Originating Goods. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, each Party shall provide that a good is originating if it is:
Originating Goods. 1. For the purposes of this Chapter, a good shall be treated as an originating good if it is either:
Originating Goods. For the purposes of this Agreement, a good shall qualify as an originating good of a Party if it:
Originating Goods. 1. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, a good shall originate in the territory of a Party where:
Originating Goods. For the purposes of this Agreement, a good shall be treated as an originating good if it is:
Originating Goods. 1. Particular goods shall originate in the territory of a Party if they:
Originating Goods. 1. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, the following goods shall be considered as originating in a Party:
Originating Goods. For the purposes of this Agreement, a good shall qualifyas an originating good of a Party if it: (a) is wholly obtained or produced entirely in the Partyas provided for in Article 25; (b) satisfies the requirements of Article 26 when usingnon- originating materials; or (c) is produced entirely in the Party exclusively fromoriginating materials of the Party, and meets all other applicable requirements of this Chapter.
Originating Goods. For the purposes of this Agreement, a good is an originating good of a Party and, subject to Article 4.18, eligible for a preferential tariff, if it:
Originating Goods. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter or Chapter Four (Textiles and Apparel), each Party shall provide that a good is an originating good where it is imported directly from the territory of one Party into the territory of the other Party, and