No Lease Agreements Sample Clauses
No Lease Agreements. Contractor is prohibited from leasing to State Purchasers under this Participating Addendum. Additional Purchasers are not subject to this prohibition and may negotiate lease agreements with Contractor if the terms of the Master Agreement permit leasing.
No Lease Agreements. State Purchasers are prohibited from leasing under this Participating Addendum. This restriction is not applicable to Additional Purchasers.
No Lease Agreements. State Purchasers are prohibited from leasing under this Contract. This restriction is not applicable to Additional Purchasers.
No Lease Agreements. Leasing in any manner is not an allowable acquisition method for Vermont State Purchasers, and the Contractor is prohibited from leasing to State Purchasers under this Participating Addendum. Additional Purchasers are not subject to this prohibition and may negotiate lease agreements with Contractor if permissible.
No Lease Agreements. State Purchasers are prohibited from leasing under this Participating Addendum. This restriction is not applicable to Additional Purchasers, and for whom Equipment Lease and Rental Agreements are authorized in accordance with the terms of NASPO ValuePoint Master Price Agreement number ADSPO16-169897. Lease options are described in more detail on the Contractor’s page on the NASPOValuePoint website. Any underlying leases, rentals, maintenance and/or software license/subscription agreements entered into during the term of the Participating Addendum will remain in full force and effect throughout the stated term of such lease, rental, maintenance or software license/subscription agreement, is subject to termination provisions stipulated within such lease, rental, maintenance or software license/subscription.
No Lease Agreements. Leasing is prohibited under this Agreement.
No Lease Agreements. State Purchasers are prohibited from leasing under this Participating Addendum. This restriction is not applicable to Additional Purchasers. Delivery: Liability for product delivery remains with the Contractor until the product is properly delivered and accepted in accordance with this Participating Addendum as outlined in the Master Agreement Section B) 28. Contractor shall ensure that shipments are securely and properly packed, according to accepted commercial practices, without extra charge for packing cases or other containers. Upon delivery, such containers will become the property of the State unless otherwise stated. Delivered goods that either do not conform to the specifications or are not in good condition upon receipt shall be replaced promptly by Contractor. The State does not agree to reimburse Contractor for expenses except as may be specified in Attachment B to this Participating Agreement. A Purchasing Entity shall determine whether all Products and Services delivered meet the Contractor’s published specifications (a.k.a. “Specifications”). No payment shall be made for any Products or Services until the Purchasing Entity has accepted the Products or Services. The Purchasing Entity will make every effort to notify the Contractor within thirty (30) calendar days following delivery non-acceptance of a Product or Service. In the event that the Contractor has not been notified within 30 calendar days from delivery of Product or completion of Service, the Product and Services will be deemed accepted on the 31st day after delivery of Product or completion of Services. This clause shall not be applicable if accepting testing and corresponding terms have been mutually agreed by both parties in writing. Quality: All products provided by Contractor under this contract will be new and unused, unless otherwise stated. Factory seconds or remanufactured products will not be accepted unless specifically requested by the State. All products provided by Contractor must meet all federal, state, and local standards for quality and safety requirements. Products not meeting these standards will be deemed unacceptable and returned to Contractor for credit at no charge to the State.