Medical Practitioner. A person who has full registration under the Medical Acts of the country where they practice and who specialises in nursing, homeopathy, acupuncture, orthopaedic medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, chiropody, podiatry or physiotherapy treatment, and to whom you have been referred by a medical doctor. A letter from your medical doctor or specialist which refers you to another medical practitioner for treatment covered by your plan. We will only pay for treatment when the start date of your treatment is within 3 months of the date of your medical referral letter. A hospital, out-patient clinic, medical practitioner, dental practitioner, optician or pharmacy. The process of you providing and us assessing the health and medical information we ask for to decide the terms under which we will accept your application for cover, or for enhanced cover. Based on the information you give us, we may decide to place special terms on your cover, such as personal medical exclusions, or we may decide not to offer you cover. A patient who attends a hospital consulting room, emergency room or out-patient clinic, when it is not medically necessary for them to be admitted as a day-patient or an in-patient. An out-patient procedure where one or more of the following is • general or local anaesthesia or intravenous sedation • manipulation or relocation of a fractured bone or dislocated joint by a medical doctor • invasive surgical procedures • invasive diagnostic procedures involving venous cannulation • the use of endoscopic equipment A period of 12 months from your date of entry or from any subsequent renewal date. Your period of cover is as shown on your certificate of insurance. We will not pay for any treatment received after you have been in a vegetative state for a period of eight weeks or received after you have sustained permanent neurological damage and remained in hospital for a period of eight weeks, apart from any treatment you are eligible for under the lifetime care benefit. A restriction on your cover that is stated on your certificate of insurance and specifically excludes treatment of a certain medical condition or conditions and any related conditions. The Essential Care plan or Essential Care Plus plan on which you and your eligible dependants are covered. The person stated as the plan holder on the certificate of A caesarean section which has been scheduled to take place more than 24 hours in advance, whether this be for medical or elective reasons. Medically necessary follow-up consultations, physiotherapy, diagnostic tests and/or treatment required on an out-patient basis following in-patient or day-patient treatment covered by your plan and received within the 90 day period following the date you are discharged from hospital. Any disease, illness or injury, whether the condition has been diagnosed or not before your date of entry, for which: • you have received medication, advice or treatment; or • you have experienced symptoms The amount(s) you are required to pay to us either annually, half- yearly, quarterly or monthly for your insurance plan. The date on which your premium is due to be paid. Health tests, screening and/ or clinical procedures specifically designed for disease prevention and early detection. A nurse whose name is currently on any official register of nurses maintained by a statutory nursing registration body within the country where treatment is provided. The charge that would typically be made for your treatment by medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and for the medically necessary length of stay required. If the cost of your treatment is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay up to the amount which is typically charged in that country. If the length of stay is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay for the medically necessary length of stay required. In the event of a dispute, we will identify the amount typically charged for your treatment by obtaining comparable quotations from three other medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and taking a mean average of these three quotations. Any disease, illness or injury that is caused by a pre-existing medical condition or results from the same underlying cause as a pre-existing medical condition. The anniversary date of your plan as shown on your certificate of insurance, normally the anniversary of your original date of entry to the plan.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Essential Health Plan Agreement
Medical Practitioner. A person who has full registration under the Medical Acts of the country where they practice and who specialises in nursing, homeopathy, acupuncture, orthopaedic medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, chiropody, podiatry podiatry, or physiotherapy treatment, and to whom you have been referred by a medical doctor. A letter from your medical doctor or specialist which refers you to another medical practitioner for treatment covered by your plan. We will only pay for treatment when the start date of your treatment is within 3 months of the date of your medical referral letter. A hospital, out-patient clinic, medical practitioner, dental practitioner, optician or pharmacypharmacy that is part of the medical network you are entitled to use for treatment covered by your plan. The medical network you are entitled to use is stated on your certificate of insurance and your network card. The process of you providing and us assessing the health and medical information we ask for to decide the terms under which we will accept your application for cover, or for enhanced cover. Based on the information you give us, we may decide to place special terms on your cover, such as . Your personal membership card that will state your plan type and the NextCare network you are entitled to use. It will also state any excess that applies to your plan. The additional co-insurance we will apply to your claim settlement amount when you have your treatment at a medical exclusions, or we may decide services provider you are not entitled to offer you coveruse. A patient who attends a hospital consulting room, emergency room or out-patient clinic, when it is not medically necessary for them to be admitted as a day-patient or an in-patient. An out-patient procedure where one or more of the following is • general or local anaesthesia or intravenous sedation • manipulation or relocation of a fractured bone or dislocated joint by a medical doctor • invasive surgical procedures • invasive diagnostic procedures involving venous cannulation • the use of endoscopic equipment A period of 12 months from your date of entry or from any subsequent renewal date. Your period of cover is as shown on your certificate of insurance. We will not pay for any treatment received after you have been in a vegetative state for a period of eight weeks or received after you have sustained permanent neurological damage and remained in hospital for a period of eight weeks, apart from any treatment you are eligible for under the lifetime care benefit. A restriction on your cover that is stated on your certificate of insurance and specifically excludes treatment of a certain medical condition or conditions and any related conditions. The Essential Care plan or Essential Care Plus plan on which you and your eligible dependants are covered. The person stated as the plan holder on the certificate of A caesarean section which has been scheduled to take place more than 24 hours in advance, whether this be for medical or elective reasons. Medically necessary follow-up consultations, physiotherapy, diagnostic tests and/or treatment required on an out-patient basis following in-patient or day-patient treatment covered by your plan and received within the 90 day period following the date you are discharged from hospital. Any disease, illness or injury, whether the condition has been diagnosed or not before your date of entry, for which: • you have received medication, advice or treatment; or • you have experienced symptoms The amount(s) you are required to pay to us either annually, half- yearly, quarterly or monthly for your insurance plan. The date on which your premium is due to be paid. Health tests, screening and/ or clinical procedures specifically designed for disease prevention and early detection. A nurse whose name is currently on any official register of nurses maintained by a statutory nursing registration body within the country where treatment is provided. The charge that would typically be made for your treatment by medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and for the medically necessary length of stay required. If the cost of your treatment is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay up to the amount which is typically charged in that country. If the length of stay is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay for the medically necessary length of stay required. In the event of a dispute, we will identify the amount typically charged for your treatment by obtaining comparable quotations from three other medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and taking a mean average of these three quotations. Any disease, illness or injury that is caused by a pre-existing medical condition or results from the same underlying cause as a pre-existing medical condition. The anniversary date of your plan as shown on your certificate of insurance, normally the anniversary of your original date of entry to the plan.
