PLEASE READ THIS NEXT SECTION CAREFULLY. Although there will be circumstances when it is appropriate to seek parental consent, children’s data protection and privacy rights are their own. The law considers that children of average maturity will, from the age of around 12, have sufficient awareness of their own privacy to make certain choices relating to their personal data themselves. Parents’ views remain important but sometimes the law will require us to give more weight to the decision the child makes about his or her own privacy. For most purposes, it will not in fact be necessary or practical for us to obtain consent from you (or your child) for the use we make of your (or your child’s) personal data. The law recognises this but also requires that, as far as possible, we set out clearly what these uses will be. Please also see our 'Data Protection’ or ‘Privacy Notice' which is available on the School's website.
PLEASE READ THIS NEXT SECTION CAREFULLY it sets out who needs to sign a notice of withdrawal of your child.
PLEASE READ THIS NEXT SECTION CAREFULLY it deals with what you need to do if you wish to withdraw your acceptance of a place before your child joins the School and what happens if you withdraw at that stage.
PLEASE READ THIS NEXT SECTION CAREFULLY it deals with your responsibility to pay the fees and supplemental charges.
PLEASE READ THIS NEXT SECTION CAREFULLY it sets out the rights we have, and that you have, to cancel this contract early (that is, before the normal leaving date for the end of your child's schooling.
PLEASE READ THIS NEXT SECTION CAREFULLY it sets out what period of notice we require from you if you wish to withdraw your child from the School, change the nature of your child's place at the School, or remove your child from participating in an activity for which there is a supplemental charge.
PLEASE READ THIS NEXT SECTION CAREFULLY it sets our right to increase the fees during the course of your child's time at the School.
PLEASE READ THIS NEXT SECTION CAREFULLY it sets out what rights we have, and what action we may take, if fees and/or supplemental charges are not paid in accordance with these terms and conditions.
PLEASE READ THIS NEXT SECTION CAREFULLY it sets out what period of notice we require from you if you wish to withdraw your child from the School, or remove your child from participating in an activity for which there is a supplemental charge. Due to the termly organisation and allocation of resources we will charge you if you do not provide us with the required period of notice. In such circumstances we require you to pay us fees in lieu of notice, which is a sum equivalent to the fees and/or supplemental charges you would have paid had the required period of notice been given.
PLEASE READ THIS NEXT SECTION CAREFULLY it deals with what you need to do if you wish to withdraw your acceptance of a place before your child joins the School and what happens if you withdraw at that stage. The cancellation of a place which has been accepted can cause losses to the School, especially if it occurs after other families have taken their decisions about schooling for their children as it means we are less likely to fill the place. This is why we require the period of notice referred to here for a withdrawal, and why different consequences follow depending on whether we get that period of notice or not.