Length of Stay. (NUMNIGHX, NUMNIGHT)
1). If the dates were unknown, then NUMNIGHX used the number from the unedited variable NUMNIGHT (number of nights in the hospital). If both the dates and NUMNIGHT were missing data, then NUMNIGHX was imputed. Users should note that NUMNIGHT was only asked for events with missing date information. Hence, it contains large amounts of missing data and cannot be used alone but rather in conjunction with date information.
Length of Stay. Shelters must work with clients to obtain positive discharge outcomes. Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) ACT states contractors work towards a goal of 30 days or less for length of stay. This will be reviewed during annual monitoring visits.
Length of Stay. The length of stay of the clients will be variable based on each client individual but not to exceed 18 months.
Length of Stay the entire period that a temporary agency worker works for a user company, commencing on the first day of the work for the user company concerned, regardless of the nature of the work and the contract for professional services;
Length of Stay. 15 1. Client length of stay at a residential rehabilitation facility shall not exceed eighteen (18) 16 months without prior written authorization from ADMINISTRATOR. CONTRACTOR shall complete 17 individual evaluations for each Client placed at their facility and collaborate with the Clinical 18 Administrator and PSCs from the Enhanced Recovery FSP to determine the appropriate length of stay in 19 the program. Authorization for an ongoing stay and exceptions to the agreed upon length of stay must 20 have prior written approval from ADMINISTRATOR. Upon Admission, Clients shall be required to 21 sign an agreement acknowledging their understanding that the length of stay in the program is limited to 22 eighteen (18) months, unless otherwise approved by ADMINISTRATOR.
23 2. If, based on CONTRACTOR’s evaluation, ADMINISTRATOR determines that the Client 24 no longer meets eligibility criteria and should be discharged from the program, then written notice shall 25 be provided to CONTRACTOR from ADMINISTRATOR indicating that the Client no longer meets 26 eligibility criteria and should be discharged from the program. CONTRACTOR will not be required to 27 displace the Client, but COUNTY shall not reimburse CONTRACTOR for a Client that no longer meets 28 eligibility criteria. All requests to extend a Client’s length of stay shall be submitted to 29 ADMINISTRATOR prior to the planned discharge date on file. ADMINISTRATOR shall have final 30 discretion based on the information provided to determine Clients’ continued placement.
31 3. CONTRACTOR shall establish an Admission and discharge policy which shall state that all 32 Admissions shall result from referrals from ADMINISTRATOR. The discharge policy shall include 33 eligibility for the Client’s continued participation in the program which shall be evaluated by
Length of Stay. (NUMNIGHX, NUMNIGHT)
1). If the dates were unknown, then NUMNIGHX used the number from the unedited variable NUMNIGHT (number of nights in the hospital). If both the dates and NUMNIGHT were missing data, then NUMNIGHX was imputed. Users should note that NUMNIGHT was only asked for events with missing date information. Hence, it contains large amounts of missing data and cannot be used alone but rather in conjunction with date information. Inpatient hospital stays take into account information from the Medical Provider Component (MPC), the variable NUMNIGHX may not be adjusted to reflect the entire length of stay based on the MPC.
Length of Stay. The length of the program shall be flexible to meet the needs of the individual youth and family. The program shall be designed to ensure a sufficient intensity of services to ensure the length of stay is reduced to only that time that is therapeutically necessary. Contractor shall compile data on the actual length of stay compared to the target length of stay. This data will be used internally as part of an evaluation of the effectiveness of the program.
Length of Stay. To ensure the rights of all residential students, guest(s) may only stay a maximum of two consecutive nights, given that the residential host has obtained permission from all occupants of the room. After two consecutive nights, there must be a seven-day intermission between the last overnight visit and the next visit.
Length of Stay. The length of stay for visiting faculty scholars will be negotiated in advance of the visit. (Note: SEVIS regulations require a minimum of 3 weeks for short-term scholars). For WSU faculty scholars who visit U of A, the preferred length of stay is two to four weeks. Longer visits may be negotiated in advance.
Length of Stay. 1. The Contractor must implement a Utilization Management program to ensure medically necessary services are provided to all Title XXI Members to prevent disease, disability, and/or other adverse health conditions or their progression or to prolong life.
2. Contractor will use CPSA Level of Care criteria for Acute Inpatient, Intensive Residential, Therapeutic Group Home, Therapeutic Xxxxxx Care Group Home, and Partial Care/Day Treatment.
3. Contractor will use American Society of Addictions Medicine patient place criteria for determining level of care for substance abuse treatment and length of stay.
4. Contractor shall comply with Notice of Intended Action policy and procedures established by AHCCCS, ADHS/DBHS, and CPSA whenever covered services are denied, reduced, suspended, or terminated.
5. Services shall not be denied solely because the enrolled person has a poor prognosis or has not shown improvement if the covered services are necessary to prevent regression or maintain their present condition.
6. The Contractor shall make repeated attempts to re-engage enrolled Members who refuse services or fail to appear for appointments if they are at risk of relapse, impending or continuing decompensation, or potential harm to self or others and the efforts must be documented. Final Jun 6-01 Effective 7-01-01 Page 120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOGO] Community Partnership FEE FOR SERVICE and RISK-BASED of Southern Arizona SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT Regional Behavioral CHILDREN SERVICES Health Authority The Providence Service Corporation ------------------------------------------------- CONTRACT NUMBER: A0108 FY 01/02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. Attempt shall be made to re-engage enrolled Members when continued treatment is appropriate although risk of relapse, decompensation, deterioration or potential harm to self or other is not immediate. The efforts must be documented.
8. If an enrolled Member who is still in need of covered services moves out of area or is transferred to an ALTCS Contractor, the Contractor shall assist the enrolled person to transfer to another RHBA Contractor or ALTCS Contractor. The Contractor is responsible for that Member until notified by CPSA that the transfer is approved and complete. The Contractor also continues to be responsible for the Member's prescribed psychotropic medications. Utilization of Title XXI services will be p...