Payment Adjustments The Monthly Capitation Payments shall be adjusted for a period not to exceed twenty-four (24) months prior to the Monthly Capitation Payment to reflect corrections to the Enrollee Listing Report. Payments will be adjusted to reflect the automatic enrollment of eligible newborn infants. At such time that Kentucky HEALTH is live, a delivery payment will be paid on the eighth (8th) day of the month for the previous month’s claims. Claims for payment adjustments shall be deemed to have been waived by the Contractor if a payment request is not submitted in writing within twelve (12) months following the month for which an adjustment is requested. Waiver of a claim for payment shall not release the Contractor of its obligations to provide Covered Services pursuant to the Contract. In the event that an Enrollee is eligible and enrolled, but does not appear on the Enrollee Listing Report, the Contractor may submit a payment adjustment request. The Contractor shall submit the request in accordance with Appendix D “Reporting Requirements and Reporting Deliverables” for automated reporting requirements. In the event that an Enrollee is eligible and enrolled and the Contractor believes the Capitation Payment was in error due to underpayment, overpayment, or duplicate payment, the Contractor may submit a payment adjustment request. The Contractor shall submit the request in accordance with Appendix D “Reporting Requirements and Reporting Deliverables” for automated reporting requirements. In the event that an Enrollee does not appear on the Enrollee Listing Report, but the Department has paid the Contractor for an Enrollee, the Department may request and obtain a refund of, or it may recoup from subsequent payments, any payment previously made to the Contractor. In the event an Enrollee appears on the Enrollee Listing Report but is determined to be ineligible, the Department may request and obtain a refund of, or it may recoup from subsequent payments, any payment previously made to the Contractor. In such instances, for each Enrollee that is determined to be ineligible, the Contractor may recover payment from any Provider who rendered services to Enrollee during the period of ineligibility. The entity to which the Enrollee is retroactively added shall assume responsibility for payment of any services provided to Enrollees during the period of adjusted eligibility. For cases involving Enrollee ineligibility due to Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, the Department shall only recoup the Capitation amount and the Contractor shall establish procedures pursuant to Section
Price Adjustments 17.1 Prices for Goods/Services supplied in terms of this Agreement shall be subject to review as indicated in the Schedule of Requirements/Works Order annexed hereto. 17.2 No less than 2 [two] months prior to any proposed Price adjustment, the Parties shall commence negotiations for Prices for the next period or as otherwise indicated in Schedule 1 hereto. The Parties shall have regard for market-related pricing of equivalent goods, continuous improvement initiatives, costs [including labour, raw materials and transport/delivery], order size and frequency and changes to the specification of the Goods/Services. 17.3 Pursuant to clause 17.2 above, the Supplier/Service Provider shall keep full and accurate records of all costs associated with the supply of the Goods/Services to Transnet, in a form to be approved in writing by Transnet. The Supplier/Service Provider shall produce such records to Transnet for inspection at all reasonable times on request and such records may, at Transnet's option, be audited by Transnet or its designated representatives. 17.4 Should Transnet and the Supplier/Service Provider fail to reach an agreement on Price for the successive period, either Party shall be entitled to submit this matter to dispute resolution in accordance with clause 32 of the Master Agreement [Dispute Resolution]. 17.5 If during the period of this Agreement Transnet can purchase similar Goods/Services of a like quality from another supplier at a total delivered cost to a Transnet facility that is lower than the total delivered cost of the Goods/Services purchased hereunder from the Supplier/Service Provider, Transnet may notify the Supplier/Service Provider of such total delivered cost and the Supplier/Service Provider shall have an opportunity to adjust the Price of the Goods/Services purchased hereunder, on such a basis as to result in the same total delivered cost to Transnet, within 30 [thirty] calendar days of such notice. If the Supplier/Service Provider fails to do so or cannot legally do so, Transnet may (i) purchase the Goods/Services from such other supplier in which case the obligations, including, but not limited to, any purchase and sale requirements and/or commitments, if any, of Transnet and the Supplier/Service Provider hereunder shall be reduced accordingly; (ii) terminate this Agreement without any penalty, liability or further obligation; or (iii) continue purchases under this Agreement. 17.6 If during the period of this Agreement the Supplier/Service Provider sells any materials which are the same as, equivalent to, or substantially similar to the Goods/Services herein, at a total delivered cost to a third party lower than the total delivered cost to a Transnet facility, then the Supplier/Service Provider has an opportunity to adjust its Price for the Goods/Services purchased hereunder within 30 [thirty] calendar days so that the Price is the same or lower than the total delivered cost of such third party. If the Supplier/Service Provider fails to do so or cannot legally do so, Transnet may (i) purchase the Goods/Services from any other such supplier, in which case the obligations, including, but not limited to, any purchase and sale requirements and/or commitments, if any, of Transnet and the Supplier/Service Provider hereunder shall be reduced accordingly; or