Market Access Sample Clauses

Market Access. 1. With respect to market access through the modes of supply identified in the "trade in services" definition of Article 104 (Definitions), each Party shall accord to services and service suppliers of the other Party treatment no less favourable than that provided for under the terms, limitations and conditions agreed and specified in its Schedule (7). 2. In sectors where market access commitments are undertaken, the measures which a Party shall not maintain or adopt either on the basis of a regional subdivision or on the basis of its entire territory, unless otherwise specified in its Schedule, are defined as: (a) limitations on the number of service suppliers whether in the form of numerical quotas, monopolies, exclusive service suppliers or the requirements of an economic needs test; (b) limitations on the total value of service transactions or assets in the form of numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test; (c) limitations on the total number of service operations or on the total quantity of service output expressed in terms of designated numerical units in the form of quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test; (8) (d) limitations on the total number of natural persons that may be employed in a particular service sector or that a service supplier may employ and who are necessary for, and directly related to, the supply of a specific service in the form of numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test; (e) measures which restrict or require specific types of legal entity or joint venture through which a service supplier may supply a service; or (f) limitations on the participation of foreign capital in terms of maximum percentage limit on foreign shareholding or the total value of individual or aggregate foreign investment.
Market Access. 1. With respect to market access through the modes of supply defined in subparagraph (m) of Article 58, each Party shall accord services and service suppliers of the other Party treatment no less favourable than that provided for under the terms, limitations and conditions agreed and specified in its Schedule of Specific Commitments in Annex 6.
Market Access. 1. With respect to market access through the modes of supply identified in Article I, each Member shall accord services and service suppliers of any other Member treatment no less favourable than that provided for under the terms, limitations and conditions agreed and specified in its Schedule.8 2. In sectors where market-access commitments are undertaken, the measures which a Member shall not maintain or adopt either on the basis of a regional subdivision or on the basis of its entire territory, unless otherwise specified in its Schedule, are defined as: (a) limitations on the number of service suppliers whether in the form of numerical quotas, monopolies, exclusive service suppliers or the requirements of an economic needs test; (b) limitations on the total value of service transactions or assets in the form of numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test; (c) limitations on the total number of service operations or on the total quantity of service output expressed in terms of designated numerical units in the form of quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test;9 (d) limitations on the total number of natural persons that may be employed in a particular service sector or that a service supplier may employ and who are necessary for, and directly related to, the supply of a specific service in the form of numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test; (e) measures which restrict or require specific types of legal entity or joint venture through which a service supplier may supply a service; and (f) limitations on the participation of foreign capital in terms of maximum percentage limit on foreign shareholding or the total value of individual or aggregate foreign investment.
Market Access. 1. With respect to market access through the modes of supply identified in Article 2(s) (Definitions), each Party shall accord services and service suppliers of any other Party treatment no less favourable than that provided for under the terms, limitations and conditions agreed and specified in its schedules of specific commitments in Annex 3 (Schedules of Specific Services Commitments) or Annex 4 (Schedules of Movement of Natural Persons Commitments).4 2. In sectors where market access commitments are undertaken, the measures which a Party shall not maintain or adopt either on the basis of a regional subdivision or on the basis of its entire territory, unless otherwise specified in its schedules of specific commitments in Annex 3 (Schedules of Specific Services Commitments) or Annex 4 (Schedules of Movement of Natural Persons Commitments), are defined as: (a) limitations on the number of service suppliers whether in the form of numerical quotas, monopolies, exclusive service suppliers or the requirements of an economic needs test; (b) limitations on the total value of service transactions or assets in the form of numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test; 4 If a Party undertakes a market-access commitment in relation to the supply of a services through the mode of supply referred to in Article 2(s)(i) (Definitions) and if the cross-border movement of capital is an essential part of the service itself, that Party is thereby committed to allow such movement of capital. If a Party undertakes a market-access commitment through the mode of supply referred to in Article 2(s)(iii) (Definitions), it is hereby committed to allow related transfers of capital into its territory. (c) limitations on the total number of service operations or on the total quantity of services output expressed in terms of designated numerical units in the form of quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test5; (d) limitations on the total number of natural persons that may be employed in a particular service sector or that a service supplier may employ and who are necessary for, and directly related to, the supply of a specific service in the form of numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test; (e) measures which restrict or require specific types of legal entity or joint venture through which a service supplier may supply a service; and (f) limitations on the participation of foreign capital in terms of maximum percentage limit on foreign sha...
