Dedicated Transport A DS0-, DS1-, or DS3-capacity transmission facility between Verizon switches (as identified in the LERG) or UNE Wire Centers, within a LATA, that is dedicated to a particular end user or carrier. Dedicated Transport is sometimes referred to as dedicated interoffice facilities ("IOF"). Dedicated Transport does not include any facility that does not connect a pair of Verizon UNE Wire Centers.
Gas If Customer has selected a Gas Fixed Rate, Customer’s Price will be based on the Fixed Rate(s), plus the Administration Charge, set forth in the Application, which includes RITERATE ENERGY’s compressor fuel and transportation charges, administrative and transaction costs and the Gas Balancing Amount and any Regulatory Charges (defined below).
Pipelines Developer shall have no interest in the pipeline gathering system, which gathering system shall remain the sole property of Operator or its Affiliates and shall be maintained at their sole cost and expense.
Explosives Explosives or other highly flammable substances shall not be stored or used on Railroad's property without the prior written approval of Railroad.
Wastewater investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of infrastructure that supports wastewater and storm water collection, treatment, and management systems. Note: Investments in health infrastructure (e.g., hospitals, long-term care facilities, convalescent centres, and senior centres) are not eligible. Eligible Expenditures will be limited to the following: 1. Infrastructure investments – expenditures associated with acquiring, planning, designing, constructing, or renovating a tangible capital asset and any related debt financing charges specifically identified with that asset. 2. Capacity-building costs – for projects eligible under the capacity-building category only, expenditures associated with the development and implementation of: • Capital investment plans, integrated community sustainability plans, integrated regional plans, housing needs assessments, or asset management plans; • Studies, strategies, systems, software, third-party assessments, plans, or training related to asset management; • Studies, strategies, systems, or plans related to housing or land use; • Studies, strategies, or plans related to the long-term management of infrastructure; and • Other initiatives that strengthen the Recipient’s ability to improve local and regional planning. 3. Joint communications and signage costs – expenditures directly associated with joint federal communication activities and with federal project signage.
Signaling Link Transport 9.2.1 Signaling Link Transport is a set of two or four dedicated 56 kbps transmission paths between Global Connection-designated Signaling Points of Interconnection that provide appropriate physical diversity.
Fuel The Vehicle must be returned with the amount of fuel equal to that at the time of the commencement of the rental. If the Vehicle is returned with less fuel, the difference will be charged to You at a rate of $5.00 per litre (which includes a service component).
Materials of Environmental Concern have not been transported or disposed of from the Properties in violation of, or in a manner or to a location that could give rise to liability under, any Environmental Law, nor have any Materials of Environmental Concern been generated, treated, stored or disposed of at, on or under any of the Properties in violation of, or in a manner that could give rise to liability under, any applicable Environmental Law;
Voice Grade Unbundled Copper Sub-Loop Unbundled Sub-Loop Distribution – Intrabuilding Network Cable (aka riser cable)
Chemical Substances Supplier warrants that: (i) each chemical substance contained in Products is on the inventory of chemical substances compiled and published by the Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to the Toxic Substances Control Act and (ii) all Material Safety Data Sheets required to be provided by Supplier for Products shall be provided to DXC prior to shipment of the Products and shall be complete and accurate.