Oversights Sample Clauses
Oversights. If failure to pay any premium due or to perform any other act required by this Agreement is unintentional and is caused by misunderstanding or oversight, the Reinsured and the Reinsurer will adjust the situation to what it would have been had the misunderstanding or oversight not occurred.
Oversights. Inadvertent delays, oversights, errors or omissions made in connection with this Agreement or any transaction hereunder shall not relieve either Party from any liability that would have attached had such delay, oversight, error or omission not occurred. The Parties shall nevertheless cooperate in good faith to rectify such delay, oversight, error or omission as soon as possible after discovery so that both Parties shall be restored as closely as possible to the positions they would have occupied if no delay, oversight, error or omission had occurred.
Oversights. Inadvertent delays, errors or omissions made in connection with this Agreement or any transaction hereunder shall not relieve either party from any liability which would have attached had such delay, error or omission not occurred, provided that such error or omission is rectified as soon as possible after discovery.
Oversights. If there is an unintentional oversight or misunderstanding in the administration of this Agreement by Ceding Company or Reinsurer, it can be corrected provided the correction takes place within a reasonable time after the oversight or misunderstanding is first discovered. Both Ceding Company and the Reinsurer will be restored to the position they would have occupied had the oversight or misunderstanding not occurred.
Oversights. If there is an unintentional oversight, misunderstanding, delay or error in the administration of this Agreement by the Ceding Company or the Reinsurer, it can be corrected provided the correction takes place within a reasonable time after the oversight, misunderstanding, delay, or error is first discovered. Both the Ceding Company and the Reinsurer will be restored to the position they would have occupied had the oversight or misunderstanding not occurred. Should it not be possible to restore both parties to such a position, the Ceding Company and the Reinsurer shall negotiate in good faith to equitably apportion any resulting liabilities and expenses.
Oversights. If there is an unintentional oversight or misunderstanding in the administration of this Agreement by either company, it can be corrected provided the correction takes place promptly after the time the oversight or misunderstanding is first discovered. Both companies will be restored to the position they would have occupied had the oversight or misunderstanding not occurred.
Oversights. Inadvertent delays, errors or omissions made in connection with this Agreement or any transaction hereunder shall not relieve either party from any liability which would have attached had such delay, error or omission not occurred, provided always that such error or omission is rectified as soon as possible after discovery, and provided, further, that the party making such error or omission or responsible for such delay shall be responsible for any additional liability which attaches as a result. If (a) the failure of either party to comply with any provision of this Agreement is unintentional or the result of a misunderstanding or oversight and (b) such failure to comply is promptly rectified, both parties shall be restored as closely as possible to the positions they would have occupied if no error or oversight had occurred.
Oversights. If there is an unintentional oversight or clerical error in the administration of this Agreement by either the CEDING COMPANY or BMA, it can be corrected provided the correction takes place promptly after the time the oversight or clerical error is first discovered. In that event, the CEDING COMPANY and BMA will be restored to the position they would have occupied had such oversight or clerical error not occurred.
Oversights. Any unintentional or accidental failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement which can be shown to be the result of an oversight, misunderstanding or clerical error, by either the Company or the Reinsurer, will not be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement. Upon discovery, the error will be corrected so that, to the extent reasonably practical, both parties are restored to the position they would have occupied had the oversight, misunderstanding or clerical error not occurred. This provision will apply only to oversights, misunderstandings or clerical errors relating to the administration of reinsurance covered by this Agreement and not to the administration of the insurance provided by the Company to its insured. If the Company or the Reinsurer discovers that the Company did not cede reinsurance on a policy it should have reinsured under this Agreement, the Company may be required to audit its records, at the request of the Reinsurer, to determine if reinsurance was unreported on any other policies. The Company is expected to take the necessary actions to ensure that similar oversights do not recur. If the Reinsurer receives no evidence that the Company has taken action to remedy such a situation, the Reinsurer reserves the right to limit its liability to correctly reported policies only. Any negligent or deliberate wrongful acts or omissions by the Company regarding the insurance or reinsurance provided are not the responsibility of the Reinsurer.
Oversights. Any unintentional or inadvertent delay, omission or error made in connection with this Agreement or any transaction hereunder shall not relieve either Party from any Liability that would attach to it hereunder if such delay, omission or error had not been made; provided, that such delay, omission or error is rectified upon discovery. If (a) the failure of either Party to comply with any provision of this Agreement is unintentional or the result of a misunderstanding or oversight and (b) such failure to comply is promptly rectified, both Parties shall be restored as closely as possible to the positions they would have occupied if no error or oversight had occurred.