Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials Sample Clauses

Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials. The Contractor will do all procurement of materials according to own procurement processes. All materials purchased by the Contractor to be installed to Affected Property will be kept and preserved according to the storage relevant specification. The Contractor may at any point be requested by the Service Manager to submit the storage and preserving specification for any material or plant. All plant and material to be stored at an area demarcated by the Service Manager and it is the responsibility of the Contractor to prepare the area and make it comply with the storage and preserving specification.
Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials. Specify any constraints on how the Contractor is to order, codify, expedite, freight, import, transport to the Affected Property and any other requirements for delivery and storage before installation. The Employer may require warranties from suppliers to be in favour of the Employer and not just to the Contractor. The Employer may also need schedules of vendor data for his own use after the end of the service period.
Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials. Material to be procured Locally, from Eskom approved Supplier.
Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials. The Contractor may be required to provide the Employer with a technical data sheet of the equipment or material supplied to the Employer. A guarantees and warrantees certificate may also be required for any plant and material supplied by the Contractor to the Employer.
Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials. Any equipment, appliances or materials used by the Contractor must conform to the applicable OHSACT safety standards and is to be maintained in a safe and proper working condition. The Project Manager has the right to stop the Contractor’s use of any equipment/ cleaning material which, in the opinion of the Project Manager, does not conform to the foregoing.
Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials. The Contractor shall purchase the Plant and Materials in good faith, and for the mutual benefit of both parties. It shall remain the sole responsibility of the Contractor to procure plant and materials of a reasonable and acceptable quality. None None Eskom reserves the right to subject all contractor employees to a vetting and security clearance process in line with our security requirements on any and all of our sites. All and any other persons entering the sites to do works on behalf of the Contractor will be subjected to alcohol testing to gain access to the Site. The Contractor is required to keep records of their employees on site, including subcontractors. These records shall be made available upon request by the Employer’s Service Manager. All Eskom SHEQ requirements are to be complied with as stipulated by latest Eskom Regulations. All Eskom SHEQ requirements are to be complied with as stipulated by latest Eskom Regulations. All communication shall be done through the Facilities Manager.
Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials. All other items to be procured where possible from local suppliers subject to pricing. All purchases need to be discussed with the Service Manager and approved prior to placing orders.
Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials.  Purchasing of spares, equipment or materials will go through the Eskom procurement process.  The Contractor will supply his own consumables.
Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials. Specify any constraints on how the Contractor is to order, codify, expedite, freight, import, transport to the Affected Property and any other requirements for delivery and storage before installation. The Employer may require warranties from suppliers to be in favour of the Employer and not just to the Contractor. The Employer may also need schedules of vendor data for his own use after the end of the service period. Core Clause 41.1 makes reference to the Service Information stating which Plant and Materials are to be inspected and tested before delivery. Specify any requirements particularly if such tests and inspections are to be carried out by agents of the Employer overseas. List any Plant and Materials which are to be provided by the Employer. State arrangements for collection by Contractor or delivery by others on behalf of the Employer, off loading, inspection, storage, care custody and control, return of unused Plant and Materials, etc. Always include a statement to the effect that ‘all other Plant and Materials are to be provided by the Contractor’. This part of the Service Information addresses constraints, facilities, services and rules applicable to the Sites such as Koeberg Nuclear Power Station have very strict entrance requirements which tendering contractors need to allow for in their prices, and the Contractor has to comply with. State these or similar requirements here. In addition to the above there may be other restrictions once on the site, plus rules relating to roads, walkways and the provision of barricades Restrictions and hours of work may apply on some sites. It is very important that the Contractor keeps records of his people working on the Affected Property, including those of his Subcontractors. State that the Service Manager shall have access to them at any time. These records may be needed when assessing compensation events.
Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials. Material to be procured Locally, from Eskom approved Supplier. As per Task Order. The Contractor must adhere the OHSA Act As per Task Order. As per Task Order. As per Task Order. This sub-paragraph may not be required in a service contract or if these matters are dealt with in the general environmental requirements referred to in section 3 above. None Site services and facilities Provided by the Employer Security and Site As per Task Order. The Contractor to adhere to Environment Management Act The Contractor to adhere to Eskom life saving rules Site Inspection to be done at the end of each Task Order. Materials facilities and samples for tests and inspections the Contractor and the Employer are to provide, per core clause 40.2. Drawing number Revision Title drawings will be available from the Service Manager All contractors must make sure that they can access Eskom Web page at any given time to get the latest drawings and specifications before commencement of any task. Web Access applications can be done through the assistance of Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx @ 011 629 5266 or XxxxxxXX@xxxxx.xx.xx I …....………….……do hereby acknowledge having/applied for access to the Eskom Distribution Website with all Distribution Procedures, Standards and Drawings as they will be listed in the index of the Task Order documents. I undertake to study and abide by these requirements at all times. If for any reason I cannot access or open any of the files on the web, I will contact the Employer immediately. Contractors Signature: ……………………………..…………………. Signed at: ................................................ on the …….. day of .......................................... (Hereinafter referred to as Eskom) I, [(name)representing