Our Terms Sample Clauses
Our Terms. These terms and the Privacy Policy1 (which explains how we use your personal information) (together, the Terms) form a legally binding agreement between us and you in relation to your use of the Narau Services. You should read the Terms carefully and we recommend that you print or save a copy of them for future reference. By doing any of the following:-
(a) visiting the Website;
(b) downloading the App;
(c) signing up to become a Registered User; or
(d) using any element of the Narau Services, you confirm that you accept the Terms and that you agree to comply with them. If you do not agree to the Terms, you must not visit the Website, download the App, sign up to become a Registered User or use any element of the Narau Services.
Our Terms. The department has a five-year disclosure, or lookback, period to allow qualified entities and individuals to come into compliance with the State of Montana filing requirements. The department will waive all penalties for periods covered under the agreement. Interest will be assessed on the tax liability due for each period covered under the agreement.
Our Terms. These terms (the Terms) form a legally binding agreement between us and a Host in relation to a Host’s use of the Narau Services. By doing any of the following:-
(a) visiting the Website;
(b) downloading the App;
(c) signing up to become a Registered User; or
(d) using any element of the Narau Services, a Host accepts the Terms and agrees to comply with them. If a Host does not agree to the Terms, it must not visit the Website, download the App, sign up to become a Registered User or use any element of the Narau Services.
Our Terms