Common use of Limitations on subcontracting Clause in Contracts

Limitations on subcontracting. The Employer may require that the Contractor must subcontract certain specialised work, or that the Contractor shall not subcontract more than a specified proportion of the whole of the contract. Attendance on subcontractors State requirements for attendance on Subcontractors, if any Plant and Materials Specifications Plant and Materials are defined as items intended to be included in the Affected Property. This will refer to replacement of worn or defective parts, routine replacement as part of regular preventative maintenance and supply of spare parts. Quality is usually designed in or specified in the technical specifications. However to cover circumstances where quality may not be prescribed, this sub-paragraph could also be used to state an overarching default requirement – fitness for purpose etc. Either specify here or provide a list of the applicable specifications and attach them as Annexure or state where they can be obtained from. Correction of defects State any constraints when dealing with defective Plant and Materials such as how repairs are carried out - can the item be fixed up or must it be replaced by a new one. Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials Specify any constraints on how the Contractor is to order, codify, expedite, freight, import, transport to the Affected Property and any other requirements for delivery and storage before installation. The Employer may require warranties from suppliers to be in favour of the Employer and not just to the Contractor. The Employer may also need schedules of vendor data for his own use after the end of the service period. Tests and inspections before delivery Core Clause 41.1 makes reference to the Service Information stating which Plant and Materials are to be inspected and tested before delivery. Specify any requirements particularly if such tests and inspections are to be carried out by agents of the Employer overseas. Plant & Materials provided “free issue” by the Employer List any Plant and Materials which are to be provided by the Employer. State arrangements for collection by Contractor or delivery by others on behalf of the Employer, off loading, inspection, storage, care custody and control, return of unused Plant and Materials, etc. Always include a statement to the effect that ‘all other Plant and Materials are to be provided by the Contractor’. Working on the Affected Property This part of the Service Information addresses constraints, facilities, services and rules applicable to the Contractor whilst he is doing work on the Affected Property. Employer’s site entry and security control, permits, and site regulations Sites such as Koeberg Nuclear Power Station have very strict entrance requirements which tendering contractors need to allow for in their prices, and the Contractor has to comply with. State these or similar requirements here. In addition to the above there may be other restrictions once on the site, plus rules relating to roads, walkways and the provision of barricades People restrictions, hours of work, conduct and records Restrictions and hours of work may apply on some sites. It is very important that the Contractor keeps records of his people working on the Affected Property, including those of his Subcontractors. State that the Service Manager shall have access to them at any time. These records may be needed when assessing compensation events. Health and safety facilities on the Affected Property

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Limitations on subcontracting. The Employer may require that the Contractor must subcontract certain specialised work, or that the Contractor shall not subcontract more than a specified proportion of the whole of the contract. Attendance on subcontractors State requirements for attendance on Subcontractors, if any Plant and Materials Specifications Plant and Materials are defined as items intended to be included in the Affected Property. This will refer to replacement of worn or defective parts, routine replacement as part of regular preventative maintenance and supply of spare parts. Quality is usually designed in or specified in the technical specifications. However to cover circumstances where quality may not be prescribed, this sub-paragraph could also be used to state an overarching default requirement – fitness for purpose etc. Either specify here or provide a list of the applicable specifications and attach them as Annexure or state where they can be obtained from. Correction of defects State any constraints when dealing with defective Plant and Materials such as how repairs are carried out - can the item be fixed up or must it be replaced by a new one. Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials Specify any constraints on how the Contractor is to order, codify, expedite, freight, import, transport to the Affected Property and any other requirements for delivery and storage before installation. The Employer may require warranties from suppliers to be in favour of the Employer and not just to the Contractor. The Employer may also need schedules of vendor data for his own use after the end of the service period. Tests and inspections before delivery Core Clause 41.1 makes reference to the Service Information stating which Plant and Materials are to be inspected and tested before delivery. Specify any requirements particularly if such tests and inspections are to be carried out by agents of the Employer overseas. Plant & Materials provided “free issue” by the Employer List any Plant and Materials which are to be provided by the Employer. State arrangements for collection by Contractor or delivery by others on behalf of the Employer, off loading, inspection, storage, care custody and control, return of unused Plant and Materials, etc. Always include a statement to the effect that ‘all other Plant and Materials are to be provided by the Contractor’. Cataloguing requirements by the Contractor State whether cataloguing is applicable, if it is, reference the requirements for cataloguing that need to be satisfied by the Contractor (consult Procurement Instruction Number 1 of 2018 – Incorporating Cataloguing into the Procurement Environment, Unique Identifier 240-1289988974). Working on the Affected Property This part of the Service Information addresses constraints, facilities, services and rules applicable to the Contractor whilst he is doing work on the Affected Property. Employer’s site entry and security control, permits, and site regulations Sites such as Koeberg Nuclear Power Station have very strict entrance requirements which tendering contractors need to allow for in their prices, and the Contractor has to comply with. State these or similar requirements here. In addition to the above there may be other restrictions once on the site, plus rules relating to roads, walkways and the provision of barricades People restrictions, hours of work, conduct and records Restrictions and hours of work may apply on some sites. It is very important that the Contractor keeps records of his people working on the Affected Property, including those of his Subcontractors. State that the Service Manager shall have access to them at any time. These records may be needed when assessing compensation events. Health and safety facilities on the Affected Property

Appears in 2 contracts


Limitations on subcontracting. The Employer may require that Contractor would need to incorporate the Contractor must subcontract certain specialised work, or that activities of Eskom’s direct Subcontractors into the Contractor shall not subcontract more than a specified proportion of contract works in order to achieve the whole of the contractcompletion date. Attendance on subcontractors State requirements for attendance on Subcontractors The Contractor would need to attend to the activities of all Subcontractors including direct Subcontractors. The responsibility of coordinating the activities of will remain with the main Contractor, if any who will arrange all meetings and interfacing to ensure the activities are aligned to the agreed programme. Plant and Materials Specifications Plant and Materials are defined as items intended to be included in the Affected Property. This will refer to replacement of worn or defective parts, routine replacement as part of regular preventative maintenance and supply of spare parts. Quality Quality is usually designed in or specified in the technical specificationsspecifications referred to in section 6 of this Works Information. However to cover circumstances where quality may not be prescribed, this sub-paragraph could be used as an overarching default requirement. It could also be used to state an overarching default requirement – fitness for purpose etc. Either specify here or provide a list of the applicable specifications and attach them as Annexure or state where they can be obtained from. Correction of defects State any constraints when dealing deal with defective Plant and Materials such as how repairs are carried out - after a Defect has been notified; for example can the item be fixed up or must it be replaced by a new one. Contractor’s procurement of Plant See also SANS 1200A, sub-paragraph 3.1 The Contractor shall comply with the quality management requirements, criteria and Materials Specify any constraints on how the Contractor is to order, codify, expedite, freight, import, transport to the Affected Property and any other requirements for delivery and storage before installation. The Employer may require warranties from suppliers to be stated in favour of the Employer and not just to the Contractor. The Employer may also need schedules of vendor data for his own use after the end of the service period. Tests and inspections before delivery Core Clause 41.1 makes reference to the Service Information stating which Plant and Materials are to be inspected and tested before delivery. Specify any requirements particularly if such tests and inspections are to be carried out by agents of the Employer overseas. Annexure ________ Plant & Materials provided “free issue” by the Employer List The Contractor is to verify the suitability of the materials prior to incorporating them into the works. When materials are delivered to the Site, the Contractor is to issue the Project Manager with certificates from the supplier(s) confirming that the materials supplied comply with the specifications. This will also apply to any subcontracts. All plant and or equipment brought to Site must comply with the Employer’s Health and Safety requirements and therefore requires an assessment by the Project Manager prior to it working on Site Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials The Contractor is to provide own security on site and will be held liable