SCOPE AND INTENT OF AGREEMENT. Pursuant to this Agreement, the Parties will extend certain arrangements to one another within each area in which they both operate within the State for purposes of interconnection and the exchange of traffic between their respective end-user customers, and reciprocal access to poles, ducts, conduits and rights-of-way. This Agreement also governs the purchase by NEWSOUTH of certain telecommunications services provided by GTE in its franchise areas for resale by NEWSOUTH, the purchase by NEWSOUTH of certain Unbundled Network Elements from GTE, and the terms and conditions of the collocation of certain equipment of NEWSOUTH in the premises of GTE. This Agreement is an integrated package that reflects a balancing of interests critical to the Parties. This Agreement will be submitted to the Kentucky Public Service Commission (the "Commission") for approval. The Parties agree that their entrance into this Agreement is without prejudice to and does not waive any positions they may have taken previously, or may take in the future, in any legislative, regulatory, judicial or other public forum addressing any matters, including matters related to the same types of arrangements and/or matters related to GTE’s cost recovery covered in this Agreement. NEWSOUTH agrees to negotiate reciprocal terms and conditions with GTE based on this Agreement. GTE’s execution of this Agreement is not a concession or waiver in any manner concerning its position that certain rates, terms and conditions contained herein are unlawful, illegal and improper. The services and facilities to be provided to NEWSOUTH by GTE in satisfaction of this Agreement may be provided pursuant to GTE tariffs and then current practices. Should such services and facilities be modified by tariff or by Order, including any modifications resulting from other Commission proceedings, federal court review or other judicial action, and unless otherwise specified herein, such modifications will be deemed to automatically supersede any rates and terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Parties shall cooperate with one another for the purpose of incorporating required modifications into this Agreement.
SCOPE AND INTENT OF AGREEMENT. Pursuant to this Agreement, the Parties will extend certain arrangements to one another within each area in which they both operate within the State for purposes of interconnection and the exchange of traffic between their respective end-user customers, and reciprocal access to poles, ducts, conduits and rights-of-way. This Agreement also governs the purchase by US Dial Tone of certain telecommunications services provided by GTE in its franchise areas for resale by US Dial Tone, the purchase by US Dial Tone of certain Unbundled Network Elements from GTE, and the terms and conditions of the collocation of certain equipment of US Dial Tone in the premises of GTE. This Agreement is an integrated package that reflects a balancing of interests critical to the Parties. This Agreement will be submitted to the Illinois Commerce Commission (the "Commission") for approval. The Parties agree that their entrance into this Agreement is without prejudice to and does not waive any positions they may have taken previously, or may take in the future, in any legislative, regulatory, judicial or other public forum addressing any matters, including matters related to the same types of arrangements and/or matters related to GTE’s cost recovery covered in this Agreement. US Xxxx Xxxx agrees to negotiate reciprocal terms and conditions with GTE based on this Agreement. GTE’s execution of this Agreement is not a concession or waiver in any manner concerning its position that certain rates, terms and conditions contained herein are unlawful, illegal and improper. The services and facilities to be provided to US Dial Tone by GTE in satisfaction of this Agreement may be provided pursuant to GTE tariffs and then current practices. Should such services and facilities be modified by tariff or by Order, including any modifications resulting from other Commission proceedings, federal court review or other judicial action, and unless otherwise specified herein, such modifications will be deemed to automatically supersede any rates and terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Parties shall cooperate with one another for the purpose of incorporating required modifications into this Agreement.
