Local Control Center. Those control centers now in existence (including the CONVEX, REMVEC, Maine and New Hampshire control centers) or established by the PTOs in accordance with Section 3.06(a) of this Agreement that are separate from the ISO Control Center and perform certain functions in accordance with this Agreement.
Local Control Center. LS Power will establish transmission operations facilities, including primary and backup control centers, with full operational functionality and situational awareness tools within the State of New York. LS Power will design, construct, and operate these transmission operations facilities in accordance with applicable NYISO, NPCC, and NERC Reliability Standards and requirements.
Local Control Center. Metering and Telemetry The NTO shall operate, or arrange for an ITOits ITO(s) to operate, pursuant to all rules on a twenty-four (24) hour basis, a suitable local control centercenter(s) with all equipment and facilities reasonably required for the ISO to exercise ISO Operational Control over NTO Transmission Facilities Under ISO Operational Control, and for the NTO to fulfill its responsibilities under this Agreement. Operation of the NYS Power System is a cooperative effort coordinated by the ISO control center in conjunction with local control centers and will require the exchange of all reasonably necessary information. The local control center designated by the NTO and ITO for the NTO facilities mustNTO shall provide the ISO, or arrange for its ITO(s) to provide the ISO, with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ‡ 6 & $ ’ $ · L Q I R U-1 aPnd DA-2 WhereiLn asRwelQl as on R Q I D J H Q H U D W L R Q D Q G P H U F K D Q W W facilities pursuant to the ISO OATT. The NTO shall provide, or arrange for the designated local control centerits ITO(s) to provide, metering data for its transmission facilities to the ISO, unless other parties are authorized by the appropriate regulatory authority to provide metering data. The NTO shall arrange for the collection and submittal by the designated local control centercollect and submit to the ISO of, or arrange for its ITO(s) to collect and submit to the ISO, billing quality metering data and any other information for its transmission facilities required by the ISO for billing purposes. The NTO shall provide to the ISO, or arrange for the designated local control centerits ITO(s) to provide to the ISO, the telemetry and other operating data from generation and merchant transmission resources interconnected to its transmission facilities that the ISO requires for the operation of the NYS Power System. The NTO will establish and maintain a strict Codecode of Conductconduct to prevent such information from reaching any unauthorized person or entity. Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
Local Control Center. The Developer will establish transmission operations facilities, including primary and backup control centers with full operational functionality and situational awareness tools within the State of New York. The Developer will design, construct, and operate these transmission operations facilities in accordance with applicable NYISO, NPCC and NERC Reliability Standard requirements.
Local Control Center. Those control centers now in existence (including the CONVEX, REMVEC, Maine and New Hampshire control centers) or established by the PTOs in accordance with Section 3.06(a) of this Agreement that are separate from the ISO Control Center and perform certain functions in accordance with this Agreement. Local Furnishing Bonds. Tax-exempt bonds utilized to finance facilities for the local furnishing of electric Energy, as described in section 142(f) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C.