MEMBER REMAINING IN ACTIVE SERVICE. In lieu of either leaving active service and beginning to receive a service retirement annuity under Section 5.01 of this Act or remaining in active service and continuing to accrue additional service credit under Section 5.02 of this Act, a member who is eligible to receive a normal service retirement benefit under Section
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  • Service Period The Service Period of this Agreement is for 1 year in respect of the unit and starts on the Start Date as defined in the Terms and Conditions, or, in the case of an extension of renewal of the provision of Support Services, starts on the date of payment of the Charges.

  • Certification as Small Contractor or Minority Business Enterprise This paragraph was intentionally left blank.

  • Active/Inactive Employee If you are covered under another plan as an active employee, your benefits and those of your dependents under that plan will be determined before benefits under this plan. The plan covering the active employee and dependents will be the primary plan. The plan covering that same employee as inactive (including those who are retired or have been laid off) will be the secondary plan for that employee and dependents.

  • Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Participation Pursuant to Education Code section 71028 and Public Contract Code section 10115, the District may have a participation goal for disabled veteran business enterprises (DVBEs) of at least three (3) percent per year of funds expended each year by the District on projects that use funds from the California Community College Chancellor’s Office. This Project may use funds allocated under the Act. Therefore, to the extent feasible and pertaining to future hirings, the Consultant, before it executes the Agreement, shall provide to the District certification of compliance with the procedures for implementation of DVBE contracting goals, appropriate documentation identifying the amount(s) intended to be paid to DVBEs in conjunction with the contract, and documentation demonstrating the Consultant’s good faith efforts to meet these goals.

  • Minority Business Enterprise The Recipient shall comply with the minority business requirements pursuant to Section 164.07(A) of the Revised Code and rule 164-1-32 of the Administrative Code when making direct purchases of equipment, materials or supplies.

  • Minority Vendor Designee The minority vendor designee of the Owner shall be specified in the Supplementary General Conditions or the Instructions to Bidders. For more information, please contact the Board of Regents’ Office of Business Development by e-mail at

  • Food Service Employees School year food service employees shall be entitled to the following paid vacation schedule:

  • Contract Transition Upon Contract expiration or termination, the Contractor shall ensure a seamless transfer of Contract responsibilities with any subsequent Contractor necessary to transition the Products and services of the Contract. The incumbent Contractor assumes all expenses related to the contract transition.

  • Cyclic Year Employment The Employer may fill a position with a cyclic year appointment for positions scheduled to work less than twelve (12) full months each year, due to known, recurring periods in the annual cycle when the position is not needed. At least fifteen (15) days before the start of each annual cycle, incumbents of cyclic year positions will be informed, in writing, of their scheduled periods of leave without pay in the ensuing cycle. Such periods of leave without pay will not constitute a break in service. When additional work is required of a cyclic position during a period for which the position was scheduled for leave without pay, the temporary work will be offered to the incumbent. The incumbent will be allowed at least three (3) working days in which to accept or decline the offer. Should the incumbent decline the work, it will be offered to other cyclic employees, in the same classification, with the necessary skills and abilities, in order of seniority, before being filled by other means.

  • Alternative Employment An employer, in a particular redundancy case, may make application to the Commission to have the general severance pay prescription varied if the employer obtains acceptable alternative employment for an employee.

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