SCOPE AND INTENT OF AGREEMENT. Pursuant to this Agreement, the Parties will extend certain arrangements to one another within each area in which they both operate within the State for purposes of interconnection and the exchange of traffic between their respective end-user customers. This Agreement also governs the collocation of certain equipment of Nextel in the premises of GTE. This Agreement is an integrated package that reflects a balancing of interests critical to the Parties. This Agreement will be submitted to the Kentucky Public Service Commission (the "Commission") for approval. The Parties agree that their entrance into this Agreement is without prejudice to and does not waive any positions they may have taken previously, or may take in the future, in any legislative, regulatory, judicial or other public forum addressing any matters, including matters related to the same types of arrangements and/or matters related to GTE’s cost recovery covered in this Agreement. The services and facilities to be provided to Nextel by GTE in satisfaction of this Agreement may be provided pursuant to GTE tariffs and then current practices. Should such services and facilities be modified by tariff or by Order, including any modifications resulting from other Commission proceedings, federal court review or other judicial action, and unless otherwise specified herein, such modifications will be deemed to automatically supersede any rates and terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Parties shall cooperate with one another for the purpose of incorporating required modifications into this Agreement.
SCOPE AND INTENT OF AGREEMENT. Pursuant to this Agreement, the Parties will extend certain arrangements to one another within each area in which they both operate within the State for purposes of interconnection and the exchange of traffic between their respective end-user customers. This Agreement also governs the collocation of certain equipment of Nextel in the premises of GTE. This Agreement is an integrated package that reflects a balancing of interests critical to the Parties. This Agreement will be submitted to the Michigan Public Service Commission (the "Commission") for approval. The Parties agree that their entrance into this Agreement is without prejudice to and does not waive any positions they may have taken previously, or may take in the future, in any legislative, regulatory, judicial or other public forum addressing any matters, including matters related to the same types of arrangements and/or matters related to GTE’s cost recovery covered in this Agreement. The services and facilities to be provided to Nextel by GTE in satisfaction of this Agreement may be provided pursuant to GTE tariffs and then current practices. Should such services and facilities be modified by tariff or by Order, including any modifications resulting from other Commission proceedings, federal court review or other judicial action, and unless otherwise specified herein, such modifications will be deemed to automatically supersede any rates and terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Parties shall cooperate with one another for the purpose of incorporating required modifications into this Agreement.
SCOPE AND INTENT OF AGREEMENT. 1.5.1 This Agreement applies to the exclusion of any and all Awards and Agreements, and is a complete Agreement covering all terms and conditions of employment.
1.5.2 While the Company’s policies and procedures do not form part of this Agreement, FTMs will comply with any policies and procedures that the Company may implement. FTMs shall also comply with any specific client policies and procedures applicable to their assignment.
1.5.3 To the extent that the contents of policies or procedures refer to obligations on the Company, they are guides only and are not contractual terms, conditions or representations on which FTMs may rely.
1.5.4 Protected Conditions (including protected award conditions as defined by section 354, protected preserved conditions as defined by section 25A of schedule 8 and protected notional conditions as defined by section 52 of schedule 8, of the Workplace Relations Act 1996) are specifically excluded from this Agreement unless otherwise specified.
SCOPE AND INTENT OF AGREEMENT. Pursuant to this Agreement, the Parties will extend certain arrangements to one another within each area in which they both operate within the State for purposes of interconnection and the exchange of traffic between their respective end user customers, and reciprocal access to their poles, ducts, conduits and rights-of-way. This Agreement also governs the terms and conditions of the collocation of certain equipment of US Cellular in the premises of GTE. This Agreement is an integrated package that reflects a balancing of interests critical to the Parties. This Agreement will be submitted to the Kentucky Public Service Commission (the “Commission”), and the Parties will specifically request that the Commission refrain from taking any action to modify, supplement, suspend or otherwise delay implementation of this Agreement. For the term of this Agreement, the Parties shall not advocate before any legislative, regulatory, judicial or other public forum that any terms of this Agreement between the Parties be modified, supplemented, suspended or eliminated. Notwithstanding this mutual commitment, the Parties agree that their entrance into this Agreement is without prejudice to any positions they may have taken previously, or may take in the future, in any legislative, regulatory, judicial or other public forum addressing any matters, including matters related to the same types of arrangements covered in this Agreement.
