Lunch Breaks The lunch break will consist of a one-half hour (or one hour where scheduled) unpaid break taken mid-way during regular work day. In the event that an employee is required to work during his regular lunch period he shall be allowed a one-half hour lunch period between the hours of ll:30 a.m. and l:00 p.m., otherwise he shall be paid double time for working through said lunch period.
Sickness Where an employee is absent from work due to sickness or injury the provisions of this clause will apply, depending on whether the absence is due to sickness, or work-related injury, or non-work related injury.
Illness injury, or pregnancy-related condition of a member of the employee’s immediate family where the employee’s presence is reasonably necessary for the health and welfare of the employee or affected family member;
Force Majeure Notice In relation to any Relevant Force Majeure Event: (a) as soon as reasonably practicable after the Affected Party becomes aware, or ought reasonably to have become aware, that such Force Majeure Event qualifies for relief under this Clause 17 (and, in any event, within 72 hours of becoming aware of such circumstances), the Affected Party shall give a Force Majeure Notice; and (b) the Force Majeure Notice shall include detailed particulars (to the extent available) of the Relevant Force Majeure Event and its consequences, its effects on the Affected Party, the Relevant Obligations, the likely duration of such consequences and effects and the remedial measures proposed by the Affected Party to avoid or remove the Relevant Force Majeure Event or to mitigate its consequences and effects.
Force Majeure Event 16.1 If a Force Majeure Event gives rise to a failure or delay in either party performing any obligation under this Agreement (other than any obligation to make a payment), that obligation will be suspended for the duration of the Force Majeure Event. 16.2 A party that becomes aware of a Force Majeure Event which gives rise to, or which is likely to give rise to, any failure or delay in that party performing any obligation under this Agreement, must: (a) promptly notify the other; and (b) inform the other of the period for which it is estimated that such failure or delay will continue. 16.3 A party whose performance of its obligations under this Agreement is affected by a Force Majeure Event must take reasonable steps to mitigate the effects of the Force Majeure Event.
Lunch Break Each Teacher shall receive each day an uninterrupted and continuous period of not less than forty (40) minutes for lunch, free from supervisory, teaching or other assigned duties (reference: Regulation 298.s. 3, Daily Sessions).
Force Majeure Delays In any case where either party hereto is required to do any act (other than the payment of money), delays caused by or resulting from Acts of God or Nature, war, civil commotion, fire, flood or other casualty, labor difficulties, shortages of labor or materials or equipment, government regulations, delay by government or regulatory agencies with respect to approval or permit process, unusually severe weather, or other causes beyond such party’s reasonable control the time during which act shall be completed, shall be deemed to be extended by the period of such delay, whether such time be designated by a fixed date, a fixed time or “a reasonable time.”
Force Majeur In case the Show Facility is damaged or destroyed, or in case of war, government regulations or any other circumstances whatsoever which will make it impossible or impractical for Show Management to permit Exhibitor to occupy the exhibit space described in this Agreement, this Agreement will terminate and Exhibitor will waive any claim for damages for compensation except the pro rata return of the amount paid for space rented, diminished only by a pro rata portion of the amounts expended to produce the Show.
Force Majeure If by reason of Force Majeure, either party hereto shall be rendered unable wholly or in part to carry out its obligations under this Agreement through no fault of its own then such party shall give notice and full particulars of Force Majeure in writing to the other party within a reasonable time after occurrence of the event or cause relied upon. Upon delivering such notice, the obligation of the affected party, so far as it is affected by such Force Majeure as described, shall be suspended during the continuance of the inability then claimed but for no longer period, and such party shall endeavor to remove or overcome such inability with all reasonable dispatch. In the event that Vendor’s obligations are suspended by reason of Force Majeure, all TIPS Sales accepted prior to the Force Majeure event shall be the legal responsibility of Vendor and the terms of the TIPS Sale Supplemental Agreement shall control Vendor’s failure to fulfill for a Force Majeure event.
Tardiness If a Pack Member is going to be late, the Pack Member should do his/her best to contact a leader in their department prior to the start of their shift. If a Pack Member is 6 or more minutes late for their scheduled shift, this is considered tardy. If a Pack Member is excessively 8/15/24, 12:37 PM ExportToPDF tardy (greater than two hours) without a call to his/her manager, the tardy will be treated as an absence. If a Pack Member is tardy 4 hours or more, the tardy will be treated as a No Call/No Show. In rare circumstances, a tardy may be excused without points being issued when the GM and HR Director together determine that weather conditions are extremely severe or in circumstances where we have asked Pack Members to park off site due to limited parking based on high volumes of business. If a Pack Member needs to miss work for more than three consecutive days due to injury, illness, or the injury or illness of a family member, he/she should contact the Human Resources office to inquire about applicable leaves of absence. Non FMLA-Leaves of Absence are approved on a case-by-case basis and/or according to applicable state or federal laws.