Appears in 1 contract
Medical Practitioner. A person who has full registration under the Medical Acts of the country where they practice and who specialises in nursing, homeopathy, acupuncture, orthopaedic medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, chiropody, podiatry or physiotherapy treatment, and to whom you have been referred by a medical doctor. A letter from your medical doctor or specialist which refers you to another medical practitioner for treatment covered by your plan. We will only pay for treatment when the start date of your treatment is within 3 months of the date of your medical referral letter. A hospital, out-patient clinic, medical practitioner, dental practitioner, practitioner optician or pharmacy. The process of you providing and us assessing the health and medical information we ask for to decide the terms under which we will accept your application for cover, or for enhanced cover. Based on the information you give us, we may decide to place special terms on your cover, such . Your personal Global Health Elite membership card that will state your plan type and the Neuron network you are entitled to use. It will also state any excess that applies to your plan. A medical service provider which is part of the Neuron network of medical service providers you are entitled to use for treatment that is covered by your plan. The Neuron network of medical service providers you are entitled to use is as personal stated on your certificate of insurance and on your Neuron network card. The co-insurance we will apply to your claim settlement amount when you have your treatment at a medical exclusions, or we may decide services provider who is not a Neuron network provider you are entitled to offer you coveruse. A patient who attends a hospital consulting room, emergency room or out-patient clinic, when it is not medically necessary for them to be admitted as a day-patient or an in-patient. An out-patient procedure where one or more of the following is • general or local anaesthesia or intravenous sedation • manipulation or relocation of a fractured bone or dislocated joint by a medical doctor • invasive surgical procedures • invasive diagnostic procedures involving venous intra-arterial cannulation • the use of endoscopic equipment A period of 12 months from your date of entry or from any subsequent renewal date. Your period of cover is as shown on your certificate of insurance. We will not pay for any treatment received after you have been in a vegetative state for a period of eight weeks The Corporate Global Health Elite Silver plan, or received after you have sustained permanent neurological damage and remained in hospital for a period of eight weeks, apart from any treatment you are eligible for under the lifetime care benefit. A restriction on your cover that is stated on your certificate of insurance and specifically excludes treatment of a certain medical condition or conditions and any related conditions. The Essential Care Elite Gold plan or Essential Care Plus the Dubai Primary Benefits plan on which you and your eligible dependants are covered. The person company or employer as stated as the plan holder on the your certificate of insurance. A caesarean section which has been scheduled to take place more than 24 hours in advance, whether this be for medical or elective reasons. Medically necessary follow-up consultations, physiotherapy, diagnostic tests and/or treatment required on an out-patient basis following in-patient or day-patient treatment covered by your plan and received within the 90 day period following the date you are discharged from hospital. An out-patient assessment during which your health is assessed in order to confirm that you are medically fit to undergo the planned treatment and that you are sufficiently prepared for it. The assessment may include an electrocardiogram, blood and/or urine tests and a chest x-ray. Any disease, illness or injury, whether the condition has been diagnosed or not before your date of entry, for which: • you have received medication, advice or treatment; or • you have experienced symptoms The amount(s) you are your employer is required to pay to us either annually, half- yearly, quarterly or monthly annually for your insurance plan. The date on which your premium is due to be paidpaid by your employer. Health tests, screening and/ or and/or clinical procedures specifically designed for disease prevention and early detection. Preventive services stipulated by the Dubai Health Authority, including initial diabetes screening. A nurse whose name is currently on any official register of nurses maintained by a statutory nursing registration body within the country where treatment is provided. The charge that would typically be made for your treatment by medical services service providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and for the medically necessary length of stay required. If the cost of your treatment is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay up to the amount which is typically charged in that country. If the length of stay is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay for the medically necessary length of stay required. In the event of a dispute, we will identify the amount typically charged for your treatment by obtaining comparable quotations from three other medical services service providers in the country where you receive your treatmentit, by obtaining three quotations and taking a mean average of these three quotations. physical, occupational and speech therapy aimed at restoring full function after an acute event such as a stroke. A medical facility licensed under the regulations of the country in which it operates and designed for patients who no longer need acute hospital care but who still require medical or nursing supervision and/or assistance with activities of daily living because of their medical disability. Any disease, illness or injury that is caused by a pre-existing medical condition or results from the same underlying cause as a pre-existing medical condition. The anniversary renewal date of your employer’s plan as shown on your certificate of insurance, normally the anniversary of your original date of entry to the plan.
