Performance Indicators and Targets. The purpose of the research performance and the research capability performance indicators and targets is to assist the University and the Commonwealth in monitoring the University's progress against the Commonwealth's objectives and the University's strategies for research performance and research capability. The University will aim to meet the research performance and research capability performance indicators and targets set out in the following table. Number of disciplines, as defined by two-digit Fields of Research (FoR), performing at world standard or above (3, 4 or 5) 20 21 21 Number of disciplines, as defined by four-digit FoR, performing at world standards or above (3, 4 or 5) 64 62 62 Disciplines the University commits to demonstrating substantial improvement in as defined by two-digit FoR and/or four-digit FoR Disciplines nominated in 2011–13 Compact Disciplines nominated in 2014–16 Compact FoR 16 FoR 18 FoR 01 FoR 04 FoR 06 FoR 07 FoR 17 Note: All calendar year references below refer to the previous year’s data collection. Category 1 income $92,157,711 $99.3 M $104.3 M $109.5 M $115.0 M Category 2 Income $52.407M $55.0M $57.8M $60.7M $63.7M Number of joint research grants in Australia 339 356 374 392 412 Number of joint research grants overseas 218 229 240 252 265 Number of jointly supervised PhD students in Australia12 000 000 000 385 390 Number of jointly supervised PhD students overseas13 159 165 170 175 180 Note: All calendar year references below refer to the previous year’s data collection. Total research income $197.1M $217.2M $228.1M 239.5M $251.4M Research income from ARC Centres of Excellence and NHMRC Program grants $12.4M $12.8M $13.4M $14.2M $16.8M International research income $10.4M $10.8M $11.3M $11.9M $12.5M Number of articles published in ISI indexed journals 2,647 2,731 2,950 3,200 3,500 Number of articles published in Nature and Science 7 9 10 11 12 Research training Commonwealth objectives The Commonwealth encourages excellence in the provision of research training. Particular objectives are to: support research excellence and develop an internationally competitive research workforce in Australia through high quality research training; develop an internationally competitive research workforce in Australia through high quality research training; and significantly increase the number of students completing higher degrees by research over the next decade. University strategies UWA will seek significant growth in its HDR student load and completions consistent with its overall strategy to grow enrolments and load. The restructure of the University’s coursework degrees, known as New Courses 2012 provides pathways that are expected to increase domestic HDR student enrolments, in addition to significantly growing postgraduate coursework degree enrolments. The University will be developing and implementing a strategy to improve the recruitment of HDR students with a view to increasing the number, quality and diversity of students admitted to HDR programs. UWA has made a commitment to increase enrolments from China and India and, in addition to building cooperative relationships with particular institutions (especially in China), commits significant resources to recruit HDR students from these countries and provides generous scholarships (tuition fee and partial stipends) to support them. In addition the University will be targeting increased HDR intakes from a number of other countries. While survey results, such as those obtained from the Postgraduate Experience Questionnaire, suggest the University offers a good research training experience, the University is committed to enhancing the quality of its research training. The University introduced a new policy on Graduate Research Training in 2011 which, among other things, clearly defines the responsibilities of enrolling schools and of research supervisors, and which mandates co-supervision of all HDR students. Under this policy: All HDR candidates must satisfactorily complete a first year of Confirmation of Candidature, including where necessary additional coursework, as well as obligatory verbal and written presentations. Generic skill training is provided by our team of dedicated Graduate Education Officers. The Xxxx of Graduate Research and Postdoctoral Training takes formal responsibility for the career development of all HDR students and all Early Career researchers.
