Figure 3 Sample Clauses
Figure 3. Existence of mutual trust and commitment as facilitating factor of cooperation between company and HE institutions, by size of the company (in per cent)
Figure 3. WBS Structure The HET2 WBS Dictionary is given in Table 16. Astrobee research and development (WBS 210935.04.xx.01) is managed at ARC (WBS 219035.04.01.01). R2 research and development (WBS 210935.04.xx.02) is managed at JSC (WBS 219035.04.05.02). Table 16. WBS Dictionary 219035 Human Exploration Telerobotics 2 (HET2) Project to develop advanced, remotely operated robots to improve human exploration 219035.04 HET2 Technology Development Technology development within HET2 219035.04.xx.01 Astrobee Development of a new IVA free-flying robot for the ISS 219035.04.01.01 Astrobee (ARC) Element project management (budget, schedule, risk), systems engineering (requirements, architecture, integration), development, testing, safety and mission assurance. 219035.04.10.01 Astrobee (HQ) Astrobee cooperative agreements and contracts 219035.04.11.01 Astrobee (JPL) Astrobee data communications and robot user interface development 219035.04.05.01 Astrobee (JSC) Astrobee integration and testing 219035.04.xx.02 Robonaut 2 Development of a new IVA / XXX xxxxxxxxx humanoid robot for the ISS 219035.04.01.02 Robonaut 2 (ARC) Robonaut 2 engineering support at ARC 219035.04.11.02 Robonaut 2 (JPL) Robonaut 2 engineering support at JPL
Figure 3. 5: Signal-to-noise ratio measurements of the disk flux of Xxxx 15-788. Top: Signal- to-noise ratio measurements in circular apertures around the best fit ellipse (orange line) for the Ks-band data from Section 3.5.3. The blue apertures contain flux of ring A according to the applied 5σ criterion, whereas the gray apertures reside within the background dominated regime. Bottom: Signal-to-noise ratio within the circular apertures from the top panel, sorted by position angle. The gray and blue areas mark the regimes below and above the 5σ threshold to distinguish background and disk apertures, respectively. Parameter Best fit value δx [pix]a 0.96 ± 1.17 δy [pix] 1.12 ± 2.01 a [pix] 32.56 ± 0.81 b [pix] 30.39 ± 2.12 ϕ [◦ ] 76 ± 16 i [◦ ] 21 ± 6
Figure 3. Mindfulness as a buffer of the prospective relation between emotional distress and reported somatic symptoms: a SEModel
Figure 3. Model simulated shortwave and longwave cloud radiative effects (CRE) in W m−2 shown as differences from observations at (left panels) the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) and (right panels) surface (SFC) for December-January-February (DJF) mean and June-July-August (JJA) mean.
Figure 3. All Databases Database Devices Archive Database in a Folder. File Viewer window only
Figure 3. N-Terminal protein sequencing of bovine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (bNGAL). N-Terminal protein sequencing of bNGAL (20 µg) was performed by the automatic Xxxxx degradation procedure using an Applied Biosystems gas-phase sequencer, model 473A (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). The sequencing result of bNGAL, presented by the standard one-letter code for AA, is aligned to the predicted sequence of bNGAL (National Center for Biotechnology Information: XP_605012) and published sequences of human neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (hNGAL), mouse 24p3/uterocalin (24p3), and rat α2-microglobulin-related protein (A2UMRP; Xxxxxxxx et al., 2000). The shaded box represents motif 1, a highly conserved sequence among lipocalins (Flower et al., 1991). bNGAL was N-linked glycosylated. Based on the aver- age Mr of 2,200 for a complex glycan (Xxxx et al., 1988), the difference in Mr of 2,000 observed on SDS-PAGE before and after deglycosylation suggests that mono- meric bNGAL (Mr 25,000) bears one N-linked glycan. Monosaccharide analysis of bNGAL showed the pres- ence of mannose, N-acetylgalactosamine, N-acetylglu- cosamine, and N-acetylneuraminic acid (Table 1). Fu- cose and galactose were hardly detected, which sug- gested that, in the event of N-linked glycosylation of bNGAL, galactose was substituted with N-acetylgalac- tosamine. This has previously been observed for other N-linked glycoproteins produced in bovine milk and has been ascribed to the presence of an N-acetylgalactosam- inyl transferase in mammary gland epithelium (Xxx xxx Xxxxxxxxxx et al., 1999). The MALDI-TOF analysis of desialylated bNGAL glycans showed 7 significant peaks (Figure 5, peaks A–G). The proposed glycan com- positions and structures, deduced from the mass-to- charge (m/z) values of 6 of these peaks, are shown in Table 2 and Figure 6, respectively. The observed m/z value of each proposed structure differs maximally by
Figure 3. An example of a word list for word lattice builder module
Figure 3. 2 Xxx Xxxxx Fountain
Figure 3. . a) Rolling mill components to be considered in the thermal crown model, b) Circular ring of roll