Market Access. Neither Party may adopt or maintain, either on the basis of a regional subdivision or on the basis of its entire territory, measures that: (a) impose limitations on: (i) the number of service suppliers, whether in the form of numerical quotas, monopolies, exclusive service suppliers, or the requirement of an economic needs test; (ii) the total value of service transactions or assets in the form of numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test; (iii) the total number of service operations or the total quantity of services output expressed in terms of designated numerical units in the form of quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test9-2; or (iv) the total number of natural persons that may be employed in a particular service sector or that a service supplier may employ and who are necessary for, and directly related to, the supply of a specific service in the form of numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test; or (b) restrict or require specific types of legal entity or joint venture through which a service supplier may supply a service.
Market Access. With respect to market access through the cross-border supply of services, each Party shall accord services and service suppliers of another Party treatment no less favourable than that provided for in the specific commitments listed in Annex VIII (List of Commitments on Cross-Border Supply of Services).
Market Access. Commitments on market access shall be governed by Article XVI of the GATS, which is hereby incorporated into and made part of this Agreement.
Market Access. 1. With respect to market access through the cross-border supply of services, the EC Party and the Signatory CARIFORUM States shall accord services and service suppliers of the other Party treatment not less favourable than that provided for in the specific commitments contained in Annex IV. 2. In sectors where market access commitments are undertaken, the measures which the EC Party and the Signatory CARIFORUM States shall not maintain or adopt either on the basis of a regional subdivision or on the basis of their entire territory, unless otherwise specified in Annex IV, are defined as: (a) limitations on the number of services suppliers whether in the form of numerical quotas, monopolies, exclusive service suppliers or the requirements of an economic needs test; (b) limitations on the total value of service transactions or assets in the form of numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test; (c) limitations on the total number of service operations or on the total quantity of service output expressed in the terms of designated numerical units in the form of quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test.
Market Access. Neither Party shall adopt or maintain, either on the basis of a regional subdivision or on the basis of its entire territory, measures that: (a) impose limitations on: 2 Notwithstanding paragraph 3(d) of Article 10.1, the Party which considers that it is adversely affected by a subsidy or grant of the other Party may request consultations with the other Party on such matters. Such requests shall be accorded sympathetic consideration. The term "consultations" referred to in this footnote does not mean "consultations" in accordance with Article 23.4 (Consultations). 3 For greater certainty, the scope of application of Articles 10.4, 10.7, 10.8, and footnote 2 on measures adopted or maintained by a Party affecting the supply of a service in its territory by a covered investment is limited to the scope of application specified in Article 10.1, subject to any applicable non-conforming measures and exceptions. The Parties understand that nothing in this Chapter, including paragraph 4 of Article 10.1, is subject to Section B (Settlement of Disputes between an Investor and the Host Party) of Chapter Nine (Investment). (i) the number of service suppliers, whether in the form of numerical quotas, monopolies, exclusive service suppliers, or the requirement of an economic needs test; (ii) the total value of service transactions or assets in the form of numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test; (iii) the total number of service operations or the total quantity of services output expressed in terms of designated numerical units in the form of quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test;4 or (iv) the total number of natural persons that may be employed in a particular service sector or that a service supplier may employ and who are necessary for, and directly related to, the supply of a specific service in the form of numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test; or (b) restrict or require specific types of legal entity or joint venture through which a service supplier may supply a service.
Market Access. Where a Party's monopoly supplier competes, either directly or through an affiliated company, in the supply of a service outside the scope of its monopoly rights and which is subject to that Party's specific commitments the Party shall ensure that such a supplier does not abuse its monopoly position to act in its territory in a manner inconsistent with such commitments.