Appears in 1 contract
Medical Practitioner. A person who has full registration under the Medical Acts of the country where they practice and who specialises in nursing, homeopathy, acupuncture, orthopaedic medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, chiropody, podiatry or physiotherapy treatment, and to whom you have been referred by a medical doctor. A letter from your medical doctor or specialist which refers you to another medical practitioner for treatment covered by your plan. We will only pay for treatment when the start date of your treatment is within 3 months of the date of your medical referral letter. A hospital, out-patient clinic, medical practitioner, dental practitioner, practitioner optician or pharmacy. The process of you providing and us assessing the health and medical information we ask for to decide the terms under which we will accept your application for cover, or for enhanced cover. Based on the information you give us, we may decide to place special terms on your cover, such . Your personal membership card that will state your plan type and the Neuron network you are entitled to use. It will also state any excess that applies to your plan. A medical service provider which is part of the Neuron network of medical service providers you are entitled to use for treatment that is covered by your plan. The Neuron network of medical service providers you are entitled to use is as personal stated on your certificate of insurance and on your Neuron network card. The additional co-insurance we will apply to your claim settlement amount when you have your treatment at a medical exclusions, or we may decide services provider who is not a Neuron network provider you are entitled to offer you coveruse. A patient who attends a hospital consulting room, emergency room or out-patient clinic, when it is not medically necessary for them to be admitted as a day-patient or an in-patient. An out-patient procedure where one or more of the following is • general or local anaesthesia or intravenous sedation • manipulation or relocation of a fractured bone or dislocated joint by a medical doctor • invasive surgical procedures • invasive diagnostic procedures involving venous intra-arterial cannulation • the use of endoscopic equipment A period of 12 months from your date of entry or from any subsequent renewal date. Your period of cover is as shown on your certificate of insurance. We will not pay for any treatment received after you have been in a vegetative state for a period of eight weeks The Elite Silver plan, or received after you have sustained permanent neurological damage and remained in hospital for a period of eight weeks, apart from any treatment you are eligible for under the lifetime care benefit. A restriction on your cover that is stated on your certificate of insurance and specifically excludes treatment of a certain medical condition or conditions and any related conditions. The Essential Care Elite Gold plan or Essential Care Plus the Dubai Primary Benefits plan on which you and your eligible dependants are covered. The person company or employer as stated as the plan holder on the your certificate of A caesarean section which has been scheduled to take place more than 24 hours in advance, whether this be for medical or elective reasons. Medically necessary follow-up consultations, physiotherapy, diagnostic tests and/or treatment required on an out-patient basis following in-patient or day-patient treatment covered by your plan and received within the 90 day period following the date you are discharged from hospital. An out-patient assessment during which your health is assessed in order to confirm that you are medically fit to undergo the planned treatment and that you are sufficiently prepared for it. The assessment may include an electrocardiogram, blood and/or urine tests and a chest x-ray. Any disease, illness or injury, whether the condition has been diagnosed or not before your date of entry, for which: • you have received medication, advice or treatment; or • you have experienced symptoms The amount(s) you are your employer is required to pay to us either annually, half- yearly, quarterly or monthly annually for your insurance plan. The date on which your premium is due to be paidpaid by your employer. Health tests, screening and/ or and/or clinical procedures specifically designed for disease prevention and early detection. Preventive services stipulated by the Dubai Health Authority, including initial diabetes screening. A nurse whose name is currently on any official register of nurses maintained by a statutory nursing registration body within the country where treatment is provided. The charge that would typically be made for your treatment by medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and for the medically necessary length of stay required. If the cost of your treatment is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay up to the amount which is typically charged in that country. If the length of stay is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay for the medically necessary length of stay required. In the event of a dispute, we will identify the amount typically charged for your treatment by obtaining comparable quotations from three other medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and taking a mean average of these three quotations. A medical facility licensed under the regulations of the country in which it operates and designed for patients who no longer need acute hospital care but who still require medical or nursing supervision and/or assistance with activities of daily living because of their medical disability. Any disease, illness or injury that is caused by a pre-existing medical condition or results from the same underlying cause as a pre-existing medical condition. The anniversary renewal date of your employer’s plan as shown on your certificate of insurance, normally the anniversary of your original date of entry to the plan.your
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Health Insurance Agreement
Medical Practitioner. A person who has full registration under the Medical Acts of the country where they practice and who specialises in nursing, homeopathy, acupuncture, orthopaedic medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, chiropody, podiatry or physiotherapy treatment, and to whom you have been referred by a medical doctor. A letter from your medical doctor or specialist which refers you to another medical practitioner for treatment covered by your plan. We will only pay for treatment when the start date of your treatment is within 3 months of the date of your medical referral letter. A hospital, out-patient clinic, medical practitioner, dental practitioner, optician or pharmacy. The process Means we will ask you to complete an application form with a number of you providing and us assessing the questions about your current state of health and your medical history. We will assess the information you give us and use it when we ask for to decide the terms under which we will accept your application for cover, or for enhanced increased cover. Based on the information you give us, we may decide to place special terms on your cover, such as personal medical exclusions, or we may decide not to offer exclusions that restrict the cover that you coverhave for certain medical conditions. A patient who attends a hospital consulting room, emergency room or out-patient clinic, when it is not medically necessary for them to be admitted as a day-patient or an in-patient. An out-patient procedure where one or more of the following is medically necessary: • general General or local anaesthesia or intravenous sedation sedation; • manipulation Manipulation or relocation of a fractured bone or dislocated joint by a medical doctor doctor; • invasive Invasive surgical procedures procedures; • invasive Invasive diagnostic procedures involving venous cannulation intra-arterial cannulation; • the The use of endoscopic equipment A period of 12 months from your date of entry or from any subsequent renewal date. Your period of cover is as shown on your certificate of insurance. We will not pay for any treatment received after you have been in a vegetative state for a period of eight weeks or received after you have sustained permanent neurological damage and remained in hospital for a period of eight weeks, apart from any treatment you are eligible for under the lifetime care benefitequipment. A restriction on your cover that is stated on your certificate of insurance and specifically excludes treatment of a which restricts the cover that you have for certain medical condition or conditions condition(s) and any related conditions. The Essential Care plan period stated as the period of cover on your certificate of insurance. The Corporate Global Health Silver plan, or Essential Care Plus Gold plan on which you and your eligible dependants are covered. The person company or employer as stated as the plan holder on the your certificate of Insurance. A caesarean section which has been scheduled to take place more than 24 hours in advance, whether this be for medical or elective reasons. Medically necessary follow-up consultations, physiotherapy, diagnostic tests and/or treatment required on an out-patient basis following in-patient or day-patient treatment