Disclosure of Prior State Employment – Consulting Services If this Contract is for consulting services, A. In accordance with Section 2254.033 of the Texas Government Code, a Contractor providing consulting services who has been employed by, or employs an individual who has been employed by, System Agency or another State of Texas agency at any time during the two years preceding the submission of Contractor’s offer to provide services must disclose the following information in its offer to provide services. Contractor hereby certifies that this information was provided and remains true, correct, and complete: 1. Name of individual(s) (Contractor or employee(s)); 2. Status; 3. The nature of the previous employment with HHSC or the other State of Texas agency; 4. The date the employment was terminated and the reason for the termination; and 5. The annual rate of compensation for the employment at the time of its termination. B. If no information was provided in response to Section A above, Contractor certifies that neither Contractor nor any individual employed by Contractor was employed by System Agency or any other State of Texas agency at any time during the two years preceding the submission of Contractor’s offer to provide services.
Information and Services Required of the Owner The Owner shall provide information with reasonable promptness, regarding requirements for and limitations on the Project, including a written program which shall set forth the Owner’s objectives, constraints, and criteria, including schedule, space requirements and relationships, flexibility and expandability, special equipment, systems, sustainability and site requirements.