NOTIFICATION TO LANDLORD. The Subscriber will notify its landlord that the Goods will be kept at the address stated on the Agreement and will notify the Provider in writing of the name and address of any other premises to which the Goods are moved and of the name and address of the owner of such premises. The Subscriber shall also notify the Provider immediately of any changes that may occur from time to time in the leasehold or ownership of the premises upon which the Goods may from time to time be installed or kept. The Subscriber is obliged to obtain the required permission for the installation of Goods on the premises referred to.
NOTIFICATION TO LANDLORD. 20.1 Pending payment in respect of the goods or any items comprising the goods (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the goods”) which have been delivered, to the customer, the customer:- 20.1.1 Shall, if the goods are not to be kept at the customer’s physical address of the customer as reflected in paragraph 3 of Section A on page 2 forthwith notify the supplier in writing of the address of the premises in or upon which the goods will be kept; 20.1.2 Acknowledge that the goods are movable property and that they shall so remain notwithstanding the means used to install them in any place or premises; 20.1.3 Shall forthwith, and in the event that the premises where the goods are to be kept or utilized be rented, notify the landlord of the supplier’s reservation of ownership in the goods; 20.1.4 Shall not, without the prior written consent of the company remove the goods beyond the borders of the Republic of South Africa as territorially constituted on the date of delivery of the goods. 20.2 The customer shall provide the supplier within a reasonable time with a written acknowledgement from the landlord to whom such notice as set out in 20.1.3 above, may have been given.
NOTIFICATION TO LANDLORD. Tenant agrees to promptly notify Landlord or its representative of any accidents or defects in the Building of which Tenant becomes aware, including defects in pipes, electrical wiring and HVAC equipment. In addition, Tenant shall provide Landlord with prompt notification of any matter or condition which may cause injury or damage to the Building or any person or property therein.
NOTIFICATION TO LANDLORD. If at any time the goods are to be stored or kept at premises not owned by Hirer, Hirer shall immediately notify Rentor in writing of the name and address of the owner of such premises. Hirer shall similarly notify the landlord of Rentor's ownership of the goods.
NOTIFICATION TO LANDLORD. 20.1 Pending payment in respect of the goods or any items comprising the goods (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the goods”) which have been delivered, to the customer, the customer:- 20.1.1 shall, if the goods are not to be kept at the customer’s physical address of the customer as reflected in paragraph 3 of Section A on page 2 forthwith notify the supplier in writing of the address of the premises in or upon which the goods will be kept; 20
NOTIFICATION TO LANDLORD. Resident shall promptly notify Landlord in writing of the presence of the following: • A water leak, excessive moisture, or standing water inside the leased premises. • A water leak, excessive moisture, or standing water in any community common area. • Mold growth in or on the leased premises that persists after Resident has tried several times to remove it with household cleaning solution, such as Lysol or Pine-Sol disinfectants, Tilex Mildew Remover, or Clorox, or a combination of water and bleach.
NOTIFICATION TO LANDLORD. Tenant shall notify Landlord within five working days after Xxxxxx receives written notice of any of the following: (a) any correspondence or communication from any governmental entity to Tenant regarding a release of Hazardous Materials or an actual or potential violation of Environmental Laws on the Premises or in connection with Xxxxxx's operation on the Premises.
NOTIFICATION TO LANDLORD. Tenant agrees to notify promptly the ------------------------ Landlord or its representative of any accidents or defects in the Building of which Tenant becomes aware, including defects in pipes, electric wring and heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment or condition which may cause injury or damage to the Building or any person therein.
NOTIFICATION TO LANDLORD. The RESIDENT(S) shall notify the LANDLORD of any absence from the property for more than seven (7) days. The RESIDENT(S) shall notify the LANDLORD promptly of any damage to the Contracted Property caused by the RESIDENT(S) or RESIDENT(S)’S guests, invitees, family, pets, or any other damage to the RESIDENT(S) unit, the Complex, the Building, or the common areas of which the RESIDENT(S) has knowledge. The RESIDENT(S) shall make no alterations to the Contracted Property without written consent of the LANDLORD. No oral agreements or representations by the LANDLORD or LANDLORD’S agents, or the RESIDENT(S) shall be binding on either party.
NOTIFICATION TO LANDLORD. If the building and/or the Premises are damaged by fire, the elements or other casualty, then Tenant shall immediately notify Landlord of such damage, by overnight courier or personal delivery.