covered by your plan and received within the 90 day period following the date you are discharged from hospital. Any disease, illness or injury, whether the condition has been diagnosed or not before your date of entry, for which: • you have received medication, advice or treatment; or • you have experienced symptoms The amount(s) you are required to pay to us either annually, half- yearly, quarterly or monthly for your insurance plan. The date on which your premium is due to be paid. Health tests, screening and/ or clinical procedures specifically designed for disease prevention and early detection. A nurse whose name is currently on any official register of nurses maintained by a statutory nursing registration body within the country where treatment is provided. The charge that would typically be made for your treatment by medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and for the medically necessary length of stay required. If the cost of your treatment is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay up to the amount which is typically charged in that country. If the length of stay is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay for the medically necessary length of stay required. In the event of a dispute, we will identify the amount typically charged for your treatment by obtaining comparable quotations from three other medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and taking a mean average of these three quotations. Any disease, illness or injury that is caused by a pre-existing medical condition or results from the same underlying cause as a pre-existing medical condition. The anniversary date of your plan as shown on your certificate of insurance, normally the anniversary of your original date of entry to the plan.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Employee Plan Agreement
Medical Practitioner. A person who has full registration under the Medical Acts of the country where they practice and who specialises in nursing, homeopathy, acupuncture, orthopaedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, chiropody, podiatry podiatry, or physiotherapy treatment, and to whom you have been referred by a medical doctor. A letter from your medical doctor or specialist which refers you to another medical practitioner for treatment covered by your plan. We will only pay for treatment when the start date of your treatment is within 3 months of the date of your medical referral letter. A hospital, out-patient clinic, medical practitioner, dental practitioner, optician or pharmacy. The process of you providing and us assessing the health and medical information we ask for to decide the terms under which we will accept your application for cover, or for enhanced cover. Based on the information you give us, we may decide to place special terms on your cover, such as personal medical exclusions, or we may decide not to offer you cover. A patient who attends a hospital consulting room, emergency room or out-patient clinic, when it is not medically necessary for them to be admitted as a day-patient or an in-patient. An out-patient procedure where one or more of the following is • general or local anaesthesia or intravenous sedation • manipulation or relocation of a fractured bone or dislocated joint by a medical doctor • invasive surgical procedures • invasive diagnostic procedures involving venous cannulation • The period stated as the use of endoscopic equipment A period of 12 months from your date of entry or from any subsequent renewal date. Your period of cover is as shown on your certificate Certificate of insurance. We will not pay for any treatment received after you have been in a vegetative state for a period of eight weeks or received after you have sustained permanent neurological damage and remained in hospital for a period of eight weeks, apart from any treatment you are eligible for under the lifetime care benefitInsurance. A restriction on your cover that is stated on your certificate Certificate of insurance Insurance and specifically excludes treatment of a certain medical condition or conditions and any related conditions. The Essential Care plan BronzeLite plan, Bronze plan, SilverLite plan, Silver plan, or Essential Care Plus Gold plan on which you and your eligible dependants are covered. The person Your employer, stated as the plan holder on the certificate your Certificate of Insurance. A caesarean section which has been scheduled to take place more than 24 hours in advance, whether this be for medical or elective reasons. Medically necessary follow-up consultations, physiotherapy, diagnostic tests and/or treatment required on an out-patient basis following in-patient or day-patient treatment covered by your plan and received within the 90 day period following the date plan. An out-patient assessment during which your health is assessed in order to confirm that you are discharged from hospitalmedically fit to undergo the planned treatment and that you are sufficiently prepared for it. The assessment may include an electrocardiogram, blood and/or urine tests, and a chest x-ray. Any disease, illness or injury, whether the condition has been diagnosed or not before your date of entry, for which: - • you have received medication, advice or treatment; or • you have experienced symptoms The amount(s) you are your employer is required to pay to us either annually, half- half-yearly, quarterly or monthly for your insurance plan. The date on which your premium is due to be paidpaid by your employer. Health tests, screening and/ or and/or clinical procedures specifically designed for disease prevention and early detection. A nurse whose name is currently on any official register of nurses maintained by a statutory nursing registration body within the country where treatment is provided. The charge that would typically be made for your treatment by medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and for the medically necessary length of stay required. If the cost of your treatment is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay up to the amount which is typically charged in that country. If the length of stay is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay for the medically necessary length of stay required. In A medical facility licensed under the event regulations of a dispute, we will identify the amount typically charged for your treatment by obtaining comparable quotations from three other medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, in which it operates and taking a mean average designed for patients who no longer need acute hospital care but who still require medical or nursing supervision and/or assistance with activities of these three quotationsdaily living because of their medical disability. Any disease, illness or injury that is caused by a pre-existing medical condition or results from the same underlying cause as a pre-existing medical condition. The anniversary renewal date of your employer’s plan as shown on your certificate Certificate of insurance, normally the anniversary of your original date of entry to the plan.Insurance. f
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Business Health Plan Agreement
Medical Practitioner. A person who has full registration under the Medical Acts of the country where they practice and who specialises in nursing, homeopathy, acupuncture, orthopaedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, chiropody, podiatry or physiotherapy treatment, and to whom you have been referred by a medical doctor. A letter from your medical doctor or specialist which refers you to another medical practitioner for treatment covered by your plan. We will only pay for treatment when the start date of your treatment is within 3 months of the date of your medical referral letter. A hospital, out-patient clinic, medical practitioner, dental practitioner, practitioner optician or pharmacy. The process of you providing and us assessing the health and medical information we ask for to decide the terms under which we will accept your application for cover, or for enhanced cover. Based on the information you give us, we may decide to place special terms on your cover, such . Your personal membership card that will state your plan type and the NextCare network you are entitled to use. It will also state any excess that applies to your plan. A medical service provider which is part of the NextCare network of medical service providers you are entitled to use for treatment that is covered by your plan. The NextCare network of medical service providers you are entitled to use is as personal stated on your certificate of insurance and on your NextCare network card. The additional co-insurance we will apply to your claim settlement amount when you have your treatment at a medical exclusions, or we may decide services provider who is not a NextCare network provider you are entitled to offer you coveruse. A patient who attends a hospital consulting room, emergency room or out-patient clinic, when it is not medically necessary for them to be admitted as a day-patient or an in-patient. An out-patient procedure where one or more of the following is • general or local anaesthesia or intravenous sedation • manipulation or relocation of a fractured bone or dislocated joint by a medical doctor • invasive surgical procedures • invasive diagnostic procedures involving venous intra-arterial cannulation • the use of endoscopic equipment A period of 12 months from your date of entry or from any subsequent renewal date. Your period of cover is as shown on your certificate of insurance. We will not pay for any treatment received after you have been in a vegetative state for a period of eight weeks or received after you have sustained permanent neurological damage and remained in hospital for a period of eight weeks, apart from any treatment you are eligible for under the lifetime care benefit. A restriction on your cover that is stated on your certificate of insurance and specifically excludes treatment of a certain medical condition or conditions and any related conditions. The Essential Care Silver plan or Essential Care Plus Gold plan or the Dubai Primary Benefits plan on which you and your eligible dependants are covered. The person stated as the plan holder on the your certificate of insurance. A caesarean section which has been scheduled to take place more than 24 hours in advance, whether this be for medical or elective reasons. Medically necessary follow-up consultations, physiotherapy, diagnostic tests and/or treatment required on an out-patient basis following in-patient or day-patient treatment covered by your plan and received within the 90 day period following the date you are discharged from hospital. An out-patient assessment during which your health is assessed in order to confirm that you are medically fit to undergo the planned treatment and that you are sufficiently prepared for it. The assessment may include an electrocardiogram, blood and/or urine tests and a chest x-ray. Any disease, illness or injury, whether the condition has been diagnosed or not before your date of entry, for which: • you have received medication, advice or treatment; or • you have experienced symptoms The amount(s) you are required to pay to us either annually, half- yearly, quarterly or monthly annually for your insurance plan. The date on which your premium is due to be paid. Health tests, screening and/ or and/or clinical procedures specifically designed for disease prevention and early detection. Preventive services stipulated by the Dubai Health Authority, including initial diabetes screening. A nurse whose name is currently on any official register of nurses maintained by a statutory nursing registration body within the country where treatment is provided. The charge that would typically be made for your treatment by medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and for the medically necessary length of stay required. If the cost of your treatment is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay up to the amount which is typically charged in that country. If the length of stay is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay for the medically necessary length of stay required. In the event of a dispute, we will identify the amount typically charged for your treatment by obtaining comparable quotations from three other medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and taking a mean average of these three quotations. A medical facility licensed under the regulations of the country in which it operates and designed for patients who no longer need acute hospital care but who still require medical or nursing supervision and/or assistance with activities of daily living because of their medical disability. Any disease, illness or injury that is caused by a pre-existing medical condition or results from the same underlying cause as a pre-existing medical condition. The anniversary date of your plan as shown on your certificate of insurance, normally the anniversary of your original date of entry to the plan. The medical services providers listed as being within NextCare’s Restricted Network 3. For a list of these medical services providers go to
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Health Insurance Agreement
Medical Practitioner. A person who has full registration under the Medical Acts of the country where they practice and who specialises in nursing, homeopathy, acupuncture, orthopaedic medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, chiropody, podiatry podiatry, or physiotherapy treatment, and to whom you have been referred by a medical doctor. A letter from your medical doctor or specialist which refers you to another medical practitioner for treatment covered by your plan. We will only pay for treatment when the start date of your treatment is within 3 months of the date of your medical referral letter. A hospital, out-patient clinic, medical practitioner, dental practitioner, optician or pharmacy. The process of you providing and us assessing the health and medical information we ask for to decide the terms under which we will accept your application for cover, or for enhanced cover. Based on the information you give us, we may decide to place special terms on your cover, such . Your personal Global Health Foundation membership card that will state your plan type and the NextCare network you are entitled to use. It will also state any excess that applies to your plan. A medical service provider which is part of the NextCare network of medical service providers you are entitled to use for treatment that is covered by your plan. The NextCare network of medical service providers you are entitled to use is as personal stated on your certificate of insurance and on your NextCare network card. The co-insurance we will apply to your claim settlement amount when you have your treatment at a medical exclusions, or we may decide services provider who is not a NextCare network provider you are entitled to offer you coveruse. A patient who attends a hospital consulting room, emergency room or out-patient clinic, when it is not medically necessary for them to be admitted as a day-patient or an in-patient. An out-patient procedure where one or more of the following is • general or local anaesthesia or intravenous sedation • manipulation or relocation of a fractured bone or dislocated joint by a medical doctor • invasive surgical procedures • invasive diagnostic procedures involving venous intra-arterial cannulation • the use of endoscopic equipment A period of 12 months from your date of entry or from any subsequent renewal date. Your period of cover is as shown on your certificate of insurance. We will not pay for any treatment received after you have been in a vegetative state for a period of eight weeks The Corporate Global Health Foundation plan, or received after you have sustained permanent neurological damage and remained in hospital for a period of eight weeksFoundation Plus plan, apart from any treatment you are eligible for under or the lifetime care benefit. A restriction on your cover that is stated on your certificate of insurance and specifically excludes treatment of a certain medical condition or conditions and any related conditions. The Essential Care plan or Essential Care Plus Dubai Primary Benefits plan on which you and your eligible dependants are covered. The person company or employer as stated as the plan holder on the your certificate of A caesarean section which has been scheduled to take place more than 24 hours in advance, whether this be for medical or elective reasons. Medically necessary follow-up consultations, physiotherapy, diagnostic tests and/or treatment required on an out-patient basis following in-patient or day-patient treatment covered by your plan and received within the 90 day period following the date you are discharged from hospital. Any disease, illness or injury, whether the condition has been diagnosed or not before your date of entry, for which: • you have received medication, advice or treatment; or • you have experienced symptoms The amount(s) you are your employer is required to pay to us either annually, half- yearly, quarterly or monthly annually for your insurance plan. The date on which your premium is due to be paidpaid by your employer. Health tests, screening and/ or and/or clinical procedures specifically designed for disease prevention and early detection. Preventive services stipulated by the Dubai Health Authority, including initial diabetes screening. A nurse whose name is currently on any official register of nurses maintained by a statutory nursing registration body within the country where treatment is provided. The charge that would typically be made for your treatment by medical services service providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and for the medically necessary length of stay required. If the cost of your treatment is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay up to the amount which is typically charged in that country. If the length of stay is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay for the medically necessary length of stay required. In the event of a dispute, we will identify the amount typically charged for your treatment by obtaining comparable quotations from three other medical services service providers in the country where you receive your treatmentit, by obtaining three quotations and taking a mean average of these three quotations. A medical facility licensed under the regulations of the country in which it operates and designed for patients who no longer need acute hospital care but who still require medical or nursing supervision and/or assistance with activities of daily living because of their medical disability. Any disease, illness or injury that is caused by a pre-existing medical condition or results from the same underlying cause as a pre-existing medical condition. The anniversary renewal date of your employer’s plan as shown on your certificate The medical services providers listed as being within NextCare’s Restricted Network. For a list of insurance, normally the anniversary of your original date of entry these medical services providers go to the
