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MARKETING FUND AND REBATE AUDIT. During the term of this Addendum and for a period of two (2) years following its termination, MS may audit the applicable records and operations of COMPANY as is reasonable to verify COMPANY's compliance with the terms of this Addendum. Additionally, MS may audit specific Opportunity Marketing Fund claims submitted by COMPANY as outlined in COMPANY's then current Marketing Fund Guidelines. Any audit shall be conducted during COMPANY's normal business hours in such a manner as not to unreasonably interfere with COMPANY's normal business activities. Audit expenses shall be paid by MS unless material discrepancies are disclosed by such audit, in which case audit expenses shall be paid by COMPANY. For purposes of this Section, "material discrepancies" shall mean ten thousand U.S. dollars (US$10,000) or more in each Rebate or Marketing Fund payment. If the results of any audit show that COMPANY used Marketing Funds in any manner other than as authorized under this Addendum, MS shall be entitled to recover from COMPANY any and all Marketing Funds so used, in addition to any other remedies available to MS under law or equity plus injunctive relief and/or any other damages as may be permitted by law. Further, if any such audit shows that COMPANY has submitted incorrect sales reporting, and such reporting was the basis of any rebate payment, MS shall have the right to recover any and all rebate paid.


  • Services as Fund Accountant The Fund Accountant will provide such fund accounting services as the Funds may reasonably request, including daily pricing of portfolio securities, computation of the net asset value and the net income of the Funds in accordance with the Funds' prospectuses and statements of additional information; calculation of the dividend and capital gain distributions (including that needed to avoid all Federal excise taxes), if any; calculation of yields on all applicable Funds and all classes thereof; preparation of the following reports: (i) a current security position report; (ii) a summary report of transactions and pending maturities (including the principal, cost, and accrued interest on each portfolio security in maturity date order); and (iii) a current cash position report (including cash available from portfolio sales and maturities and sales of a Fund's Shares less cash needed for redemptions and settlement of portfolio purchases); and such other similar services with respect to a Fund as may be reasonably requested by the Funds. With regard to securities for which market quotations are available, the Fund Accountant may use one or more external pricing services as selected and authorized by the Fund on the Pricing Authorization Form attached hereto as Schedule B. The Fund Accountant will keep and maintain the following books and records of each Fund pursuant to Rule 31a-1 under the 1940 Act (the "Rule"): journals containing an itemized daily record in detail of all purchases and sales of securities, all receipts and disbursements of cash and all other debits and credits, as required by subsection (b)(1) of the Rule; general and auxiliary ledgers reflecting all asset, liability, reserve, capital, income and expense accounts, including interest accrued and interest received, as required by subsection (b)(2)(i) of the Rule; separate ledger accounts required by subsection (b)(2)(ii) and (iii) of the Rule; and a monthly trial balance of all ledger accounts (except shareholder accounts) as required by subsection (b)(8) of the Rule. In compliance with the requirements of Rule 31a-3 under the 1940 Act, Fund Accountant hereby agrees that all records which it maintains for the Funds are the property of the Funds and further agrees to surrender promptly to the Funds any of such records upon the Funds' request. However, Fund Accountant has the right to make copies of such records, in its discretion. Fund Accountant further agrees to preserve for the periods prescribed by Rule 31a-2 under the 1940 Act the records required to be maintained by Rule 31a-1 under the 1940 Act. Fund Accountant may delegate some or all of its responsibilities under this Agreement with the consent of the Funds, which will not be unreasonably withheld.

  • Annual Evaluation The Partnership will be evaluated on an annual basis through the use of the Strategic Partnership Annual Evaluation Format as specified in Appendix C of OSHA Instruction CSP 00-00-000, OSHA Strategic Partnership Program for Worker Safety and Health. The Choate Team will be responsible for gathering required participant data to evaluate and track the overall results and success of the Partnership. This data will be shared with OSHA. OSHA will be responsible for writing and submitting the annual evaluation.