SCOPE AND INTENT OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement governs the purchase by PHNLK of certain telecommunications services provided by GTE in its franchise areas for resale by PHNLK. This Agreement is an integrated package that reflects a balancing of interests critical to the Parties. This Agreement will be submitted to the Kentucky Public Service Commission (the "Commission") for approval. The Parties agree that their entrance into this Agreement is without prejudice to and does not waive any positions they may have taken previously, or may take in the future, in any legislative, regulatory, judicial or other public forum addressing any matters, including matters related to the same types of arrangements and/or matters related to GTE's cost recovery covered in this Agreement. The services and facilities to be provided to PHNLK by GTE in satisfaction of this Agreement may be provided pursuant to GTE tariffs and then current practices. Should such services and facilities be modified by tariff or by Order,including any modifications resulting from other Commission proceedings, federal court review or other judicial action, such modifications will be deemed to automatically supersede any rates and terms and conditions of this Agreement. GTE will provide notification to PHNLK before such a tariff becomes effective, and PHNLK may provide input on such proposed tariff. The Parties shall cooperate with one another for the purpose of incorporating required modifications into this agreement.
SCOPE AND INTENT OF AGREEMENT. Pursuant to this Agreement, the Parties will extend certain arrangements to one another within each area in which they both operate within the State for purposes of interconnection and the exchange of traffic between their respective end user customers, and reciprocal access to poles, ducts, conduits and rights-of-way. This Agreement also governs the purchase by DTI of certain telecommunications services provided by GTE in its franchise areas for resale by DTI, the purchase by DTI of certain unbundled network elements from GTE, and the terms and conditions of the collocation of certain equipment of DTI in the premises of GTE. This Agreement is an integrated package that reflects a balancing of interests critical to the Parties. This Agreement will be submitted to the Missouri Public Service Commission (the "Commission")
SCOPE AND INTENT OF AGREEMENT. Pursuant to this Agreement, and to the extent required by the Act, the Parties will extend certain arrangements to one another within each area in which they both operate within the State for purposes of interconnection and the exchange of traffic between their respective end-user customers, and reciprocal access to poles, ducts, conduits and rights-of-way. This Agreement also governs the purchase by Bayland of certain telecommunications services provided by CenturyTel in its franchise areas for resale by Bayland, the purchase by Bayland of certain Unbundled Network Elements from CenturyTel, and the terms and conditions of the collocation of certain equipment of Bayland in the premises of CenturyTel. This Agreement is an integrated package that reflects a balancing of interests critical to the Parties. This Agreement will be submitted to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (the "Commission") for approval. The Parties agree that their entrance into this Agreement is without prejudice to and does not waive any positions they may have taken previously, or may take in the future, in any legislative, regulatory, judicial or other public forum addressing any matters, including matters related to the same types of arrangements and/or matters related to CenturyTel’s cost recovery covered in this Agreement. Bayland agrees to negotiate reciprocal terms and conditions with CenturyTel based on this Agreement and to the extent required by the Act. The services and facilities to be provided to Bayland by CenturyTel in satisfaction of this Agreement may be provided pursuant to CenturyTel tariffs and then current practices. Should such services and facilities be modified by Order, including any modifications resulting from other Commission proceedings, federal court review or other judicial action, and unless otherwise specified herein, such modifications will be deemed to automatically supersede any rates and terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Parties shall cooperate with one another for the purpose of incorporating required modifications into this Agreement. If a service and rate are specifically set forth in the terms of this agreement, and there exists a conflict between that service and rate set forth in this agreement, and a service and rate set forth in a CenturyTel tariff, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.
SCOPE AND INTENT OF AGREEMENT. A. This Agreement establishes responsibilities for management of the Manitowoc Farmers Market for the 2018 season. Management of the Market is defined as:
1. Operating the Saturday and Weekday Market events with on-site presence, preparation, and follow-up.
2. Addressing all issues and concerns that arise relative to the operation of the Market.
3. Establishing and maintaining communication with the Farmers Market vendors.