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Medical Practitioner. A person who has full registration under the Medical Acts of the country where they practice and who specialises in nursing, homeopathy, acupuncture, orthopaedic medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, chiropody, podiatry or physiotherapy treatment, and to whom you have been referred by a medical doctor. A letter from your medical doctor or specialist which refers you to another medical practitioner for treatment covered by your plan. We will only pay for treatment when the start date of your treatment is within 3 months of the date of your medical referral letter. A hospital, out-patient clinic, medical practitioner, dental practitioner, practitioner optician or pharmacy. The process of you providing and us assessing the health and medical information we ask for to decide the terms under which we will accept your application for cover, or for enhanced cover. Based on the information you give us, we may decide to place special terms on your cover, such . Your personal membership card that will state your plan type and the NextCare network you are entitled to use. It will also state any excess that applies to your plan. A medical service provider which is part of the NextCare network of medical service providers you are entitled to use for treatment that is covered by your plan. The NextCare network of medical service providers you are entitled to use is as personal stated on your certificate of insurance and on your NextCare network card. The additional co-insurance we will apply to your claim settlement amount when you have your treatment at a medical exclusions, or we may decide services provider who is not a NextCare network provider you are entitled to offer you coveruse. A patient who attends a hospital consulting room, emergency room or out-patient clinic, when it is not medically necessary for them to be admitted as a day-patient or an in-patient. An out-patient procedure where one or more of the following is • general or local anaesthesia or intravenous sedation • manipulation or relocation of a fractured bone or dislocated joint by a medical doctor • invasive surgical procedures • invasive diagnostic procedures involving venous intra-arterial cannulation • the use of endoscopic equipment A period of 12 months from your date of entry or from any subsequent renewal date. Your period of cover is as shown on your certificate of insurance. We will not pay for any treatment received after you have been in a vegetative state for a period of eight weeks The Elite Silver plan, or received after you have sustained permanent neurological damage and remained in hospital for a period of eight weeks, apart from any treatment you are eligible for under the lifetime care benefit. A restriction on your cover that is stated on your certificate of insurance and specifically excludes treatment of a certain medical condition or conditions and any related conditions. The Essential Care Elite Gold plan or Essential Care Plus the Dubai Primary Benefits plan on which you and your eligible dependants are covered. The person company or employer as stated as the plan holder on the your certificate of A caesarean section which has been scheduled to take place more than 24 hours in advance, whether this be for medical or elective reasons. Medically necessary follow-up consultations, physiotherapy, diagnostic tests and/or treatment required on an out-patient basis following in-patient or day-patient treatment covered by your plan and received within the 90 day period following the date you are discharged from hospital. An out-patient assessment during which your health is assessed in order to confirm that you are medically fit to undergo the planned treatment and that you are sufficiently prepared for it. The assessment may include an electrocardiogram, blood and/or urine tests and a chest x-ray. Any disease, illness or injury, whether the condition has been diagnosed or not before your date of entry, for which: • you have received medication, advice or treatment; or • you have experienced symptoms The amount(s) you are your employer is required to pay to us either annually, half- yearly, quarterly or monthly annually for your insurance plan. The date on which your premium is due to be paidpaid by your employer. Health tests, screening and/ or and/or clinical procedures specifically designed for disease prevention and early detection. Preventive services stipulated by the Dubai Health Authority, including initial diabetes screening. A nurse whose name is currently on any official register of nurses maintained by a statutory nursing registration body within the country where treatment is provided. The charge that would typically be made for your treatment by medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and for the medically necessary length of stay required. If the cost of your treatment is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay up to the amount which is typically charged in that country. If the length of stay is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay for the medically necessary length of stay required. In the event of a dispute, we will identify the amount typically charged for your treatment by obtaining comparable quotations from three other medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and taking a mean average of these three quotations. A medical facility licensed under the regulations of the country in which it operates and designed for patients who no longer need acute hospital care but who still require medical or nursing supervision and/or assistance with activities of daily living because of their medical disability. Any disease, illness or injury that is caused by a pre-existing medical condition or results from the same underlying cause as a pre-existing medical condition. The anniversary renewal date of your employer’s plan as shown on your certificate The medical services providers listed as being within NextCare’s Restricted Network 3. For a list of insurance, normally the anniversary of your original date of entry these medical services providers go to the
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Plan Agreement
Medical Practitioner. A person who has full registration under the Medical Acts of the country where they practice and who specialises in nursing, homeopathy, acupuncture, orthopaedic medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, chiropody, podiatry or physiotherapy treatment, and to whom you have been referred by a medical doctor. A letter from your medical doctor or specialist which refers you to another medical practitioner for treatment covered by your plan. We will only pay for treatment when the start date of your treatment is within 3 months of the date of your medical referral letter. A hospital, out-patient clinic, medical practitioner, dental practitioner, optician or pharmacy. The process of you providing and us assessing the health and medical information we ask for to decide the terms under which we will accept your application for cover, or for enhanced cover. Based on the information you give us, we may decide to place special terms on your cover, such as personal medical exclusions, or we may decide not to offer you cover. A patient who attends a hospital consulting room, emergency room or out-patient clinic, when it is not medically necessary for them to be admitted as a day-patient or an in-patient. An out-patient procedure where one or more of the following is • general or local anaesthesia or intravenous sedation • manipulation or relocation of a fractured bone or dislocated joint by a medical doctor • invasive surgical procedures • invasive diagnostic procedures involving venous intra-arterial cannulation • the use of endoscopic equipment A period of 12 months from your date of entry or from any subsequent renewal date. Your period of cover is as shown on your certificate of insurance. We will not pay for any treatment received after you have been in a vegetative state for a period of eight weeks or received after you have sustained permanent neurological damage and remained in hospital for a period of eight weeks, apart from any treatment you are eligible for under the lifetime care benefit. A restriction on your cover that is stated on your certificate of insurance and specifically excludes treatment of a certain medical condition or conditions and any related conditions. The Essential Care plan or Essential Care Plus plan on which you and your eligible dependants are covered. The person stated as the plan holder on the certificate of A caesarean section which has been scheduled to take place more than 24 hours in advance, whether this be for medical or elective reasons. Medically necessary