for excess of insurance in case of theft or loss Storage and security of material will be the responsibility of the Contractor until the Completion Certificate is certified. The Contractor is responsible for all costs involved to expedite lost, damaged or stolen material. Eskom’s Xxxx of Quantities provided in the price list is provisional. Contractor to ensure that all materials used is in accordance with Eskom requirements and specification. Spares and consumables Some contracts may need to include provision for the supply of a minimum category of spares, fuel, oil or other feed stock and consumables which are the Employer may need at or just after take over and that it is best the Contractor provide these initially as part of his Providing the Works. None Tests and inspections before delivery The Contractor may be required to be provided demonstrate that the works can operate as guaranteed by the Contractor (in Contractor’s Works Information) or specified by the Employer. State arrangements The Contractor is to test ensure the lux levels for collection by Contractor or delivery by others on behalf of the Employer, off loading, inspection, storage, care custody lighting is correct and control, return of unused Plant and Materials, etc. Always include a statement in accordance to the effect that ‘all other SANS requirements The Contractor is to test the backup lighting system to ensure is it fully functional for the required time period. The Contractor is to provide test cubes for concrete poured. The Contractor is to provide compaction tests for layer works to driveways and parking Marking Plant and Materials are outside the Working Areas Materials and plant procured for the works, stored off site will not be paid for unless brought onto the site and stored in the boundary of the site. Contractor’s Equipment (including temporary works). The Contractor will keep an inventory of equipment brought to site. This will be provided verified and acknowledged by Eskom security to allow removal of such equipment when required by the Contractor’. Working on the Affected Property This part of the Service Information addresses constraints, facilities, services and rules applicable to the Contractor whilst he is doing work on the Affected Property. Employer’s site entry and security control, permits, and site regulations Sites such as Koeberg Nuclear Power Station have very strict entrance requirements which tendering contractors need to allow for in their prices, and the Contractor has to comply with. State these or similar requirements here. In addition to the above there may be other restrictions once on the site, plus rules relating to roads, walkways and the provision of barricades People restrictions, hours of work, conduct and records Restrictions and hours of work may apply on some sites. It is very important that the Contractor keeps records of his people working on the Affected Property, including those of his Subcontractors. State that the Service Manager shall have access to them at any time. These records may be needed when assessing compensation events. Health and safety facilities on the Affected Property.

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Limitations on subcontracting. The Employer may require that the Contractor must subcontract certain specialised work, or that the Contractor shall not subcontract more than a specified proportion of the whole of the contract. Attendance on subcontractors State requirements for attendance on Subcontractors, if any Plant and Materials Specifications Plant and Materials are defined as items intended to be included in the Affected Property. This will refer to replacement of worn or defective parts, routine replacement as part of regular preventative maintenance and supply of spare parts. Quality is usually designed in or specified in the technical specifications. However to cover circumstances where quality may not be prescribed, this sub-sub- paragraph could also be used to state an overarching default requirement – fitness for purpose etc. Either specify here or provide a list of the applicable specifications and attach them as Annexure or state where they can be obtained from. Correction of defects State any constraints when dealing with defective Plant and Materials such as how repairs are carried out - can the item be fixed up or must it be replaced by a new one. Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials Specify any constraints on how the Contractor is to order, codify, expedite, freight, import, transport to the Affected Property and any other requirements for delivery and storage before installation. The Employer may require warranties from suppliers to be in favour of the Employer and not just to the Contractor. The Employer may also need schedules of vendor data for his own use after the end of the service period. Tests and inspections before delivery Core Clause 41.1 makes reference to the Service Information stating which Plant and Materials are to be inspected and tested before delivery. Specify any requirements particularly if such tests and inspections are to be carried out by agents of the Employer overseas. Plant & Materials provided “free issue” by the Employer List any Plant and Materials which are to be provided by the Employer. State arrangements for collection by Contractor or delivery by others on behalf of the Employer, off loading, inspection, storage, care custody and