  • Annual Audits Each fiscal year, the School shall provide for an independent annual financial audit conducted in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards and Governmental Auditing Standards and performed by a certified public accountant (CPA); provided the Commission may establish an alternative reporting requirement in accordance with State law. The Commission shall provide the guidelines and/or scope of the audit or alternative report and may require minimum CPA qualifications or that the School select from a list of qualified CPAs as provided by the Commission. The School shall provide the completed audit or alternative report to the Commission by November 15 after the conclusion of the fiscal year; provided that the Commission, with reasonable notice to the School, may change the deadline depending on circumstances. The School shall pay for the audit or alternative report if an appropriation is not made by the Legislature for such purpose.

  • Annual Audit Report On or before July 31 of each year, beginning with July 31, 2002, Servicer shall, at its own expense, cause a firm of independent public accountants (who may also render other services to Servicer), which is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, to furnish to the Seller and Master Servicer (i) year-end audited (if available) financial statements of the Servicer and (ii) a statement to the effect that such firm has examined certain documents and records for the preceding fiscal year (or during the period from the date of commencement of such Servicer's duties hereunder until the end of such preceding fiscal year in the case of the first such certificate) and that, on the basis of such examination conducted substantially in compliance with the Uniform Single Attestation Program for Mortgage Bankers, such firm is of the opinion that Servicer's overall servicing operations have been conducted in compliance with the Uniform Single Attestation Program for Mortgage Bankers except for such exceptions that, in the opinion of such firm, the Uniform Single Attestation Program for Mortgage Bankers requires it to report, in which case such exceptions shall be set forth in such statement. 27. A new Section 5.07 is hereby added to the Master Servicing Agreement to read as follows:

  • Annual Audit If Subrecipient expends Federal funds in a fiscal year which equal or exceed $750,000 (seven hundred fifty thousand dollars) as specified in OMB Circular A-133-Revised, 2 CFR Part 200.500- Subpart F-Audit Requirements Subrecipient shall cause an audit to be prepared by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) who is a member in good standing with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) of the California Society of CPA’s. The audit must be performed annually in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) authorized by the AICPA and Federal laws and regulations governing the programs in which it participates. Furthermore, County retains the authority to require Subrecipient to submit similarly prepared audit at Subrecipient’s expense even in instances when Subrecipient’s expenditure is less than $750,000. Subrecipient will be required to identify corrective action taken in response to any findings identified by CPA related to their funded activity or program. Subrecipient will ensure an annual financial audit is performed in compliance with the Federal Single Audit Act and will submit two (2) copies of such audit report, including a copy of the management letter, to County within six (6) months of the end of each Contract year in which Subrecipient has received federal funding (i.e., July 1 – June 30). Failure to meet this requirement may result in County denying reimbursement of funds to Subrecipient, as well as future funding qualification. Subrecipients, which are exempt from statutory audit requirements, shall maintain records, which are available for review by County or Federal officials. Subrecipient acknowledges that any and all “Financial Statements” submitted to County pursuant to this County become Public Records and are subject to public inspection pursuant to Sec. 6250 et seq. of the California Government.

  • Annual Evaluations The purpose of the annual evaluation is to assess and communicate the nature and extent of an employee's performance of assigned duties consistent with the criteria specified below in this Policy. Except for those employees who have received notice of non-reappointment pursuant to the BOT- UFF Policy on Non- reappointment, every employee shall be evaluated at least once annually. Personnel decisions shall take such annual evaluations into account, provided that such decisions need not be based solely on written faculty performance evaluations.

  • Midterm Review The Recipient shall: (a) carry out jointly with the Association, no later than 24 months after the Effective Date, a midterm review to assess the status of Project implementation, as measured against the performance indicators referred to in Section II.A.1 (a) of Schedule 2 to this Agreement. Such review shall include an assessment of the following: (i) overall progress in Project implementation; (ii) results of monitoring and evaluation activities; (iii) annual work plans and budgets;

  • Accounting Format Applications for Payment shall be broken down by CSI Category and, in certain situations, by CSI Description and capital asset category, as set forth in the form for Application for Payment. The purpose is to provide appropriate backup documents for the Contractor’s Final Certification of Costs in conformance with GASB 34 accounting standards. See Section 7 – Forms, “Application for Payment” and Final Certification of Costs.

