Pool of Employees considered. Employees who have completed their probation period and who have a fixed schedule of less than forty (40) hours or who are part of the variable pool. Assigned by the Employer, by inverse order of seniority.
Pool of Employees considered. Lead attendants who a fixed lead shift of less than forty (40) hours and recognized leads whether they hold a fixed non-lead shift or not..
Pool of Employees considered. Employees who have successfully completed their training as provided at article but have not completed their probation period and who have a fixed schedule of less than forty (40) hours or who are part of the variable pool. On a voluntary basis by order of hiring date. STEP 3:
Pool of Employees considered. Employees who are recognized as lead attendants as provided at article (“recognized leads”). Lead attendants having a fixed week or weekend lead shift must keep it but may add to it. Recognized leads having a fixed week non-lead may, exceptionally abandon it. Recognized leads having a fixed weekend non-lead shift must keep it but may add to it. Using the most recent version of the lead availability form in its possession, on a voluntary basis, by order of seniority. Lead attendants who have a fixed lead shift of less than forty (40) hours and recognized leads whether they hold a fixed non-lead or not..
Pool of Employees considered. Employees who are not recognized as leads but who possess at least some lead qualifications. Using the most recent version of the lead availability form in its possession, on a voluntary basis, by order of seniority. However, where possible, the Employer will proceed so as to avoid creating overtime.
Pool of Employees considered. Employees who are not recognized leads but who possess at least some qualifications, whether they hold a fixed shift or not. On a voluntary basis, by order of seniority.
Pool of Employees considered. Employees who are recognized as lead attendants as provided at Article ("recognized leads").
Pool of Employees considered. Employees who have completed their probation period and who are scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours or who are part of the variable pool. Assigned by the Employer, by inverse order of seniority. In the case of the absence of an employee whose name appears in the fixed or posted variable work schedule where such absence becomes known to the Employer not earlier than the calendar day preceding the absence. Employees who are recognized as lead attendants as provided at article (“recognized leads”) and who are present at the workplace when the need occurs : Assigned by the Employer, by order of seniority. Where such an assignment is made, it is for the duration or the balance of the duration of the shift of the concerned employee. Agents who are present in the workplace when the need occurs. Assigned by the Employer, by order of seniority. Where such an assignment is made, it is for the duration or the balance of the duration of the shift of the concerned employee.
Pool of Employees considered. Employees who arc recognized as lead attendants as provided at article leads“) and who are at the workplace when the need occurs : Assigned by the Employer, by order of seniority. Where such an assignment is made, it is for the duration or the of the duration of the shift of the Agents who arc present in the workplace when need occurs. Assigned by the Employer, by order of seniority. Where such an is it is the duration or duration of shift of the concerned STEP 3:
Pool of Employees considered. Employees who are not recognized as lead attendants and