control, return of unused Plant and Materials, etc. Always include a statement to the effect that ‘all other Plant and Materials are to be provided by the Contractor’. Cataloguing requirements by the Contractor State whether cataloguing is applicable, if it is, reference the requirements for cataloguing that need to be satisfied by the Contractor (consult Procurement Instruction Number 1 of 2018 – Incorporating Cataloguing into the Procurement Environment, Unique Identifier 240-1289988974). Working on the Affected Property This part of the Service Information addresses constraints, facilities, services and rules applicable to the Contractor whilst he is doing work on the Affected Property. Employer’s site entry and security control, permits, and site regulations Sites such as Koeberg Nuclear Power Station have very strict entrance requirements which tendering contractors need to allow for in their prices, and the Contractor has to comply with. State these or similar requirements here. In addition to the above there may be other restrictions once on the site, plus rules relating to roads, walkways and the provision of barricades People restrictions, hours of work, conduct and records Restrictions and hours of work may apply on some sites. It is very important that the Contractor keeps records of his people working on the Affected Property, including those of his Subcontractors. State that the Service Manager shall have access to them at any time. These records may be needed when assessing compensation events. Health and safety facilities on the Affected Property

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Limitations on subcontracting. The contractor shall subcontract all the work specified in the subcontract agreement with the subcontractors that were mentioned in the tender document. Employer may require that the Contractor must subcontract certain specialised work, or that the Contractor shall not subcontract more than a specified proportion of the whole of the contract. Attendance on subcontractors State requirements Eskom’ reserves the right to visit and verify whether the subcontract agreement is adhered to as per the contract agreements. The visit by Eskom to subcontractors shall be purely for attendance on Subcontractors, if any monitoring purposes. Plant and Materials Specifications Plant and Materials The Employer’s requirements are defined as items intended to be included in the Affected Property. This will refer to replacement of worn or defective parts, routine replacement as part of regular preventative maintenance and supply of spare parts. Quality is usually designed in or specified in the technical specifications. However to cover circumstances where quality may not be prescribed, specifications referenced in Section 1.2 of this sub-paragraph could also be used to state an overarching default requirement – fitness for purpose etc. Either specify here or provide a list Part C3: Scope of the applicable specifications and attach them as Annexure or state where they can be obtained fromWork. Correction of defects State any constraints when dealing with defective Plant As per section 4.2.4 module repair and Materials such as how repairs are carried out - can the item be fixed up or must it be replaced by a new one. replacement requirements of ETSP 0337 ET operation requirements for Technology Contracts Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials Specify any constraints on how the Contractor is to order, codify, expedite, freight, import, transport to the Affected Property and any other requirements for delivery and storage before installation. The Employer may require warranties from suppliers to be in favour of the Employer and not just to the Contractor. The Employer may also need schedules of vendor data for his own use after the end of the service period. Not Applicable Tests and inspections before delivery Core Clause 41.1 makes reference to The Contractor shall demonstrate that the Service Information stating which Plant and Materials are to be inspected and tested works can operate as guaranteed by the Contractor (in Contractor’s Works Information) or specified by the Employer either here or elsewhere in this Works Information. The Contractor shall provide the Employer with a full set of factory acceptance tests results for all equipment supplied on or before delivery. Specify any These should indicate that the equipment meets its specification. The equipment shall not be dispatched from the factory for delivery to the Employer until it has passed its Factory Acceptance Tests. The Employer shall appoint a representative to inspect and accept the equipment on delivery at the Contractor’s stores and/or at site prior to installation. Such inspection shall not relieve the Contractor of their responsibility to meet all the requirements particularly of the various specifications, and it shall not prevent subsequent rejection if such tests and inspections are equipment is later found to be carried out defective when tested after installation. All equipment shall be shipped to the Contractor’s stores from the factory and there it shall be inspected by agents the Employer for completeness as per the order prior to delivery to site. Such inspection shall not relieve the Contractor of their responsibility to meet all the requirements of the Employer overseasvarious specifications, and it shall not prevent subsequent rejection if