People Sample Clauses
People. 4.1.1 Minimum requirements of people employed
People in this context are the recipients of services provided by the local authority, or the direct beneficiaries of its activities. They can be of any age, for example:- residents of local authority homes; clients of, for example, social workers and home carers; pupils of schools in the local authority’s area; users of libraries and leisure facilities; recipients of local authority services, including public health services; those who benefit from local authority inspection and registration activities; users of cafes, restaurants and other businesses, who benefit from local authority inspection and enforcement activities. Those who are "beneficiaries" or recipients will not necessarily be happy with the relevant activities, for example, abused children removed from their families, restaurant owners being inspected for compliance with hygiene regulations.
People. 4.1.1 Minimum requirements of people employed on the Site
People. Number and functional responsibility of personnel
People. 1. The Employer agrees to deduct from the wages of any employee who is a member of the Union deduction for the PEOPLE program. Written authorizations must be requested in writing by the employee and may be revoked by the employee at any time by giving written notice to both the Employer and the Union. The Employer agrees to remit electronically, on each state payday, any deductions made to the Union together with an electronic report showing:
a. Employee name;
b. Personnel number;
c. Amount deducted; and
d. Deduction code.
2. The parties agree this section satisfies the Employer’s obligations and provides for the deduction authorized under RCW 41.04.230.
People. Employees in classifications represented by Professional & Technical Employees, Local 512, AFSCME, may make voluntary, monetary monthly contributions to P.E.O.P.L.E., said contributions to be deducted from employees' pay by the County and remitted to AFSCME, P.E.O.P.L.E. (Public Employees Organized to Promote Legislative Equality).
People. (a) The University agrees to make deductions each pay period from the pay of any employee who is a member of the Union, for the PEOPLE program. Written authorizations must be requested in writing by the employee and may be revoked at any time by giving written notice to both the University Payroll department and the Union. The University agrees to remit a payment, on each payday, any deductions made to the Union. Accompanying the remittance will be a listing of the names, unique employee identification numbers and the amount remitted for all employees from whom deductions were made.
(b) The parties agree this section satisfies the University’s obligations and provides for the deduction authorized under RCW 41.04.230.
People. The employer agrees to deduct from the wages of any employee who is a member of the Union, a PEOPLE (Public Employees Organized to Promote Legislative Equality) deduction as provided for in a written authorization. Such authorization must be executed by the employee and may be revoked by the employee at any time by giving written notice to both the employer and the Union. The employer agrees to remit any deduction made pursuant to this provision promptly to the Union together with an itemized statement showing the name of each employee for whom such pay deductions have been made and the amount deducted during the period covered by the remittance.
People. Minimum requirements of people employed BBBEE and preferencing scheme Accelerated Shared Growth Initiative – South Africa (ASGI-SA) Subcontracting Preferred subcontractors Subcontract documentation, and assessment of subcontract tenders
People. Contributions