Operating Reserves definition
Examples of Operating Reserves in a sentence
If a Supplier that is eligible to provide Operating Reserves does not submit a Day-Ahead Availability Bid for Operating Reserves, its Day-Ahead Bid shall be rejected in its entirety.
Offers to provide Regulation Service and Operating Reserves must comply with the rules set forth in Rate Schedules 3 and 4 of this ISO Services Tariff.
Day-Ahead Bids from Demand Side Resources offering Operating Reserves or Regulation Service shall be ISO-Committed Flexible and shall have an Energy Bid price no lower than the Monthly Net Benefit Offer Floor.
The ISO will continue to optimize for Energy and Operating Reserves, will recognize locational Operating Reserve requirements and Scarcity Reserve Requirements, but will set all Regulation Service schedules to zero.
Operating Reserves include spinning reserves, ten-minute non-synchronized reserves, and thirty-minute reserves.