Operating Capacity. Capacity that is readily converted to Energy and is measured in MW.
Operating Capacity. Capacity that is readily converted to Energy and is measured in MW. Operating Reserves. Generating Capacity that is available to supply Energy, or Interruptible Load Resources that are available to Curtail Energy usage, in the event of contingency conditions which meet the requirements of the ISO. Operating Reserves include spinning reserves, ten-minute non-synchronized reserves, and thirty-minute reserves.
Operating Capacity. 18.1 The Trust shall at all times have the ability to operate as a broad-based ownership scheme as contemplated in terms of the Codes.
Operating Capacity. Facility Operator shall provide sufficient Site Personnel to operate the Power Facility. The parties recognize and agree that Facility Operator may need to hire additional employees to operate the Power Facility. Facility Operator shall obtain approval from Facility Owner to hire additional employees; provided, however, that no approval shall be necessary if the hiring is already provided for under the approved Annual Budget or is merely to replace an employee in an existing position.
Operating Capacity. That portion of the Components of the Transmission System and DC Terminal actually available for power transfers under normal system operating conditions as identified in Appendix F which may be modified by the E&O Committee.