follow-up consultations, physiotherapy, diagnostic tests and/or treatment required on an out-patient basis following in-patient or day-patient treatment covered by your plan and received within the 90 day period following the date you are discharged from hospital. Any disease, illness or injury, whether the condition has been diagnosed or not before your date of entry, for which: • you have received medication, advice or treatment; or • you have experienced symptoms The amount(s) you are required to pay to us either annually, half- yearly, quarterly or monthly for your insurance plan. The date on which your premium is due to be paid. Health tests, screening and/ or clinical procedures specifically designed for disease prevention and early detection. A nurse whose name is currently on any official register of nurses maintained by a statutory nursing registration body within the country where treatment is provided. The charge that would typically be made for your treatment by medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and for the medically necessary length of stay required. If the cost of your treatment is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay up to the amount which is typically charged in that country. If the length of stay is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay for the medically necessary length of stay required. In the event of a dispute, we will identify the amount typically charged for your treatment by obtaining comparable quotations from three other medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and taking a mean average of these three quotations. Any disease, illness or injury that is caused by a pre-existing medical condition or results from the same underlying cause as a pre-existing medical condition. The anniversary date of your plan as shown on your certificate of insurance, normally the anniversary of your original date of entry to the plan.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Essential Health Plan Agreement
Medical Practitioner. A person who has full registration under the Medical Acts of the country where they practice and who specialises in nursing, homeopathy, acupuncture, orthopaedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, chiropody, podiatry or physiotherapy treatment, and to whom you have been referred by a medical doctor. A letter from your medical doctor or specialist which refers you to another medical practitioner for treatment covered by your plan. We will only pay for treatment when the start date of your treatment is within 3 months of the date of your medical referral letter. A hospital, out-patient clinic, medical practitioner, dental practitioner, optician or pharmacy. The process of you providing and us assessing the health and medical information we ask for to decide the terms under which we will accept your application for cover, or for enhanced cover. Based on the information you give us, we may decide to place special terms on your cover, such as personal medical exclusions, or we may decide not to offer you cover. A patient who attends a hospital consulting room, emergency room or out-patient clinic, when it is not medically necessary for them to be admitted as a day-patient or an in-patient. An out-patient procedure where one or more of the following is • general or local anaesthesia or intravenous sedation • manipulation or relocation of a fractured bone or dislocated joint by a medical doctor • invasive surgical procedures • invasive diagnostic procedures involving venous intra-arterial cannulation • the use of endoscopic equipment A long-term or life partner to the policyholder in a domestic partnership or permanent relationship. A period of 12 months from your date of entry or from any subsequent renewal date. Your period of cover is as shown on your certificate of insurance. We will not pay for any treatment received after you have been in a vegetative state for a period of eight weeks or received after you have sustained permanent neurological damage and remained in hospital for a period of eight weeks, apart from any treatment you are eligible for under the lifetime care benefit. A restriction on your cover that is stated on your certificate of insurance and specifically excludes treatment of a certain medical condition or conditions and any related conditions. The Essential Care region or country in which you are habitually resident as specified on your application form or subsequently advised to us in writing. The Bronze plan or Essential Care Plus Silver plan or Gold plan on which you and your eligible dependants are covered. The person stated as the plan holder on the certificate of A caesarean section which has been scheduled to take place more than 24 hours in advance, whether this be for medical or elective reasons. The person stated as the policyholder on the certificate of Medically necessary follow-up consultations, physiotherapy, diagnostic tests and/or treatment required on an out-patient basis following in-patient or day-patient treatment covered by your plan and received within the 90 day period following the date you are discharged from hospital. An out-patient assessment during which your health is assessed in order to confirm that you are medically fit to undergo the planned treatment and that you are sufficiently prepared for it. The assessment may include an electrocardiogram, blood and/or urine tests and a chest x-ray. Any disease, illness or injury, whether the condition has been diagnosed or not before your date of entry, for which: • you have received medication, advice or treatment; or • you have experienced symptoms The amount(s) you are required to pay to us either annually, half- yearly, quarterly or monthly for your insurance plan. The date on which your premium is due to be paid. Health tests, screening and/ or and/or clinical procedures specifically designed for disease prevention and early detection. A nurse whose name is currently on any official register of nurses maintained by a statutory nursing registration body within the country where treatment is provided. The charge that would typically be made for your treatment by medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and for the medically necessary length of stay required. If the cost of your treatment is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay up to the amount which is typically charged in that country. If the length of stay is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay for the medically necessary length of stay required. In the event of a dispute, we will identify the amount typically charged for your treatment by obtaining comparable quotations from three other medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and taking a mean average of these three quotations. A medical facility licensed under the regulations of the country in which it operates and designed for patients who no longer need acute hospital care but who still require medical or nursing supervision and/or assistance with activities of daily living because of their medical disability. Any disease, illness or injury that is caused by a pre-existing medical condition or results from the same underlying cause as a pre-existing medical condition. The anniversary date of your plan as shown on your certificate of insurance, normally the anniversary of your original date of entry to the plan.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Plan Agreement
Medical Practitioner. A person who has full registration under the Medical Acts of the country where they practice and who specialises in nursing, homeopathy, acupuncture, orthopaedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, chiropody, podiatry or physiotherapy treatment, and to whom you have been referred by a medical doctor. A letter from your medical doctor or specialist which refers you to another medical practitioner for treatment covered by your plan. We will only pay for treatment when the start date of your treatment is within 3 months of the date of your medical referral letter. A hospital, out-patient clinic, medical practitioner, dental practitioner, optician or pharmacy. The process of you providing and us assessing the health and medical information we ask for to decide the terms under which we will accept your application for cover, or for enhanced cover. Based on the information you give us, we may decide to place special terms on your cover, such as personal medical exclusions, or we may decide not to offer you cover. A patient who attends a hospital consulting room, emergency room or out-patient clinic, when it is not medically necessary for them to be admitted as a day-patient or an in-patient. An out-patient procedure where one or more of the following is • general or local anaesthesia or intravenous sedation • manipulation or relocation of a fractured bone or dislocated joint by a medical doctor • invasive surgical procedures • invasive diagnostic procedures involving venous cannulation • the use of endoscopic equipment A period of 12 months from your date of entry or from any subsequent renewal date. Your period of cover is as shown on your certificate of insurance. We will not pay for any treatment received after you have been in a vegetative state for a period of eight weeks or received after you have sustained permanent neurological damage and remained