Agencies Sample Clauses
Agencies. All State Agencies may utilize and purchase under any state Centralized Contract let by the Commissioner, unless the Bid Documents limit purchases to specific State Agencies.
Agencies. If Advertiser is using an advertising agency in connection with this Agreement, Advertiser and such agency (the “Agency”) shall be jointly and severally liable for compliance with the terms of this Agreement and any Order. Station may pursue any applicable remedies in the event of default of this Agreement (including any non-payment) against Advertiser or Agency or both without any requirement of first seeking a remedy from one or the other. This Agreement renders void any statements concerning liability which may appear on correspondence from Agency or Advertiser. Advertiser and Agency further agree that Station does not and will not accept orders or space reservations claiming sequential liability. Advertiser shall be solely responsible for any commission or other payment due to Agency.
Agencies a. AASHTO – American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
b. BEG - Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin
c. CEQ - Council on Environmental Quality
d. ENV - Environmental Affairs Division of the Texas Department of Transportation
e. District - One of the 25 geographical districts into which the Texas Department of Transportation is divided.
f. FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
g. FHWA - Federal Highway Administration
h. IBWC – International Boundary and Water Commission i. MPO - Metropolitan Planning Organization j. NRCS - Natural Resource Conservation Service (formerly Soil Conservation Service)
Agencies. Prior to enlisting the services of an employment agency, the Hospital will attempt to contact part-time staff who would normally perform the duties in question.
Agencies. The Contractor must implement a systematic process for coordinating care and creating linkages between Enrollees and organizations that provide services not covered under the Demonstration, including but not limited to:
(1) State agencies (e.g. the Department of Developmental Services (DDS), Department of Mental Health (DMH), Department of Public Health (DPH) and DPH’s Bureau of Substance Abuse Services, Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB), Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (MCDHH), Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission, and the Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA));
(2) Social service agencies;
(3) Community-based mental health and substance use disorder programs;
(4) Consumer, civic, and religious organizations; and
(5) Federal agencies (e.g. the Department of Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development, and the Social Security Administration).
Agencies. AASHTO – American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials • BEG - Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin • CEQ - Council on Environmental Quality • ENV - Environmental Affairs Division of the Texas Department of Transportation • District - One of the 25 geographical districts into which the Texas Department of Transportation is divided. • FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency • FHWA - Federal Highway Administration • IBWC – International Boundary and Water Commission • MPO - Metropolitan Planning Organization • NRCS - Natural Resource Conservation Service (formerly Soil Conservation Service) • SHPO - State Historic Preservation Office • State – Texas Department of Transportation acting on behalf of the State of Texas • TARL – Texas Archeological Research Laboratory • THC - Texas Historical Commission • TCEQ - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (formerly TNRCC) • TPWD - Texas Parks and Wildlife Department DocuSign Envelope ID: 5A2DC6EC-64DB-4A02-A984-B96FAAFF8279 PeopleSoft Contract No. 7490 Legacy Contract No. 12-7IDP5009 • TxDOT - Texas Department of Transportation • USACE – United States Army Corps of Engineers • USCG – United States Coast Guard • USEPA – United States Environmental Protection Agency • USFWS – United States Fish and Wildlife Service • USGS – United States Geological Survey
Agencies. The Contractor must implement a systemic process for coordinating care and creating linkages between Enrollees and organizations that provide services not covered under the Demonstration, including but not limited to:
Agencies. All governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the construction, zoning and operation of the Property.
Agencies. 2.1.1. The General Contractor will be responsible for coordination, supervision, execution, and report preparation for the testing, adjusting, and balancing requirements of this Section in coordination with the Owner’s Independent Performance Assurance Contractor.
Agencies. In connection with the Executive’s reporting potential violations of applicable federal, state or local law to any law enforcement or governmental agency, including but not limited to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”), the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”), the Department of Labor (“DOL”), or the SEC, or responding to or otherwise participating in any agency’s investigation, lawsuit, or other actions taken by any agency, or taking any other actions protected under applicable law, including but not limited to the Speak Out Act, including disclosure of any alleged unlawful conduct or whistleblower activity or filing any complaint or charge with an agency. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent or restrict the Executive from filing a charge or complaint of possible unlawful activity, including a challenge to the validity of this Agreement, with any governmental agency. The Executive understands and recognizes, however, that even if a report or disclosure is made or a charge is filed by the Executive or on the Executive’s behalf with a governmental agency, the Executive will not be entitled to any damages or payment of any money or other relief personal to the Executive (other than an award or relief from the SEC), relating to any event which occurred prior to the Executive’s signing of this Agreement. No prior notice or disclosure to the Employer is required for these actions.