OSS: ELIMINATION OF CERTAIN FLAT-RATE MONTHLY CHARGES. 5.1 Effective with the first billing cycle that begins after the Merger Closing date, SBC-13STATE hereby eliminates in the SBC-13STATE Service Area, on a going-forward basis, all flat-rate monthly charges for access to the Remote Access Facility and the Information Services Call Center. The intent of this Paragraph is to eliminate the flat-rate monthly charges (amounting to approximately $3600 per month per CLEC per State) that SBC-13STATE charged CLECs prior to the Merger Closing Date. Effective with the first billing cycle that begins after the Merger Closing date, SBC-13STATE also hereby eliminates in the SBC-13STATE Service Area, on a going-forward basis, any flat-rate monthly charges for access to standard, non-electronic order processing facilities that are used for orders of 30 lines or less. This Paragraph does not limit SBC-13STATE 's right to charge CLEC for the cost of processing service orders received by electronic or non-electronic means, whether on an electronic or non- electronic basis; to charge CLEC for the cost of providing loop make-up information, or to recover the costs of developing and providing OSS through the pricing of UNEs or resold services, in accordance with applicable federal and state pricing requirements.
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  • Calculation of Charges Contractor shall provide an invoice to the City on a monthly basis for goods delivered and/or Services completed in the immediate preceding month, unless a different schedule is set out in Appendix B, “Calculation of Charges.” Compensation shall be made for goods and/or Services identified in the invoice that the City, in his or her sole discretion, concludes has been satisfactorily performed. In no event shall the amount of this Agreement exceed [insert whole dollar amount in numbers and words -- no pennies and no “.00”]. The breakdown of charges associated with this Agreement appears in Appendix B, “Calculation of Charges.” A portion of payment may be withheld until conclusion of the Agreement if agreed to by both Parties as retainage, described in Appendix B. In no event shall City be liable for interest or late charges for any late payments. City will not honor minimum service order charges for any services covered by this Agreement.

  • Determination of One-Month LIBOR Pursuant to the terms of the Global Agency Agreement, the Global Agent shall calculate the Class Coupons for the applicable Classes of Notes (including MAC Notes on which the Exchange Administrator has directed the Global Agent to make payments) for each Accrual Period (after the first Accrual Period) on the applicable LIBOR Adjustment Date. “One-Month LIBOR” will be determined by using the “Interest Settlement Rate” for U.S. dollar deposits with a maturity of one month set by ICE Benchmark Administration Limited (“ICE”) as of 11:00 a.m. (London time) on the LIBOR Adjustment Date (the “ICE Method”). ICE’s Interest Settlement Rates are currently displayed on Bloomberg L.P.’s page “BBAM.” That page, or any other page that may replace page BBAM on that service or any other service that ICE nominates as the information vendor to display the ICE’s Interest Settlement Rates for deposits in U.S. dollars, is a “Designated Page.” ICE’s Interest Settlement Rates currently are rounded to five decimal places. If ICE’s Interest Settlement Rate does not appear on the Designated Page as of 11:00 a.m. (London time) on a LIBOR Adjustment Date, or if the Designated Page is not then available, One-Month LIBOR for that date will be the most recently published Interest Settlement Rate. If ICE no longer sets an Interest Settlement Rate, Freddie Mac will designate an alternative index that has performed, or that Freddie Mac (or its agent) expects to perform, in a manner substantially similar to ICE’s Interest Settlement Rate.

  • Monthly Charges Purchaser shall pay Seller monthly for the electric energy generated by the System and delivered to the Delivery Point at the $/kWh rate shown in Exhibit 1 (the “Contract Price”). The monthly payment for such energy will be equal to the applicable $/kWh rate multiplied by the number of kWh of energy generated during the applicable month, as measured by the System meter.

  • Allocation of Subordinate Reduction Amount to the Reference Tranches On each Payment Date prior to the Termination Date, after allocation of the Senior Reduction Amount and the Tranche Write-down Amount or Tranche Write-up Amount, if any, for such Payment Date as described above, the Subordinate Reduction Amount will be allocated to reduce the Class Notional Amount of each Class of Reference Tranche in the following order of priority, in each case until its Class Notional Amount is reduced to zero:

  • Calculation of Liquidation Amount Upon the occurrence of a Liquidation Date:

  • VALUATION OF CERTAIN QUALIFIED FINANCIAL CONTRACTS A. Scope Interest Rate Contracts - All interest rate swaps, forward rate agreements, interest rate futures, caps, collars and floors, whether purchased or written. Option Contracts - All put and call option contracts, whether purchased or written, on marketable securities, financial futures, foreign currencies, foreign exchange or foreign exchange futures contracts. Foreign Exchange Contracts - All contracts for future purchase or sale of foreign currencies, foreign currency or cross currency swap contracts, or foreign exchange futures contracts.

  • Wage Rate Payments / Changes During Contract Term The wages to be paid under any resulting Contract shall not be less than the prevailing rate of wages and supplements as set forth by law. It is required that the Contractor keep informed of all changes in the Prevailing Wage Rates during the Contract term that apply to the classes of individuals supplied by the Contractor on any projects resulting from this Contract, subject to the provisions of the Labor Law. Contractor is solely liable for and must pay such required prevailing wage adjustments during the Contract term as required by law.

  • Calculation of Overtime If the overtime work has been carried out before as well as after the regular working hours during a certain day, the overtime periods shall be added together. Only full half hours are included in the calculation.

  • Deposit Pay ment of The Fixed Reserve Price 5.1. E-Bidders must make deposit payment as required under the Conditions of Sale attached to Proclamation of Sale, i.e. 10% of the reserve price.

  • Deposits for Charges Subject to Escalation Deposits requested to cover estimated charges for timber subject to escalation under B3.2 shall be based upon Current Contract Rates and related de- posits in effect during previous calendar quarter. B4.215 Deposits When Payment Xxxxxx- xxxx. To the extent payment guarantee is provided under B4.3, requirements for advance cash deposits under B4.212 shall be waived for the value of timber on Sale Area that is cut, but not removed, and for the value of products removed from Sale Area for not more than a monthly billing period, subject to the provisions of B4.4. B4.216 Blanket Cash Deposits. Purchaser may make cash deposits under a written agreement to cover charges made under this and other timber sale con- tracts within the same National Forest. Forest Service shall allocate such deposits to such timber sales. When there is to be no timber cutting hereunder for 30 days or more and payment of current charges has been made, the allocation to this timber sale shall be reallocated to other timber sales within the same National Forest at Purchaser’s request. Purchaser shall not start cutting until allocation has again been made to this timber sale.

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