subdivision (a)(8). (Factual Findings 6 and 7.)