Line Side Sample Clauses
Line Side. An End Office connection that provides transmission, switching and optional features suitable for Customer connection to the public switched network, including loop start supervision, ground start supervision and signaling for BRI- ISDN service.
Line Side. Refers to an End Office Switch connection that is connected to an ordinary telephone station set, including the connection between a loop termination at, for example, a main distribution frame (MDF) and a switch line card. Line side connections offer only those transmission and signaling features appropriate for the connection between an End Office and an ordinary telephone set, and cannot be used for the direct connection of switching entities.
Line Side. Refers to an end office switch connection that has been programmed to treat the circuit as a local line connected to an ordinary telephone station set. Line side connections offer only those transmission and signaling features appropriate for a connection between an end office and an ordinary telephone set. A contiguous geographic area for the provision and administration of communications service; i.e., intraLATA or interLATA. Established before the date of enactment of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 by a Xxxx operating company such that no exchange area includes points within more than one metropolitan statistical area, consolidated metropolitan statistical area, or State, except as expressly permitted under the AT&T Consent Decree dated August 24, 1982; or established or modified by a Xxxx operating company after such date of enactment and approved by the FCC.
Line Side. Refers to an end office switch connection that has been programmed to treat the circuit as a local line connected to an ordinary telephone station set. Line side connections offer only those transmission and signaling features appropriate for a connection between an end office and an ordinary telephone set. A geographic area for the provision and administration of communications service; i.e., intraLATA or interLATA.
Line Side. II-5 1.47 Local Access and Transport Area (LATA) ...................................................... II-5 1.48 Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) ......................................................................... II-5 1.49 Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG).......................................................... II-5 1.50 Local Traffic I-5 1.51 Main Distribution Frame (MDF) ........................................................................ II-6 1.52 Meet-Point Billing (MPB) .................................................................................. II-6 1.53 Mid-Span Fiber Meet ......................................................................................... II-6 1.54 Multiple Exchange Carrier Access Billing (MECAB)...................................... II-6 1.55 Multiple Exchange Carriers Ordering and Design Guidelines for Access Services - Industry Support Interface (MECOD)............................................. II-6 1.56 Network Interface Device (NID)........................................................................ II-6 1.57 911 Service ........................................................................................................ II-6 1.58 North American Numbering Plan (NANP) ....................................................... II-6 1.59 Numbering Plan Area (NPA)............................................................................. II-6 1.60 NXX, NXX Code, Central Office Code or CO Code......................................... II-7 1.61 Owner or Operator ............................................................................................ II-7 1.62 Party/Parties ...................................................................................................... II-7 1.63 Provider.............................................................................................................. II-7 1.64 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) ........................................................... II-7 1.65 Rate Center ........................................................................................................ II-7 1.66 Routing Point..................................................................................................... II-7 1.67 Service Switching Point (SSP)......................................................................... II-7
Line Side. An End Office connection that provides transmission, switching and optional features suitable for Customer connection to the public switched network, BLCSC comp v3.3 34 includinlgoopstartsupervisiognr,oundstartsupervisioanndsignalinfgorBRI- ISDNservice. Loop. Atransmissiopnaththatextendfsroma MainDistributioFnrameorfunctionally comparabpleieceofequipmeninta Customers'servingEndOfficet,otheRate DemarcatioPnoin(torNIDifinstalleadttheRateDemarcatioPnointi)noratthe Customerp'sremisesT. heactuatlransmissiofancilitieussedtoprovidea Loop mayutilizeanyofseveratel chnologies.