Usuários do Governo O Software Apple e a documentação relacionada são “Itens Comerciais”, de acordo com a definição deste termo no 48 C.F.R. (Code of Federal Rules) §2.101, consistindo em um “Software de Computador Comercial” e “Documentação de Software de Computador Comercial”, de acordo com a maneira que estes termos são utilizados no 48 C.F.R. §12.212 ou 48 C.F.R. §227.7202, conforme for aplicável. Consistente com o 48 C.F.R. §12.212 ou 48 C.F.R. §227.7202-1 a 227.7202-4, conforme for aplicável, o Software de Computador Comercial e a Documentação de Software de Computador Comercial são licenciados aos usuários do Governo dos Estados Unidos (a) somente como Itens Comerciais e (b) apenas com os direitos que são oferecidos a outros usuários de acordo com os termos e condições aqui descritos. Os direitos não publicados estão protegidos pelas leis de direitos autorais dos Estados Unidos.
GOVERNORS 45. The number of Governors shall be not less than three but (unless otherwise determined by ordinary resolution) shall not be subject to any maximum.
Board of Governors (hereinafter called the Board) is the body referred to by that name in the Carleton University Act.
APPOINTMENT OF GOVERNORS 50. The Members may appoint up to 1 Governor save that no more than one third of the total number of individuals appointed as Governors shall be employees of the Academy Trust (including the Principal).
Contract Governance Any contract made or entered into by the TIPS is subject to and is to be governed by Section 271.151 et seq, Tex Lo Code. Otherwise, TIPS does not waive its governmental immunities from suit or liability except to the extent expressly by other applicable laws in clear and unambiguous language. Yes, I Agree (Yes) 9
Project Governance (a) If advised in writing by the Ministry the Recipient will:
Shared Governance The parties shall develop a variety of shared governance models which schools may consider. Schools shall select a model that best suits their needs or the staff may develop an alternative model of governance with direct involvement by teachers, other staff and community representatives. Staff approval and commitment to the model is essential. The selected model of governance will be specifically described in each school's improvement plan.
CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE GOVERNORS 83. The Governors shall each school year, at their first meeting in that year, elect a chairman and a vice-chairman from among their number. A Governor who is employed by the Academy Trust shall not be eligible for election as chairman or vice-chairman.
Responsibilities and Restrictions Concerning Governing Body, Officers and Employees Grantee and its governing body will:
MEETINGS OF THE GOVERNORS 105. Subject to these Articles, the Governors may regulate their proceedings as they think fit.