Obligation to Make connections to a Public Sewer Sample Clauses

Obligation to Make connections to a Public Sewer. Upon request from the owner or occupant of premises located in the Service Area for a connection to a public sewer, the Concessionaire shall make such a connection as soon as reasonably practicable. For such connection to a public sewer located less than 25 meters from the connection point, the Customer shall pay the connection fee set out in Section 9.5 (i). For all other connections, the Customer shall pay a fee determined in accordance with Section 9.5(ii).
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  • Exception to Obligations Neither Party's obligations under this Section shall apply to the extent the infringement is caused by: (i) modification of the facilities or equipment (including software) by the indemnitee; (ii) use by the indemnitee of the facilities or equipment (including software) in combination with equipment or facilities (including software) not provided or authorized by the indemnitor, provided the facilities or equipment (including software) would not be infringing if used alone; (iii) conformance to specifications of the indemnitee which would necessarily result in infringement; or (iv) continued use by the indemnitee of the affected facilities or equipment (including software) after being placed on notice to discontinue use as set forth herein.

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  • Conversion of Wholesale Services to Network Elements or Network Elements to Wholesale Services Upon request, BellSouth shall convert a wholesale service, or group of wholesale services, to the equivalent Network Element or Combination that is available to Global Dialtone pursuant to Section 251 of the Act and under this Agreement or convert a Network Element or Combination that is available to Global Dialtone pursuant to Section 251 of the Act and under this Agreement to an equivalent wholesale service or group of wholesale services offered by BellSouth (collectively “Conversion”). BellSouth shall charge the applicable nonrecurring switch-as-is rates for Conversions to specific Network Elements or Combinations found in Exhibit A. BellSouth shall also charge the same nonrecurring switch-as-is rates when converting from Network Elements or Combinations. Any rate change resulting from the Conversion will be effective as of the next billing cycle following BellSouth’s receipt of a complete and accurate Conversion request from Global Dialtone. A Conversion shall be considered termination for purposes of any volume and/or term commitments and/or grandfathered status between Global Dialtone and BellSouth. Any change from a wholesale service/group of wholesale services to a Network Element/Combination, or from a Network Element/Combination to a wholesale service/group of wholesale services, that requires a physical rearrangement will not be considered to be a Conversion for purposes of this Agreement. BellSouth will not require physical rearrangements if the Conversion can be completed through record changes only. Orders for Conversions will be handled in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Ordering Guidelines and Processes and CLEC Information Packages as referenced in Sections 1.13.1 and 1.13.2 below.

  • Sleeping Rooms to be Blocked A. The Contractor shall block sleeping rooms as set forth in Table 1, below. Table 1: Dates Single Occupancy Total by Date Date1 60 60 Date4 60 60 Date 5 Check Out Check Out Total Rooms to be Blocked: 240 240

  • Unbundled Loop Modifications (Line Conditioning 2.5.1 Line Conditioning is defined as routine network modification that BellSouth regularly undertakes to provide xDSL services to its own customers. This may include the removal of any device, from a copper Loop or copper Sub-loop that may diminish the capability of the Loop or Sub-loop to deliver high-speed switched wireline telecommunications capability, including xDSL service. Such devices include, but are not limited to, load coils, excessive bridged taps, low pass filters, and range extenders. Excessive bridged taps are bridged taps that serves no network design purpose and that are beyond the limits set according to industry standards and/or the XxxxXxxxx XX 00000.

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