equipment is later found to be defective when tested after installation. The same inspection and acceptance shall be performed by the Employer’s appointed representative on site after equipment delivery and prior to installation. The Employer’s requirements are as specified in the specifications referenced in Section 1.2 of this Part C3: Scope of Work. Plant & Materials provided “free issue” by the Employer List any Plant and Materials which are to be provided by the Employer. State arrangements for collection by Contractor or delivery by others on behalf of the Employer, off loading, inspection, storage, care custody and control, return of unused Plant and Materials, etc. Always include a statement to the effect that ‘all Not Applicable All other Plant and Materials are to be provided by the Contractor. Working on the Affected Property This part of the Service Information addresses constraints, facilities, services and rules applicable to the Contractor whilst he is doing work on the Affected Property. Employer’s site entry and security control, permits, and site regulations Sites such as Koeberg Nuclear Power Station have very strict entrance requirements The Employer will arrange access to site for the Contractor. The Contractor must be made aware that access to certain sites will only be given after security clearance, which tendering contractors need to allow for in their prices, and excludes the Contractor has to comply withuse of foreign nationals. State these or similar requirements here. In addition to the above there may be other restrictions once on the site, plus rules relating to roads, walkways and the provision of barricades People restrictions, hours of work, conduct and records Restrictions and hours The Employer’s requirements are as specified in the specifications referenced in Section 1.2 of work may apply on some sites. It is very important that the Contractor keeps records this Part C3: Scope of his people working on the Affected Property, including those of his Subcontractors. State that the Service Manager shall have access to them at any time. These records may be needed when assessing compensation events. Work Health and safety facilities on the Affected PropertyProperty The Employer’s requirements are as specified in the specifications referenced in Section 1.2 of this Part C3: Scope of Work Environmental controls, fauna & flora The Employer’s requirements are as specified in the specifications referenced in Section 1.2 of this Part C3: Scope of Work Cooperating with and obtaining acceptance of Others Not Applicable Records of Contractor’s Equipment Permit will be issued on site for contractor equipment and tools brought in by the suppliers. The contractor shall keep record of each tools/equipment brought to site. Equipment provided by the Employer Not Applicable Site services and facilities Provided by the Employer Site information will be provided per individual task order issued to the Contractor. Contractor shall provide everything else necessary for Providing the Service Provided by the Contractor Not Applicable Control of noise, dust, water and waste Supplier to remove all related waste from site Hook ups to existing works The Employer’s requirements are as specified in the specifications referenced in Section 1.2 of this Part C3: Scope of Work Tests and inspections Description of tests and inspections The Employer may use any part of the works before Completion has been certified but if he does so, he takes over the part of the works except if the use is for a reason stated below: • If the Employer’s network stability or services are at risk. Materials facilities and samples for tests and inspections State what materials facilities and samples for tests and inspections the Contractor and the Employer are to provide, per core clause 40.2. The Contractor shall supply equipment for the demonstration of the equipment capabilities prior to installation and commissioning. This equipment may also be used for training purpose List of drawings Drawings issued by the Employer

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Limitations on subcontracting. The Employer may require that the Contractor must subcontract certain specialised work, or that the Contractor shall not subcontract more than a specified proportion of the whole of the contract. Attendance on subcontractors State requirements for attendance on Subcontractors, if any Plant and Materials Specifications Plant and Materials are defined as items intended to be included in the Affected Property. This will refer to replacement of worn or defective parts, routine replacement as part of regular preventative maintenance and supply of spare parts. Quality is usually designed in or specified in the technical specifications. However to cover circumstances where quality may not be prescribed, this sub-paragraph could also be used to state an overarching default requirement – fitness for purpose etc. Either specify specifies here or provide provides a list of the applicable specifications and attach them as Annexure or state where they can be obtained from. Correction of defects State any constraints when dealing with defective Plant and Materials such as how repairs are carried out - can the item be fixed up or must it be replaced by a new one. Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials Specify any constraints on how the Contractor is to order, codify, expedite, freight, import, transport to the Affected Property and any other requirements for delivery and storage before installation. The Employer may require warranties from suppliers to be in favour of the Employer and not just to the Contractor. The Employer may also need schedules of vendor data for his own use after the end of the service period. Tests and inspections before delivery Core Clause 41.1 makes reference to the Service Information stating which Plant and Materials are to be inspected and tested before delivery. Specify any requirements particularly if such tests and inspections are to be carried out by agents of the Employer overseas. Plant & Materials provided “free issue” by the Employer List any Plant and Materials which are to be provided by the Employer. State arrangements for collection by Contractor or delivery by others on behalf of the Employer, off loadingoffloading, inspection, storage, care custody and control, return of unused Plant and Materials, etc. Always include a statement to the effect that ‘all other Plant and Materials are to be provided by the Contractor’. Working on the Affected Property This part of the Service Information addresses constraints, facilities, services and rules applicable to the Contractor whilst he is doing work on the Affected Property. Employer’s site entry and security control, permits, and site regulations Sites such as Koeberg Nuclear Power Station have very strict entrance requirements which tendering contractors need to allow for in their prices, and the Contractor has to comply with. State these or similar requirements here. In addition to the above there may be other restrictions once on the site, plus rules relating to roads, walkways and the provision of barricades People restrictions, hours of work, conduct and records Restrictions and hours of work may apply on some sites. It is very important that the Contractor keeps records of his people working on the Affected Property, including those of his Subcontractors. State that the Service Manager shall have access to them at any time. These records may be needed when assessing compensation events. Health and safety facilities on the Affected Property

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Limitations on subcontracting. The Employer may require that the Contractor must subcontract certain specialised work, or that the Contractor shall not subcontract more than a specified proportion of the whole of the contract. Attendance on subcontractors State requirements for attendance on Subcontractors, if any Plant and Materials Specifications The contractor may make use of Eskom mechanical workshop for any Bending and cutting required The contractor will supply the machinery, tools, access ladders, DB boards, equipment and consumables. The contractor shall supply the lifting equipment such as, winch and forklift for lifting of materials/spares Plant and Materials are defined as items intended to be included in the Affected Property. This will refer to replacement of worn or defective parts, routine replacement as part of regular preventative maintenance and supply of spare parts. Quality is usually designed in or specified in the technical specifications. However to cover circumstances where quality may not be prescribed, this sub-paragraph could also be used to state an overarching default requirement – fitness for purpose etc. Either specify here or provide a list of the applicable specifications and attach them as Annexure or state where they can be obtained from. Correction of defects State any constraints when dealing with defective Plant With regards to the Services, the Contractor has no responsibility for the failure of the Employer to notify the Contractor within seven (7) days after the Defect becomes visible or other causes beyond the reasonable control of the Contractor. The time to respond to a Defect notification will be between one (1) and Materials such as how seven (7) days depending on the extent of the Defect and access to the Affected Property The inspections and repairs are carried out - can to be done according to the item be fixed up or must it be replaced by a new oneresolution meetings consisting of, project manager Eskom and contractor, system engineer, Quality Control inspectors, planner and site manager. Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials Specify any constraints on how the Contractor is to order, codify, expedite, freight, import, transport to the Affected Property and any other requirements for delivery and storage before installation. The Employer may require warranties from suppliers to be in favour of the Employer and not just to the Contractor. The Employer may also need schedules of vendor data for his own use after the end of the service period. Tests and inspections before delivery Core Clause 41.1 makes reference to the Service Information stating which Plant and Materials are to be inspected and tested before delivery. Specify any requirements particularly if such tests and inspections are to be carried out by agents of the Employer overseas. Eskom must approve all QCP’s prior to any commencement of each task order. Eskom appointed QC to inspect and be involved in all inspection activities. The contractor will adhere to international and Eskom specifications. Plant & Materials provided “free issue” by the Employer List any Plant and Materials which are to be provided by the Employer. State