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Samples: Mission Based Compact
Performance Indicators and Targets. The purpose of the research performance and the research capability performance indicators and targets is to assist the University and the Commonwealth in monitoring the University's progress against the Commonwealth's objectives and the University's strategies for research performance and research capability. The University will aim to meet the research performance and research capability performance indicators and targets set out in the following table. Number of disciplines, as defined by two-digit Fields of Research (FoR), performing at world standard or above (3, 4 or 5) 20 21 21 Number of disciplines, as defined by four-digit FoR, performing at world standards or above (3, 4 or 5) 64 62 62 Disciplines the University commits to demonstrating substantial improvement in as defined by two-digit FoR and/or four-digit FoR Disciplines nominated in 2011–13 Compact Disciplines nominated in 2014–16 Compact FoR 16 FoR 18 FoR 01 FoR 04 FoR 06 FoR 07 FoR 17 Note: All calendar year references below refer to the previous year’s data collection. Category 1 income $92,157,711 $99.3 M $104.3 M $109.5 M $115.0 M Category 2 Income $52.407M $55.0M $57.8M $60.7M $63.7M Number of joint research grants in Australia 339 356 374 392 412 Number of joint research grants overseas 218 229 240 252 265 Number of jointly supervised PhD students in Australia12 000 000 000 385 390 Number of jointly supervised PhD students overseas13 159 165 170 175 180 Note: All calendar year references below refer to the previous year’s data collection. Total research income $197.1M $217.2M $228.1M 239.5M $251.4M Research income from ARC Centres of Excellence and NHMRC Program grants $12.4M $12.8M $13.4M $14.2M $16.8M International research income $10.4M $10.8M $11.3M $11.9M $12.5M Number of articles published in ISI indexed journals 2,647 2,731 2,950 3,200 3,500 Number of articles published in Nature and Science 7 9 10 11 12 Research training Commonwealth objectives The Commonwealth encourages excellence in the provision of research training. Particular objectives are to: support research excellence and develop an internationally competitive research workforce in Australia through high quality research training; develop an internationally competitive research workforce in Australia through high quality research training; and significantly increase the number of students completing higher degrees by research over the next decade. University strategies UWA will seek significant growth in its HDR student load and completions consistent with its overall strategy to grow enrolments and load. The restructure of the University’s coursework degrees, known as New Courses 2012 provides pathways that are expected to increase domestic HDR student enrolments, in addition to significantly growing postgraduate coursework degree enrolments. The University will be developing and implementing a strategy to improve the recruitment of HDR students with a view to increasing the number, quality and diversity of students admitted to HDR programs. UWA has made a commitment to increase enrolments from China and India and, in addition to building cooperative relationships with particular institutions (especially in China), commits significant resources to recruit HDR students from these countries and provides generous scholarships (tuition fee and partial stipends) to support them. In addition the University will be targeting increased HDR intakes from a number of other countries. While survey results, such as those obtained from the Postgraduate Experience Questionnaire, suggest the University offers a good research training experience, the University is committed to enhancing the quality of its research training. The University introduced a new policy on Graduate Research Training in 2011 which, among other things, clearly defines the responsibilities of enrolling schools and of research supervisors, and which mandates co-supervision of all HDR students. Under this policy: All HDR candidates must satisfactorily complete a first year of Confirmation of Candidature, including where necessary additional coursework, as well as obligatory verbal and written presentations. Generic skill training is provided by our team of dedicated Graduate Education Officers. The Xxxx of Graduate Research and Postdoctoral Training takes formal responsibility for the career development of all HDR students and all Early Career researchers.12
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Compact Agreement
