Specifications. That part of the Contract Documents consisting of written requirements for materials, equipment, systems, standards, and workmanship as applied to the Work, and certain administrative requirements and procedural matters applicable thereto. The term "Specifications" shall also include all written matter in the Project Manual or on the drawings and any Addenda or Change Orders thereto.
Specifications. Where applicable, specifications for Goods and/or Services are detailed in this Contract and the Purchase Order. Unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order, all Goods and/or Services provided shall be new and unused of the latest model or design.
Specifications. Items and/or services furnished hereunder shall conform to the requirements of specifications and/or drawings applicable to items listed under Article IX - Price Schedule. Orders issued against this schedule will show the applicable price agreement item(s), number(s), and price(s); however they may not describe the item(s) fully.
Specifications. The Specifications are that portion of the Contract Documents consisting of the written requirements for materials, equipment, construction systems, standards and workmanship for the Work, and performance of related services.
Specifications. Service Provider shall provide services in accordance with the specifications contained in this contract. TJJD will determine the answers to all questions that may arise as to the interpretation of the specifications and the quality or acceptability of work performed. Substitutions cannot be made without TJJD prior approval. XXXX will decide the rate of progress of the work and the acceptable fulfillment of services on the part of Service Provider.
Specifications a. Slough material removed from the ditch may be blended into existing native road surface or shoulder only if it is the same material as the road surface. Slough material that is not suitable for blending should be disposed of as directed by the Forest Officer.
b. Live vegetation and other organic material shall be removed and disposed of as directed by the Forest Officer.
c. Unstable stumps, rocks, leaning trees or other debris shall be removed from the cutslope as directed by the Forest Officer.
Specifications a. The existing roadbeds, including turnouts, shall be bladed and shaped to reasonably conform to the designed cross section, and to eliminate ruts. Existing aggregate surfacing shall be bladed to conserve material and to prevent segregation of particle sizes. Rocks or other material remaining on the traveled way surface after final blading which are 4 inches or larger in size shall be removed from the road surface.
b. Roadside cutslopes should not be undercut when cleaning ditches or removing road sloughs. Berms shall be removed from road shoulders when blading, except where berms are located as part of road design.
c. Cutslopes that have been undercut may require backsloping, seeding and fertilizing.
d. At intersections, the roadbeds at side roads shall be graded for a reasonable distance to assure proper blending of the two riding surfaces.
e. Drainage dips and leadoff ditches shall be cleaned and graded to form their previous line and grade.
f. Crowned roads should slope towards shoulders at least 2-5% (1/4-1/2 inch per foot road width) on native and gravel roads.
g. At intersections where side roads enter the main road and the entering side road exceeds +3%, shallow ditching across the side road may be required to divert surface runoff and protect the main road's stability.
h. The side-casting of road material into a stream, lake, wetland, or other body of water during road maintenance operations is prohibited in the SMZ.
Specifications. Contractor’s published technical and non-technical detailed descriptions of each Deliverable’s capabilities, or intended use or both, as more fully set forth in this Contract or a Statement of Work, as applicable.
Specifications a. All trees that have fallen across the road shall be removed from the road prism unless otherwise agreed upon. Merchantable timber, if any, shall be cut in appropriate lengths and decked along the roadside in locations where traveled way width or sight distances will not be impaired.
b. Brush and seedling trees that encroach upon the original road clear limits shall be removed when they reduce safe sight distances. Low shrubs and brush that do not restrict sight distance but provide cover and reduce erosion shall not be removed. Brush and seedling trees removed shall be disposed of as directed by the Forest Officer.
Specifications. That portion of the Contract Documents, Division 1 through Division 49, and all technical sections, and addenda to all of these, if any, consisting of written descriptions and requirements of a technical nature of materials, equipment, construction methods and systems, standards, and workmanship.