Midterm Review. The Recipient shall:
(a) carry out jointly with the Association, no later than 24 months after the Effective Date, a midterm review to assess the status of Project implementation, as measured against the performance indicators referred to in Section II.A.1 (a) of Schedule 2 to this Agreement. Such review shall include an assessment of the following: (i) overall progress in Project implementation; (ii) results of monitoring and evaluation activities; (iii) annual work plans and budgets;
Midterm Review. The Borrower shall:
Midterm Review. The Recipient shall:
Midterm Review. (a) About twenty four (24) months after the Effective Date, the Borrower, through ANCPI and MADR, shall carry out jointly with the Bank, a midterm review of the progress made in carrying out the Project (hereinafter referred to as the Midterm Review). The Midterm Review shall cover, amongst other things:
(i) progress made in meeting the Project’s objective; and
(ii) overall Project performance against Project performance indicators.
(b) The Borrower, through ANCPI and MADR shall prepare, and at least (4) weeks prior to the Midterm Review, furnish to the Bank, a separate report describing the status of the implementation of each component of the Project and a summary report of the Project implementation generally.
(c) The Borrower, through ANCPI and MADR, shall, not later than four (4) weeks after the Midterm Review, prepare and submit to the Bank an action program, acceptable to the Bank, for further implementation of the Project having regard to the findings of the Midterm Review and, thereafter, implement such action program.
Midterm Review. 49. The Recipient and ADB shall jointly carry out a midterm review of the Project during the third year of Project implementation or at any other time as may be agreed upon by the Recipient and ADB. The results of the midterm review shall be discussed by the Recipient and ADB and if required, appropriate corrective measures shall be formulated to ensure successful Project implementation and achievement of the Project objectives by the Grant Closing Date.
Midterm Review. The Borrower shall:
(a) carry out jointly with the Bank and NPT, no later than twelve (12) months after the Effective Date, a midterm review to assess the status of NPT’s Respective Part of the Project, as measured against the performance indicators set forth in Section II.A.1 (b) of the Schedule to the Project Agreement. Such review shall include an assessment of the following: (i) overall progress in implementation of such Part of the Project; (ii) results of monitoring and evaluation activities; (iii) progress on the implementation of annual work plans and budgets; (iv) progress on procurement and disbursement; (v) progress on the implementation of safeguards measures; (vi) implementation arrangements; and (vii) the need to make any adjustments to such Part of the Project and reallocate funds to improve performance;
(b) cause NPT to prepare and furnish to the Borrower and the Bank, at least three (3) months before such review, a report, in scope and detail satisfactory to the Borrower and the Bank, needed to undertake the review, integrating the results of the monitoring and evaluation activities performed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section on the progress achieved in the carrying out of such Part of the Project during the period preceding the date of the said report and setting out the measures recommended to ensure the efficient carrying out of such Part of the Project and the achievement of the objectives of the Project during the period following such date; and
(c) review, jointly with the Bank and NPT, the report referred to in subparagraph (b) of this Part B and thereafter cause NPT to take all measures required to ensure the efficient completion of NPT’s Respective Part of the Project and the achievement of the objectives of the Project, based on the conclusions and recommendations of said report and the Borrower and the Bank’s views on the matter.
Midterm Review. A. The purpose of this section is to provide a process for a midterm review of the terms and conditions of the TSA in the event there is a legitimate and substantial change in conditions or law affecting the majority of the operators within an Area or the CHP.
B. A midterm review, when granted by the Commissioner or designee, will not automatically authorize a change in the terms and conditions of the TSA.
1) If a midterm review is announced by the Commissioner or designee, it is the responsibility of the Department to conduct a review of the conditions which initially caused the request to be communicated and to determine if the change is justified.
Midterm Review. The Recipient shall carry out, jointly with the Association, not later than December 31, 2005, a comprehensive midterm review aimed at: (i) documenting progress toward Project objectives; (ii) identifying and resolving obstacles to Project implementation; and (iii) adjusting, in agreement with the Association, targets and corresponding programs to reflect progress achieved in the implementation of the Project as of the date of the review.
Midterm Review. (a) On or about twelve months after the date of the Agreement Providing for the Amendment and Restatement of the Development Credit Agreement, the Recipient shall carry out jointly with the Association, SC, PCU, the technical committees involved in project implementation, a midterm review of the progress made in carrying out the Project (hereinafter referred to as the Midterm Review). The Midterm Review shall cover, amongst other things:
(i) progress made in meeting the Project’s objective; and
(ii) overall Project performance against Project performance indicators.
(b) The Recipient shall cause PCU to prepare and, at least four weeks prior to the Midterm Review, furnish to the Association a separate report describing the status of implementation of each component of the Project and a summary report of Project implementation generally.
(c) The Recipient shall, not later than four weeks after the Midterm Review, prepare and submit to the Association an action program, acceptable to the Association, for the further implementation of the Project having regard to the findings of the Midterm Review and, thereafter, implement such action program. The Association shall provide its comments on said report within 15 days from its presentation to the Recipient
Midterm Review. (a) The Borrower shall, no later than June 30, 2004, carry out jointly with the Association, a Midterm review of the progress made in carrying out the Project.
(b) The Borrower shall carry out, no later than one month after the completion of the Midterm Review, the Recommendations of the Midterm Review as agreed with the Association.
(c) The Midterm Review shall assess the following: (i) the overall progress made in the implementation of the Project; and (ii) the results of the monitoring and evaluation activities.