Name or Address Changes. It is your responsibility to notify us upon a change of address or change of name. We are only required to attempt to communicate with you at the most recent address you have provided to us. We will accept notice of a change in address and any other notice from you if provided in writing. If we attempt to locate you, we may impose a service fee as set forth on the Rate and Fee Schedule.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Business Membership & Account Agreement, Membership & Account Agreement
Name or Address Changes. It is your responsibility to notify us upon a change of address or change of name. We are only required to attempt to communicate with you at the most recent address you have provided to us. We will accept notice change of a change in address notices by written instruction and may require that any other notice from you if be provided in writing. If we attempt to locate you, we may impose a service fee as set forth on the Rate and Fee Cost Recovery Schedule. You authorize us to update your account records with any notification of change of address issued by the U.S. Postal Service.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Consumer Membership and Account Agreement, Consumer Membership and Account Agreement
Name or Address Changes. It is your responsibility to notify us upon a change of address or change of name. We are only required to attempt to communicate with you at the most recent address you have provided to us. We will accept notice change of a change in address notices by written instruction and may require that any other notice from you if be provided in writing. If we attempt to locate you, we may impose a service fee as set forth on . You authorize us to update your account records with any notification of change of address issued by the Rate and Fee ScheduleU.S. Postal Service.
Appears in 1 contract
Name or Address Changes. It is your responsibility to notify us upon a change of address or change of name. We are only required to attempt to communicate with you at the most recent address you have provided to us. We will accept notice change of a change in address notices by written instruction and may require that any other notice from you if be provided in writing. If we attempt to locate you, we may impose a service fee as set forth on the Rate and Fee ScheduleCost recovery schedule. You authorize us to update your account records with any notification of change of address issued by the U.S. Postal Service.
Appears in 1 contract