arrangements for collection by Contractor or delivery by others on behalf of the Employer, off loading, inspection, storage, care custody and control, return of unused Plant and Materials, etc. Always include a statement to the effect that ‘all other Plant and Materials are to be provided by the Contractor’. All plant and materials are to be provided by Eskom. The contractor shall provide people to assist with the handling of the material at the workshops. The employer shall provide the workshop which is equipped with machines and artisans preparing the required material and spares. The contractor shall notify the project manager 3 days in advance for the notification of the workshop booking. The contractor shall have a designated spares expeditor that will communicate with the project manager and the workshop supervisor. Cataloguing requirements by the Contractor State whether cataloguing is applicable, if it is, reference the requirements for cataloguing that need to be satisfied by the Contractor (consult Procurement Instruction Number 1 of 2018 – Incorporating Cataloguing into the Procurement Environment, Unique Identifier 240-1289988974). Working on the Affected Property This part of the Service Information addresses constraints, facilities, services and rules applicable to the Contractor whilst he is doing work on the Affected Property. Employer’s site entry and security control, permits, and site regulations Sites such  Lost permits will be paid for by the Contractor to Protective Services at a cost of R 100-00 or as Koeberg Nuclear per current requirement per lost permit. After the completion of the work the Contractor shall return all personal access permit issued to the security.  Only work vehicles with an approved permit will be allowed on site. These vehicles are to be in a serviceable condition and road worthy  No private vehicles will be allowed onto site:  Arrangements must be made with the Contract Manager well in advance to allow sub-contractors and visitors onto site.  The transport of any equipment onto the site must be declared and documented at Protective Services in order to facilitate the future removal thereof.  The contractor shall send a list of all the employees that will be on Matimba site to security for the security clearance, at least 3 weeks in advance as the property is a National key point. The contractor shall make sure that all the employees have permits to enter the site and always available on persons. The contractor shall make sure that the employees are always dressed in the PPE with company name. The contractor shall make sure that the employees are restricted to their working area and plant at all times. The contractor shall make sure that housekeeping is always at good condition  All Contractors will ensure that they are informed of all the requirements of Eskom’s Plant Safety Regulations and ORHVS and that they at all times comply to the requirements of these Regulations.  All Supervisors of contracting companies who are directly involved with Eskom’s Permit to Work System shall be trained and successful completion of Matimba authorization / evaluation process may be authorized as Responsible Persons.  The Responsible Person shall ensure that:  The conditions of permits and cautionary notices are strictly adhered to.  The lockout procedures, mechanical as well as electrical are strictly adhered to and any deviations shall be corrected immediately.  The safe work procedures as laid down by Matimba Power Station have very strict entrance requirements which tendering contractors need and as determined by the Risk Assessment shall be followed. The workers register and cautionary notices are discussed daily with workers.  At least one supervisor shall be authorized as responsible person to allow for in their prices, and the take out Permits to work on plant as per Eskom Plant Safety Regulations. Police clearance All Contractor has personnel are to comply withundertake Police clearance. State these or similar requirements here. In addition Certificates must be provided to the above there may Site Service Manager at least 2 weeks before commencement of work. The Site Service Manager reserves the right to refuse entry to all persons whose criminal records indicate that their presence on site might create an unsafe and insecure environment to the specific Power Station. The following website can be other restrictions once on used to guide the site, plus rules relating to roads, walkways and the provision of barricades process People restrictions, hours of work, conduct and records Restrictions and hours of work may apply on some sites. It is very important that the Contractor keeps records of his people working on the Affected Property, including those of his Subcontractors. State that the Service Manager shall have access to them at any time. These records may be needed when assessing compensation events. The contractor shall adhere to the working hours as granted by the department of labour on outages. The contractor shall complete and keep records of the employees time sheets and readily available for the project manager. The contractor shall insure that the employees do not sleep in the plant The Contractor keeps records of his people working on the Affected Property, including those of his Subcontractors at all times Health and safety facilities on the Affected Property

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