Metering Data Sample Clauses
Metering Data. At Developer’s expense, the metered data shall be telemetered to one or more locations designated by Connecting Transmission Owner, Developer and NYISO. Such telemetered data shall be used, under normal operating conditions, as the official measurement of the amount of energy delivered from the Large Generating Facility to the Point of Interconnection.
Metering Data. At Interconnection Customer’s expense, the metered data shall be telemetered to one or more locations designated by Transmission Provider and Transmission Owner and one or more locations designated by Interconnection Customer. Such telemetered data shall be used, under normal operating conditions, as the official measurement of the amount of energy delivered from the Generating Facility to the Point of Interconnection.
Metering Data. At Interconnection Customer's expense, the metered data shall be telemetered (a) to a location designated by Transmission Provider; (b) to a location designated by the Interconnected Transmission Owner, unless the Interconnected Transmission Owner agrees otherwise; and (c) to a location designated by Interconnection Customer. Data from the Metering Equipment at the Point of Interconnection shall be used, under normal operating conditions, as the official measurement of the amount of energy delivered from or to the Customer Facility to the Point of Interconnection, provided that the Transmission Provider’s rules applicable to Station Power as set forth at Tariff, Attachment K-Appendix, section 1.7.10(d) shall control with respect to a Generation Interconnection Customer’s consumption of Station Power.
Metering Data. At Interconnection Customer's expense, the metered data shall be telemetered (a) to a location designated by Transmission Provider; (b) to a location designated by the Interconnected Transmission Owner, unless the Interconnected Transmission Owner agrees otherwise; and (c) to a location designated by Interconnection Customer. Data from the Metering Equipment at the Point of Interconnection shall be used, under normal operating conditions, as the official measurement of the amount of energy delivered from or to the Customer Facility to the Point of Interconnection, provided that the Transmission Provider’s rules applicable to Station Power shall control with respect to a Generation Interconnection Customer’s consumption of Station Power.
Metering Data. At Connecting Transmission Owner’s expense, the metered data shall be telemetered to one or more locations designated by NYISO. Such telemetered data shall be used, under normal operating conditions, as the official measurement of the amount of energy at the Metering Points.
Metering Data. At Interconnection Customer’s expense, metered data shall be telemetered to one or more locations designated by System Operator and Interconnecting Transmission Owner. The hourly integrated metering, established in accordance with ISO New England Operating Documents, Applicable Reliability Standards, or successor documents, used to transmit Megawatt hour (“MWh”) per hour data by electronic means and the Watt-hour meters equipped with kilowatt-hour (“kwh”) or MWh registers to be read at month’s end shall be the official measurement of the amount of energy delivered from the Large Generating Facility to the Point of Interconnection. Instantaneous metering is required for all Generators in accordance with ISO New England Operating Documents, Applicable Reliability Standards, or successor documents.
Metering Data. Subject to the provisions of Appendix C, and at TrAILCo’s expense, the metered data shall be telemetered to one or more locations designated by TrAILCo, NYISO and NYSEG. Such telemetered data shall be used, under normal operating conditions, as the official measurement of the amount of energy delivered from the HC - FMR Line to the Point of Interconnection and/or from the Transmission Facility to the Point of Interconnection.
Metering Data. At Con Edison’s expense, the metered data shall be telemetered to one or more locations designated by the Parties. Such telemetered data shall be used, under normal operating conditions, as the official measurement of the amount of energy delivered from the Large Generating Facility to the Point of Interconnection.
Metering Data. Metering data used for the purposes of calculating Metered Volume must be provided to the CfD Counterparty by the Generator in the file format stipulated by the CfD Counterparty, and as modified from time to time.
Metering Data. Where the distributor charges are to be determined by reference to metering data or other metering information, the Distributor shall use:
(a) metering data or other metering information; or
(b) if metering data or other metering information is not available, an estimating system established in accordance with the applicable law, in respect of each customer's connection point for the billing period.