  • Specialist Schools Allowance Funding equivalent to that which a maintained school with the Academy's characteristics would receive in respect of their participation in the specialist schools programme. In the year of conversion, this may continue to be paid by the Local Authority;

  • Contractor Sales Reporting Vendor Management Fee Contractor Reports Cooperative Master Contract Sales Reporting. Contractor shall report total Cooperative Master Contract sales quarterly to Enterprise Services, as set forth below. Cooperative Master Contract Sales Reporting System. Contractor shall report quarterly Cooperative Master Contract sales in Enterprise Services’ Cooperative Master Contract Sales Reporting System. Enterprise Services will provide Contractor with a login password and a vendor number. The password and vendor number will be provided to the Sales Reporting Representative(s) listed on Contractor’s Bidder Profile. Data. Each sales report must identify every authorized Purchaser by name as it is known to Enterprise Services and its total combined sales amount invoiced during the reporting period (i.e., sales of an entire agency or political subdivision, not its individual subsections). The “Miscellaneous” option may be used only with prior approval by Enterprise Services. Upon request, Contractor shall provide contact information for all authorized Purchasers specified herein during the term of the Cooperative Master Contract. If there are no Cooperative Master Contract sales during the reporting period, Contractor must report zero sales. Due dates for Cooperative Master Contract Sales Reporting. Quarterly Cooperative Master Contract Sales Reports must be submitted electronically by the following deadlines for all Cooperative Master Contract sales invoiced during the applicable calendar quarter: Vendor Management Fee. Contractor shall pay to Enterprise Services a vendor management fee (“VMF”) of 1.5 percent on the purchase price for all Cooperative Master Contract sales (the purchase price is the total invoice price less applicable sales tax). The sum owed by Contractor to Enterprise Services as a result of the VMF is calculated as follows: Amount owed to Enterprise Services = Total Cooperative Master Contract sales invoiced (not including sales tax) x .015. The VMF must be rolled into Contractor’s current pricing. The VMF must not be shown as a separate line item on any invoice unless specifically requested and approved by Enterprise Services. Enterprise Services will invoice Contractor quarterly based on Cooperative Master Contract sales reported by Contractor. Contractor is not to remit payment until Contractor receives an invoice from Enterprise Services. Contractor’s VMF payment to Enterprise Services must reference this Cooperative Master Contract number, the year and quarter for which the VMF is being remitted, and Contractor’s name as set forth in this Cooperative Master Contract, if not already included on the face of the check. Contractor’s failure to report accurate total net Cooperative Master Contract sales, to submit a timely Cooperative Master Contract sales report, or to remit timely payment of the VMF to Enterprise Services, may be cause for Enterprise Services to suspend Contractor or terminate this Cooperative Master Contract or exercise remedies provided by law. Without limiting any other available remedies, the parties agree that Contractor’s failure to remit to Enterprise Services timely payment of the VMF shall obligate Contractor to pay to Enterprise Services, to offset the administrative and transaction costs incurred by the State to identify, process, and collect such sums, the sum of $200.00 or twenty-five percent (25%) of the outstanding amount, whichever is greater, or the maximum allowed by law, if less. Enterprise Services reserves the right, upon thirty (30) calendar days advance written notice, to increase, reduce, or eliminate the VMF for subsequent purchases, and reserves the right to renegotiate Cooperative Master Contract pricing with Contractor when any subsequent adjustment of the VMF might justify a change in pricing. Annual Cooperative Master Contract Sales Report. Contractor shall provide to Enterprise Services a detailed annual Cooperative Master Contract sales report. Such report shall include, at a minimum: the Goods/Services sold (including, as applicable, item number or other identifier), per unit quantities sold, items and volumes purchased by Purchaser, shipment/delivery locations by Purchaser, and Cooperative Master Contract price. This report must be provided in an electronic format that can be read by Microsoft (MS) Excel. Such report is due within thirty (30) calendar days of the annual anniversary of the effective date of this Cooperative Master Contract.