OBLIGATION OF COUNTY. The County shall notify the Agency of any known future restrictions or limitations on the use of Protected Health Information that would affect Agency's performances of services under the Agreement, and Agency shall thereafter restrict or limit its uses and disclosures accordingly.
OBLIGATION OF COUNTY. The County shall notify the Agency of any known future restrictions or limitations on the use of PHI that would affect Agency's performance of services under the Agreement, and Agency shall thereafter restrict or limit its uses and disclosures accordingly.
OBLIGATION OF COUNTY. The parties understand and recognize that the MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK will periodically be directed by the Municipal Court Judge(s) to summon qualified residents of the County of White Pine for jury service during Municipal Court trials. Those directives will require the limited access and restricted use of the JURY COMMISSIONER’S electronic (computerized) jury administration system for the purpose of selecting, summonsing and managing jury panels and jurors for those trials. The JURY COMMISSIONER shall be responsible for using their best efforts for the performance of all acts and functions necessary to maintain an accurate, up-to-date, electronic (computerized) data base, listing the contact information and juror questionnaire responses of all known, qualified jurors residing in White Pine County, Nevada; and, providing the MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK (and the MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK staff) with limited access and restricted use of the jury administration system. Before access and use of the JURY COMMISSIONER’S electronic (computerized) jury administration system is permitted, and at the CITY’S sole expense, the JURY COMMISSIONER shall require the MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK (and the MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK staff) to receive the requisite, initial training (and periodic follow-up training) on how to access and use the system and its data base on a restricted, limited basis for jury trials. At the discretion of the JURY COMMISSIONER, any and/or all training may be conducted by a third party (such as the jury administration software provider), the JURY COMMISSIONER or the JURY COMMISSIONER’S staff. The COUNTY shall be responsible for billing and collecting reimbursement payment(s) from the CITY for any training, past-due, current or future jury administration services costs/expenses/charges that are attributable to the MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK’S (including the MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK’S staff) use of the jury administration system. Such as, without limitation, the payment(s) made by the COUNTY for the MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK’S past, present or future use of the Pioneer Technology jury administration software or successor software.
OBLIGATION OF COUNTY. COUNTY shall provide funding to the CITY for one-half (50 percent) of the costs paid to OPERATOR for operating the PROGRAM in an amount not to exceed $65,000.
OBLIGATION OF COUNTY. County shall notify Contractor of any current or future restrictions or limitations on the use of Protected Health Information that would affect Contractor’s performance of the Services, and Contractor shall thereafter restrict or limit its own uses and disclosures accordingly.
OBLIGATION OF COUNTY. COUNTY shall notify CONTRACTOR of any current or future restrictions or limitations on the use of Protected Health Information that would affect CONTRACTOR’s performance of the Services, and CONTRACTOR shall thereafter restrict or limit its own uses and disclosures accordingly.