Performance Indicators and Targets. The purpose of the research performance and the research capability performance indicators and targets is to assist the University and the Commonwealth in monitoring the University's progress against the Commonwealth's objectives and the University's strategies for research performance and research capability. The University will aim to meet the research performance and research capability performance indicators and targets set out in the following table. Number of disciplines, as defined by two-digit Fields of Research (FoR), performing at world standard or above (3, 4 or 5) 20 21 21 (100%) 19 (100%) 100% Number of disciplines, as defined by four-digit FoR, performing at world standards or above (3, 4 or 5) 64 (98%) 62 62 Disciplines the University commits to demonstrating substantial improvement in (100%) 100% In ERA 2012, all assessed ANU research disciplines were rated as defined by two-digit FoR and/or world standard, with 88.7% of assessed four-digit FoR Disciplines nominated codes rated above or well above world standard. In ERA 2010, one four-digit FoR was rated as below world standard (1505 Marketing). In ERA 2012, 1505 was rated above world standard, demonstrating very substantial improvement and a strong commitment to that discipline. 1505 Marketing 1605 Policy and Administration 03 Chemical Sciences 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 19 Studies in 2011–13 Compact Disciplines nominated in 2014–16 Compact FoR 16 FoR 18 FoR 01 FoR 04 FoR 06 FoR 07 FoR 17 Note: All calendar year references below refer to the previous year’s data collectionCreative Arts and Writing 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0805 Distributed Computing 0806 Information Systems 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 1503 Business and Management Category 1 income $92,157,711 93,123,859 $99.3 M 98,000,000 $104.3 M 102,000,000 $109.5 M 105,000,000 $115.0 M 110,000,000 Category 2 Income $52.407M 87,677,212 $55.0M 88,000,000 $57.8M 89,000,000 $60.7M 90,000,000 $63.7M 91,000,000 Number of joint research grants in Australia 339 356 374 392 412 440 450 460 470 480 Number of joint research grants overseas 218 229 240 252 261 265 270 275 280 Number of jointly supervised PhD students in Australia12 000 000 000 385 390 Xxxxxxxxx00 0000 Number of jointly supervised PhD students overseas13 159 165 170 175 180 Note: All calendar year references below refer to 202 *The way in which this information is currently recorded at ANU does not permit the previous year’s data collection. Total research income $197.1M $217.2M $228.1M 239.5M $251.4M Research income from ARC Centres accurate identification of Excellence and NHMRC Program grants $12.4M $12.8M $13.4M $14.2M $16.8M International research income $10.4M $10.8M $11.3M $11.9M $12.5M Number of articles published in ISI indexed journals 2,647 2,731 2,950 3,200 3,500 Number of articles published in Nature and Science 7 9 10 11 12 Research training Commonwealth objectives The Commonwealth encourages excellence in the provision of research training. Particular objectives are to: support research excellence and develop an internationally competitive research workforce in Australia through high quality research training; develop an internationally competitive research workforce in Australia through high quality research training; and significantly increase the number numbers of students completing higher degrees by research over with external supervisors. We expect that the next decade. University strategies UWA will seek significant growth in its HDR student load and completions consistent with its overall strategy to grow enrolments and load. The restructure of the University’s coursework degrees, known as New Courses 2012 provides pathways that estimates provided are expected to increase domestic HDR student enrolments, in addition to significantly growing postgraduate coursework degree enrolments. The University will be developing and implementing a strategy to improve the recruitment of HDR students with a view to increasing the number, quality and diversity of students admitted to HDR programs. UWA has made a commitment to increase enrolments from China and India and, in addition to building cooperative relationships with particular institutions (especially in China), commits significant resources to recruit HDR students from these countries and provides generous scholarships (tuition fee and partial stipends) to support them. In addition the University will be targeting increased HDR intakes from a number of other countries. While survey results, such as those obtained from the Postgraduate Experience Questionnaire, suggest the University offers a good research training experience, the University is committed to enhancing the quality of its research training. The University introduced a new policy on Graduate Research Training in 2011 which, among other things, clearly defines the responsibilities of enrolling schools and of research supervisorshigh, and which mandates co-supervision of all HDR students. Under this policy: All HDR candidates must satisfactorily complete a first year of Confirmation of Candidature, including where necessary additional coursework, as well as obligatory verbal and written presentations. Generic skill training is provided by our team of dedicated Graduate Education Officers. The Xxxx of Graduate Research and Postdoctoral Training takes formal responsibility for the career development of all HDR students and all Early Career researchersare investigating further.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Mission Based Compact