Number of Guests The maximum number of people entitled to stay at this property is 7 and furthermore, only those people named on the booking form are entitled to stay. If it is found that more people than agreed are using the property, this will be considered a breach of contract and the holidaymaker and his/her party will be asked to leave immediately without any refund. Sub letting or assignation of the let is prohibited.
Number of Students Except as herein provided, Instructors shall have at any time no more than an average of thirty-five (35) students per instructional section, averaged over all instructional sections assigned to the instructor.
Number of Stewards The Union may designate one (1), but no more than one (1), xxxxxxx on each shift for each of the Employer's principal work areas from among those employees who work therein.
Number of Users Unless otherwise provided in these license terms, only one user may use the software at a time on the licensed computer.
Period of Enrolment 6.1 The enrolment of the student, once approved by the Principal of the School, commences in the Entry Year and continues until the completion of last year at the School or until the Student's enrolment is otherwise withdrawn or terminated.
Number of Hours enter the total number of hours worked during the report period by the Employees in the employment category. Amount Payable under the Contract: enter the total amount paid by the State to the State Contractor under the Contract, for work by the Employees in the employment category, for services provided during the report period.
Number of Copies Original along with one Copy of the bid. Bids must be accompanied by unit price and total price.
Completion of Evaluation Cycle 1. The summative evaluation rating shall be based upon a preponderance of the evidence, assessed in a holistic manner, that is aligned to the Ohio Educator Standards. Only evidence gathered during the walkthroughs and formal observations that are conducted for the current school year may be used.
Period of Use Each category of flight will be allocated time on a Gate according to the number of seats in the aircraft being used to operate the flight as specified in the table below. Period of Use on gate in minutes Aircraft seats Turnaround Arrival Only Departure Only 400 or greater 180 75 120 200-399 150 60 90 100-199 120 60 75 Less than 100 90 45 45
Estimated Number of Participating Households Approximately 6,460. This figure is based on loans with unpaid principal balances ranging from $200,000 to $400,000 with an average funding of $5,000.00.