Paramedic Assistant Pay Differential Sample Clauses

Paramedic Assistant Pay Differential. An employee who has a valid and current EMT-A certificate or higher and who has successfully completed Paramedic Assistant training and is assigned to perform work as a Paramedic Assistant shall be compensated an additional four percent (4%) of top step Firefighter salary. The Fire Department will provide and coordinate all required recertification training.

Related to Paramedic Assistant Pay Differential

  • Transfers and Seniority Outside Bargaining Unit No employee shall be transferred to a position outside the bargaining unit without the employee's consent. If an employee is transferred to a position outside of the bargaining unit, the employee shall retain seniority acquired at the date of leaving the unit, but will not accumulate any further seniority. If such an employee later returns to the bargaining unit, the employee shall be placed in a job consistent with the employee's seniority. Such return shall not result in the layoff or bumping of an employee holding greater seniority.

  • Special Parental Allowance for Totally Disabled Employees (a) An employee who: (i) fails to satisfy the eligibility requirement specified in subparagraph 17.05(a)(ii) solely because a concurrent entitlement to benefits under the Disability Insurance (DI) Plan, the Long-term Disability (LTD) Insurance portion of the Public Service Management Insurance Plan (PSMIP) or via the Government Employees Compensation Act prevents the employee from receiving Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan benefits, and (ii) has satisfied all of the other eligibility criteria specified in paragraph 17.05(a), other than those specified in sections (A) and (B) of subparagraph 17.05(a)(iii), shall be paid, in respect of each week of benefits under the parental allowance not received for the reason described in subparagraph (i), the difference between ninety-three per cent (93%) of the employee's rate of pay and the gross amount of his or her weekly disability benefit under the DI Plan, the LTD Plan or via the Government Employees Compensation Act. (b) An employee shall be paid an allowance under this clause and under clause 17.05 for a combined period of no more than the number of weeks during which the employee would have been eligible for parental, paternity or adoption benefits under the Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan, had the employee not been disqualified from Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan benefits for the reasons described in subparagraph (a)(i).

  • Leave of Absence for Union Business 17.1 The Board acknowledges the right of the Union to appoint or select a Negotiation Committee of not more than seven (7) employees and will recognize and deal with this Committee with respect to contract negotiations. The Union agrees to provide the names of all Committee members to the Board in writing. 17.2 The Union may have the service of a CUPE Staff Representative, counsel or adviser at any meeting with representatives of the Board during negotiations pertaining to renewal or amendment of the Collective Agreement. 17.3 Members of the Union negotiating committee shall be paid at their regular straight time rate of pay for their regularly scheduled work time spent with officials of the Board for purposes of amending or renewing the Agreement up to and including, but not beyond the stage of conciliation, provided, however, that such committee members shall not be compensated for time spent prior to or beyond their regular working hours. 17.4 Upon request, members of the Union's Negotiating Committee shall be permitted leave of absence to prepare for the commencement of formal contract negotiations with the Board. The total number of days of leave under this Article shall not exceed 28 days during the lifetime of the Agreement and no member shall be absent for more than 4 days for this purpose. The Union shall give the Board a minimum of 5 days advance notice of any such request. An employee on such leave shall continue to receive pay and benefits provided in this Agreement. The Union shall reimburse the Board for all pay and benefits for the period of absence. 17.5 Leave of absence without pay and without loss of sick leave credits or seniority shall be granted upon request to the Board to employees elected or appointed to represent the Union at recognized Union conventions or 17.6 An employee selected for up to and including a full-time position with the local shall be granted leave of absence without loss of seniority or benefits for a period of up to two years. Such leave shall be renewed each year, on request, during the term of office. An employee on such leave shall receive the pay and benefits provided in this Agreement. The Union shall reimburse the Board for all pay and benefits for the period of absence. Upon completion of the President’s leave, the employee will be returned to his/her position if it still exists, or to a comparable position, if it does not. 17.7 Any employee who is elected or selected for a full-time position with the Union, or any body with which the Union is affiliated, upon application will be granted leave of absence without salary, benefits, and loss of seniority, by the Board for a period of up to one year. Such leave shall be extended annually, upon request, up to a maximum of five years.

  • Predatory Lending Regulations; High Cost Loans None of the Mortgage Loans are classified as (a) “high cost” loans under the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act of 1994 or (b) “high cost,” “threshold,” “predatory” or “covered” loans or “High Cost Home Loans” under any other applicable state, federal or local law (or a similarly classified loan using different terminology under a law imposing heightened regulatory scrutiny or additional legal liability for residential mortgage loans having high interest rates, points and/or fees);

  • No Layoff to Compensate for Overtime Employees shall not be required to layoff during regular hours to equalize any overtime worked.

  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Section 1. The Employer agrees to provide to the Union the statistical and program evaluation information provided to management concerning Employee Assistance Program(s). Section 2. No information gathered by an Employee Assistance Program may be used to discipline an employee. Section 3. Employees shall be entitled to use accrued sick leave for participation in an Employee Assistance Program. Section 4. Each university will offer training to local Union Stewards on the Employee Assistance Program available in their university, on university time, where an Employee Assistance Program is available.

  • Transfer and Seniority Outside the Bargaining Unit (a) It is understood that an employee shall not be transferred by the Hospital to a position outside the bargaining unit without his consent except in the case of temporary assignments not exceeding six (6) months. Such employees on temporary assignments shall remain members of the bargaining unit. (b) An employee who is transferred to a position outside the bargaining unit shall not, subject to (c) below, accumulate seniority. In the event the employee is returned by the Hospital to a position in the bargaining unit within twenty-four (24) months of the transfer he or she shall be credited with the seniority held at the time of transfer and resume accumulation from the date of his or her return to the bargaining unit. An employee not returned to the bargaining unit within 24 months shall forfeit bargaining unit seniority. (c) In the event an employee transferred out of the bargaining unit under (b) above is returned to the bargaining unit within a period of six (6) calendar months, he shall accumulate seniority during the period of time outside the bargaining unit."

  • Dependent Care Assistance Program The County offers the option of enrolling in a Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP) designed to qualify for tax savings under Section 129 of the Internal Revenue Code, but such savings are not guaranteed. The program allows employees to set aside up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) of annual salary (before taxes) per calendar year to pay for eligible dependent care (child and elder care) expenses. Any unused balance is forfeited and cannot be recovered by the employee.

  • Pilot Project – One Employer Two Homes Employment Opportunities Where the local parties enter into these agreements, the agreement shall include the following principles:

  • Unpaid Leave - Affecting Seniority and Benefits ‌ Any employee granted unpaid leave of absence totalling up to twenty (20) working days in any year shall continue to accumulate seniority and all benefits and shall return to her/his former job and increment step. If an unpaid leave of absence or an accumulation of unpaid leaves of absence exceeds twenty (20) working days in any year, the employee shall not accumulate benefits from the twenty-first (21st) day of the unpaid leave to the last day of the unpaid leave but shall accumulate benefits and receive credit for previously earned benefits upon expiration of the unpaid leave.