Section 9.5. 8 Seniority rights shall not be lost and shall accrue for the following reasons, without limitations;
Section 9.5. 23 Seniority rights shall not be lost for the following reasons, without limitation:
25 A. Time lost by reason of industrial accident, industrial illness or judicial leave;
26 B. Time on leave of absence granted for the purpose of serving in the Armed Forces of the United 27 States; or
28 C. Time spent on other authorized leaves.
Section 9.5. 30 Seniority shall not be lost for the following reasons, without limitation and shall continue to accrue 31 unless noted otherwise:
Section 9.5. 40 Seniority rights shall be effective within the general job classification of Secretarial/Clerical.
Section 9.5. 2 The employee with the earliest hire date shall be given first consideration regarding shifts, promotions, 3 assignment to new or open jobs or positions, and layoffs when ability and performance are 4 substantially equal with junior employees. If the District determines that seniority rights should not 5 govern because a junior employee possesses ability and performance substantially greater than a senior 6 employee or senior employees, the District shall set forth in writing to the employee or employees its 7 reasons why the senior employee or employees have been bypassed.
Section 9.5. 2 Seniority rights shall be effective within the general job classification. As used in this Agreement, 3 general job classifications are those set forth in Article I, Section 1.3. and equivalent positions shall be 4 those set forth in Schedule A. Other differentiations within the paraeducator group related to
Section 9.5. 31 In the event an employee is absent for reasons which are covered by Industrial Insurance, the District 32 will not deduct sick leave or pay if the employee turns over the L&I check for the days absent.
Section 9.5. 35 The school district will allow less than twelve-month employees to take two (2) unpaid holidays per 36 calendar year for a reason of faith or conscience or an organized activity conducted under the auspices 37 of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization; provided, that the employee's absence 38 would not impose an undue hardship on the District pursuant to WAC 00-00-000. 39 40 41 42 1 A R T I C L E X 3 SICK LEAVE, BEREAVEMENT LEAVE, PERSONAL LEAVE
Section 9.5. 1. In cases of employees having the same hire date within a RIF category, such cases (ties) 41 shall be broken first by higher previous RIF category, second by district hire date in previous RIF category, 42 and third by lot in the presence of the President of the Association or designated representative. Such 43 determination shall be permanent.
Section 9.5. 15 All vacations, regardless of the time of the year when taken, shall be limited to the number of days 16 earned or banked by September 1, exclusive of any paid holidays which may fall within the vacation 17 period assigned to the employee. Vacations will be approved on a first (1st) come basis; if there are 18 multiple requests on the same date, seniority shall be the deciding factor.