in hospital for a period of eight weeks, apart from any treatment you are eligible for under the lifetime care benefit. A restriction on your cover that is stated on your certificate of insurance and specifically excludes treatment of a certain medical condition or conditions and any related conditions. The Essential Care Bronze plan or Essential Care Plus Silver plan or Gold plan on which you and your eligible dependants are covered. The person stated as the plan holder on the certificate of A caesarean section which has been scheduled to take place more than 24 hours in advance, whether this be for medical or elective reasons. Medically necessary follow-up consultations, physiotherapy, diagnostic tests and/or treatment required on an out-patient basis following in-patient or day-patient treatment covered by your plan and received within the 90 day period following the date you are discharged from hospital. An out-patient assessment during which your health is assessed in order to confirm that you are medically fit to undergo the planned treatment and that you are sufficiently prepared for it. The assessment may include an electrocardiogram, blood and/or urine tests and a chest x-ray. Any disease, illness or injury, whether the condition has been diagnosed or not before your date of entry, for which: • you have received medication, advice or treatment; or • you have experienced symptoms The amount(s) you are required to pay to us either annually, half- yearly, quarterly or monthly for your insurance plan. The date on which your premium is due to be paid. Health tests, screening and/ or and/or clinical procedures specifically designed for disease prevention and early detection. A nurse whose name is currently on any official register of nurses maintained by a statutory nursing registration body within the country where treatment is provided. The charge that would typically be made for your treatment by medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and for the medically necessary length of stay required. If the cost of your treatment is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay up to the amount which is typically charged in that country. If the length of stay is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay for the medically necessary length of stay required. In the event of a dispute, we will identify the amount typically charged for your treatment by obtaining comparable quotations from three other medical services providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and taking a mean average of these three quotations. A medical facility licensed under the regulations of the country in which it operates and designed for patients who no longer need acute hospital care but who still require medical or nursing supervision and/or assistance with activities of daily living because of their medical disability. Any disease, illness or injury that is caused by a pre-existing medical condition or results from the same underlying cause as a pre-existing medical condition. The anniversary date of your plan as shown on your certificate of insurance, normally the anniversary of your original date of entry to the plan. • Hong Kong Adventist Hospital • Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital • Matilda International Hospital A single continuous consultation during which time you may receive advice, treatment and/or prescribed medication.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Plan Agreement
Medical Practitioner. A person who has full registration under the Medical Acts of the country where they practice and who specialises in nursing, homeopathy, acupuncture, orthopaedic medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, chiropody, podiatry podiatry, or physiotherapy treatment, and to whom you have been referred by a medical doctor. A letter from your medical doctor or specialist which refers you to another medical practitioner for treatment covered by your plan. We will only pay for treatment when the start date of your treatment is within 3 months of the date of your medical referral letter. A hospital, out-patient clinic, medical practitioner, dental practitioner, optician or pharmacy. The process of you providing and us assessing the health and medical information we ask for to decide the terms under which we will accept your application for cover, or for enhanced cover. Based on the information you give us, we may decide to place special terms on your cover, such . Your personal Global Health Foundation membership card that will state your plan type and the Neuron network you are entitled to use. It will also state any excess that applies to your plan. A medical service provider which is part of the Neuron network of medical service providers you are entitled to use for treatment that is covered by your plan. The Neuron network of medical service providers you are entitled to use is as personal stated on your certificate of insurance and on your Neuron network card. The co-insurance we will apply to your claim settlement amount when you have your treatment at a medical exclusions, or we may decide services provider who is not a Neuron network provider you are entitled to offer you coveruse. A patient who attends a hospital consulting room, emergency room or out-patient clinic, when it is not medically necessary for them to be admitted as a day-patient or an in-patient. An out-patient procedure where one or more of the following is • general or local anaesthesia or intravenous sedation • manipulation or relocation of a fractured bone or dislocated joint by a medical doctor • invasive surgical procedures • invasive diagnostic procedures involving venous intra-arterial cannulation • the use of endoscopic equipment A period of 12 months from your date of entry or from any subsequent renewal date. Your period of cover is as shown on your certificate of insurance. We will not pay for any treatment received after you have been in a vegetative state for a period of eight weeks The Corporate Global Health Foundation plan, or received after you have sustained permanent neurological damage and remained in hospital for a period of eight weeksFoundation Plus plan, apart from any treatment you are eligible for under or the lifetime care benefit. A restriction on your cover that is stated on your certificate of insurance and specifically excludes treatment of a certain medical condition or conditions and any related conditions. The Essential Care plan or Essential Care Plus Dubai Primary Benefits plan on which you and your eligible dependants are covered. The person company or employer as stated as the plan holder on the your certificate of insurance. A caesarean section which has been scheduled to take place more than 24 hours in advance, whether this be for medical or elective reasons. Medically necessary follow-up consultations, physiotherapy, diagnostic tests and/or treatment required on an out-patient basis following in-patient or day-patient treatment covered by your plan and received within the 90 day period following the date you are discharged from hospital. Any disease, illness or injury, whether the condition has been diagnosed or not before your date of entry, for which: • you have received medication, advice or treatment; or • you have experienced symptoms The amount(s) you are your employer is required to pay to us either annually, half- yearly, quarterly or monthly annually for your insurance plan. The date on which your premium is due to be paidpaid by your employer. Health tests, screening and/ or and/or clinical procedures specifically designed for disease prevention and early detection. Preventive services stipulated by the Dubai Health Authority, including initial diabetes screening. A nurse whose name is currently on any official register of nurses maintained by a statutory nursing registration body within the country where treatment is provided. The charge that would typically be made for your treatment by medical services service providers in the country where you receive your treatment, and for the medically necessary length of stay required. If the cost of your treatment is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay up to the amount which is typically charged in that country. If the length of stay is not reasonable and customary, we will only pay for the medically necessary length of stay required. In the event of a dispute, we will identify the amount typically charged for your treatment by obtaining comparable quotations from three other medical services service providers in the country where you receive your treatmentit, by obtaining three quotations and taking a mean average of these three quotations. A medical facility licensed under the regulations of the country in which it operates and designed for patients who no longer need acute hospital care but who still require medical or nursing supervision and/or assistance with activities of daily living because of their medical disability. Any disease, illness or injury that is caused by a pre-existing medical condition or results from the same underlying cause as a pre-existing medical condition. The anniversary renewal date of your employer’s plan as shown on your certificate of insurance, normally the anniversary of your original date of entry to the plan.
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